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UCAS Update. Outline of session  Getting into HE – key context  Headline statistics  Update on Apply 2012 and UCAS re- organisation  Sources of further.

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Presentation on theme: "UCAS Update. Outline of session  Getting into HE – key context  Headline statistics  Update on Apply 2012 and UCAS re- organisation  Sources of further."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCAS Update

2 Outline of session  Getting into HE – key context  Headline statistics  Update on Apply 2012 and UCAS re- organisation  Sources of further information

3 Getting into HE – key context

4 Getting into HE – the context  Record entry for 2011 (likely to be 700,000+)  Use of A* at A level  Impact of funding ruling over certification of AS  Decrease in deferred entry (by 40% +)  Admissions Tests  Role of Tariff in entry requirements and offer making  Use of contextual data  Issues of group awards and mixed awards

5 Headline statistics

6 Setting the scene – 2010 entry Total Institutions Total courses Total applicants 697,351 Total acceptances 487,329 300+ 40,000+

7 Confirmation and Clearing 2010 Thursday 19 August (A level results day)  UCAS’ Customer Service Unit answered 15,478 phone calls  Enquirers made 1.5 million course vacancy searches  Applicants made 1.2 million logins to Track

8 Apply 2011 – latest figures Total Applicants 583,501 (up 5%+) UK 506,346 EU 40,790 (17% +) International 36,363

9 APPLICANTS AND ACCEPTANCES 2003-10 Source: UCAS Statistics

10 2012 application cycle

11 Changes, developments and challenges  Changes for 2012 entry  Fees information  Tariff Review  Reorganisation at UCAS

12  Application fee  Extended character sets  Reduction of cooling off period to 7 days  Contextual data Changes for 2012 entry

13 Fees 2012?  England  £6,000 - £9,000  If over £6,000 – show how some of the additional income is used in making progress in WP  HEIs have not declared their fees to date  Wales  Basic tuition fees £6,000 - £9000 per annum  The assembly government will meet the cost of extra fees for students from Wales attending any UK university.  NI – will possibly follow England (has said cannot follow Wales)  Scotland  One option in the Green Paper (17 Dec) – students from England pay £6,500  No decision expected until after elections in May

14 Timeline of fee information  May 2011Course search goes live: without fee information  June 2011Apply goes live for registration  July 2011 Course Search updated: with fee information  Sep 2011Apply goes live for applications

15 Implications for pre-applicants & events  Impact on HEI prospectuses & UCAS Big Guide  Full prospectus or course sheets?  Fee information in or out?  No Big Guide in 2012  Impact on Conventions  What materials have been produced ready for March?  What I&A will be given to applicants regarding fees?  Will HEIs guarantee courses will be delivered?

16 Fees around the world Similar predictions for rise is fees to take into account the economic situation! Some examples:  Maastricht: 1620 Euro = £1360  Uni of Texas at Austin $31,218 = £19,979  Australia $10,000 to 13,500 = £6,400 – 8,640  Charles Uni, Prague, Science 6,900 Euro = £5,796

17 Challenges confronting the Tariff review  Not universal – currently, not all qualifications used to apply for HE (both UK and internationally) are on the Tariff  Used in a variety of ways for which it is not really suited  Need to future-proof the Tariff and ensure it is fit for purpose in the future  Review to be completed in 2012 *

18 Reorganisation at UCAS  New CEO in 2010 (Mary Curnock Cook)  G2G programme  New vision and corporate strategy  UCAS at the heart of connecting people to HE  Helping people make the right choices for the right reasons with the right outcomes  Restructure  8 units (and Executives) instead of 6  Units and teams re-aligned or newly formed (and renamed where appropriate)

19 Top level focus  My Future  Course Finder  Course Finder Mobile application  Train the Trainer  E-learning zone  Virtual Fairs 2011 Projects – working titles!

20 Tell us your thoughts Emerson Osmond Peter Mulligan Customer Strategy Unit 

21 Sources of further information

22 UCAS TV  How to Guides  Case studies  Video diaries

23 UCAS on YouTube

24 Make space on your shelf for…..  Covers the entire applicant journey (from choosing courses to starting at university or college)  Launched at the Annual Teachers and Advisers Conference (9/10 Feb 2011) For more information, email:

25 Questions Alan Jones Professional Development

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