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Change of Command Ceremony
“The Big Red One Song” Toast of the Army, Favorite Son! Hail to the brave Big Red One! Always the first to thirst for a fight. No foe shall challenge our right to victory. We take the field, A grand sight to see. Pride of the Infantry. Men of a great division, Courage is our tradition, Forward the Big Red One! Change of Command Ceremony “The Army Song” First to fight for the right And to build the Nation’s might, And the Army goes rolling along. Proud of all we have done, Fighting till the battle’s won, Then it’s “Hi, Hi, Hey,” The Army’s on its way, Count off the cadence loud and strong. For where’er we go, you will always know That the army goes rolling along. Bravo Company Brigade Special Troops Battalion
Sequence of Events: Welcome Invocation *
CPT Ryan C. Waters was born in Arizona. He graduated from Southeast Missouri State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Geoscience in December of After enlisting in the Army in April of 1997, as an Intelligence Analyst, he was assigned to positions in Korea, Fort Campbell, and Hungary. CPT Waters attended the United States Army Officer Candidate School and the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course in Upon completion he was assigned to the 1ST Infantry Division in Germany where he served in positions ranging from Assistant Intelligence Officer in the Division Support Command, Electronic Warfare Platoon Leader in Kosovo, Collection and Jamming Platoon Leader in Tikrit, Iraq during OIF II and Executive Officer of the Division’s General Support SIGINT Company during OIF II and inactivation in Germany. After completing the Military Intelligence Captain’s Career Course, CPT Waters was again assigned to the 1st Infantry Division as it transitioned to Fort Riley. He served as the G2 Operations Officer until October of 2006 when he moved to the 4th IBCT S2 shop as the Brigade Collection Manager. In December of 2006, CPT Waters assumed duties as the Intelligence Officer for 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team where he deployed to Iraq in support of the Baghdad Security Plan. After returning from Iraq with 2-16 IN in April of 2008, CPT Waters assumed command of Bravo, 4-1 BSTB on 14 August 2008 and deployed to Iraq in August 2009. His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star, Army Commendation Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, the Army Achievement Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary and Service Medals, the Combat Action Badge and the Air Assault Badge. CPT Waters also has received the Knowlton Award for his contributions to Army Intelligence. CPT Waters is married to the former Sabrina Leigh Ronk of Pascagoula, Mississippi. Sequence of Events: Welcome Invocation * Arrival of the Official Party * National Anthem * Passing of the Colors Remarks by: Lieutenant Colonel Eric T. Moore Commander, Brigade Special Troops Battalion Captain Ryan C. Waters Outgoing Commander Captain Ashley E. Oliver Incoming Commander The playing and singing of The Big Red One Song * And The Army Song * CPT Ashley E. Oliver earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from the University of Montana in Upon graduation she was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Military Intelligence Officer Corps from the Grizzly ROTC Battalion and assigned to 1st Infantry Division, Ft. Riley, KS. CPT Oliver attended the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course in Upon arrival at Ft. Riley, KS she was assigned to 4th Brigade, 1st Infantry Division where she served as: the 1st Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platoon Leader at Ft. Riley, KS, the 4th Brigade Collection Manager, and the Intelligence Officer for the Wolverine Battalion. CPT Oliver’s previous deployments include: Baghdad, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom V “The Surge” as a Platoon Leader and Brigade Collection Manager and Tuz, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom VII as the Brigade Special Troops Battalion Intelligence Officer. Her awards and decorations include the Bronze Star, National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal with 1 Campaign Star, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, and the Gold Germans Armed Forces Proficiency Badge. CPT Oliver’s parents are Don & Kim (Stepmother) Oliver and Sylvia Oliver from Las Vegas, NV. * Please Stand
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