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Reimbursement Seminar for Motion Analysis Laboratories

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1 Reimbursement Seminar for Motion Analysis Laboratories
Wayne Stuberg, PhD, PT GCMAS Reimbursement Committee

2 Objectives Describe the differences between coding and reimbursement rules. Review the Medicare Resource-Based Relative Value Scale system related to Motion Lab coding and reimbursement. Describe the current Motion Lab Codes and their reimbursement value. Discuss the impact of Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Local Medical Review Policies (LMRP) on reimbursement .

3 Coding vs Reimbursement
CPT codes established and published by the AMA CPT Editorial Panel Input given by professional societies Motion Analysis Codes Reimbursement Payor fee schedules often developed from CMS RBRVS physician fee schedule Payor determines: Medical necessity (ICD-9 allowable codes) LMRP written by the payor

4 Motion Analysis Codes Code Description CPT, 2002 96000
Comprehensive computer-based motion analysis by video-taping and 3-D kinematics 96001 dynamic pressure measurement during walking 96002 Dynamic surface EMG, during walking or other functional activity, 1-12 muscles 96003 Dynamic fine wire EMG, during walking or other functional activity, 1 muscle 96004 Physician review and interpretation of comprehensive computer-based motion analysis, dynamic plantar pressure measurements, dynamic surface EMG, dynamic fine wire EMG during walking or other functional activities with written report CPT, 2002

5 Description of Codes Codes describe services performed as part of a major therapeutic or diagnostic decision making process. Motion analysis is performed in a dedicated motion analysis lab (i.e.. facility capable of performing videotaping from the front, back and both sides, computerized 3-D kinematics, 3-D kinetics, and dynamic EMG). CPT, 2002

6 Reimbursement and RBRVS (Resource-Based Relative Value Scale)
CPT Code – description of the service Relative Value Unit (RVU) value assigned to service Geographic Practice Cost Index (GPCI) cost of living adjustment by geographic area Conversion Factor CMS reimbursement per RVU ($36.79 in 2003) Service Setting CMS facility vs non-facility (Motion lab CPT codes are same for facility & non-facility)

7 Relative Value Unit (RVU)
Total RVU includes 3 components: Work Expense Practice Expense Malpractice Expense Example for CPT Code 96000 Work = 1.8 Practice = 0.72 Malpractice = 0.02 Total = 2.54

8 Reimbursement for CPT Code 96000
RVU (CMS Base) GPCI (Delaware) Adj. RVU (RVU*GPCI) Work 1.8 1.019 1.83 Practice 0.72 1.035 0.75 Malpractice 0.02 0.712 0.01 TOTALS 2.54 2.59 RVU Adj. Reimbursement = [(work RVU*GCPI)+(practice RVU*GCPI)+(malpractice RVU*GCPI)] * CMS Conversion Factor CMS Base Reimb. = $ Delaware = $95.29

9 Motion Analysis RVUs CPT Code Description RVU CMS Fee Facility Totals
96000 Motion Analysis with 3-D Kinematics 2.54 $93.46 $150 $243.46 96001 dynamic pressure analysis of walking 3.03 $111.47 $261.47 96002 Surface EMG 1-12 muscles 0.59 $21.07 $171.07 96003 Fine-wire EMG 1 muscle 0.55 $20.23 $170.23 96004 Physician review and interp with report 2.60 $95.65 $95.66

10 Facility vs Non-Facility Reimbursement
Facility = CMS approved facility Hospital Comprehensive OP Rehab. Facility (CORF) OP Rehab. Facility (ORF) Facility allowed to bill APC (ambulatory payment classification) fee = APC 0708 (New Technology Level III) = $150 96004 does not include APC fee as it is a professional service

11 LMRP & ICD-9 Codes CMS’s New York regional office has developed a local medical review policy for Motion Analysis Codes. Lists ICD-9 codes that support medical necessity, e.g. CP, spina bifida codes. States that any codes not listed as supporting medical necessity will be denied payment.

12 Case Scenario 1 Child with spina bifida seen for assessment in Lab including videotaping, 3-D kinematics & kinetics, surface EMG (8 muscles), fine wire EMG (2 muscles) & physician review & interp. with written report: CPT Codes: 96000, 96002, (X2) & 96004

13 Case Scenario 2 Child with CP seen for assessment in Lab including videotaping & 3-D computer-based kinematics, dynamic plantar pressure measures during walking, surface EMG (8 muscles), & physician review & interp. with written report: CPT Codes: 96001, 96002, & 96004

14 Common Questions Should I bill code X2 if we do barefoot & walking with orthoses? No, code is inclusive for the session regardless of number of conditions Should I bill code with Motion Lab codes if PT performs physical exam with gait study? No, both are diagnostic codes & would be considered redundant

15 Common Questions Should I bill code 96000 & 96001 in the same session?
No, is an extension of code 96000 Should I bill code if a physical therapist reviews and interprets the gait study? No, code can only be used for physician review & interpretation

16 Common Questions Should a Lab bill codes if a physician is not involved in the gait study? Yes, – are Medicine CPT codes to be used for gait studies. Likelihood a Lab will be reimbursed for billing motion analysis codes for diagnoses not identified as a medical necessity? Good Question! let me know (;-)

17 The Future & Reimbursement
Input to local providers regarding LMRP and Motion Analysis codes. Input to CMS regarding RVU valuations of the codes as set in 2003. Input to Advisory Panel on Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APC) to justify increasing level of APC coding. Other ideas?

18 References (regional CMS office listing) CPT 2002, AMA, 2002 CPT Coding for the Gait Lab, seminar notes, GCMAS, Nov. 2002

19 Questions?

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