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Presentation on theme: "CHILDREN’S BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES Wayside Community Service Agency"— Presentation transcript:


What is the CSA? The Community Service Agency provides two services under CBHI, the Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative. ICC, Intensive Care Coordination Family Support & Training There are 32 CSAs throughout the state

3 Wayside Community Service Agency
Who is eligible for services under the CSA? Children/Youth with an SED, (Severe Emotional Disturbance) and their families Must be under the age of 21 Must have MassHealth Standard or Commonhealth Parent/Caregiver/Guardian agree to participate Most children/youth have complex needs and are working with other providers or state agencies

4 Wayside Community Service Agency
What do we do? Assist families in identifying their strengths and needs (In-home behavioral assessment – CANS) Use a Wraparound process to create plans that meet the needs of the child/family (Care Planning Meetings – Individual Care Plans) ICC: Engage providers, state agencies, schools, and informal supports to collaborate

5 Wayside Community Service Agency
Family Partners: Provide support from someone who has “been there” Help parents develop advocacy skills Support for family around school, CSA, court, hospital and agency meetings Assist in identifying supports, community resources and family strengths to build on New service: FS&T through IHT or OPT referral

6 Wayside Community Service Agency
What does a CPT (Care Planning Team) look like? Welcome & Introductions Vision for the Child and Family Child & Family Strengths Child & Family’s Current Concerns, Needs Brainstorm Options Goals & Specific Tasks First Signs of Progress Review & Update any Safety Plans Schedule Follow up Meeting

7 Wayside Community Service Agency
Who attends CPT Meetings? The family’s natural supports: family, friends, members of faith community, mentors, coaches, babysitters, neighbors (identified by family) The family’s professional supports: therapists, social workers, teachers, school personnel, home-based clinicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, emergency service providers Who ever the family would like to be there

8 Wayside Community Service Agency
What is our goal? To assist families with access to community based services, resources & supports Help families sustain the services, resources & supports that work for them Assist families with the day-to-day coordination & collaboration of all their services/supports Provide HOPE to families and all who are part of their team

9 Wayside Community Service Agency
What other services are available to families through CBHI? MCI, Mobile Crisis Intervention In-Home Behavioral Services Therapeutic Mentoring Services In-Home Therapy

10 Wayside Youth & Family Support Network
MCI, Mobile Crisis Intervention Therapeutic response to a child’s mental health crisis by trained crisis professionals 24 hrs day, 7 days week Mobile service: in community setting (home, schools, residential programs, group homes) Short term service (up to 72 hrs) Access through local ESP (Emergency Service Provider)

11 Wayside Youth & Family Support Network
In-Home Therapy In-home, intensive, family based treatment Goals: treat child’s mental health needs & promote healthy functioning of child in family Can be a stand alone service – do not have to have ICC or Out patient therapy to be eligible

12 Wayside Youth & Family Support Network
Therapeutic Mentoring Services Structured one-on-one mentoring relationship between therapeutic mentor and child/adolescent Addresses daily living, social & communication needs Set goals to support social functioning In home, school or social settings Must have ICC, Out patient therapy or In-Home Therapy to be eligible

13 Wayside Youth & Family Support Network
In-Home Behavioral Services Behavior management therapy and monitoring Specialized service for children with persistent problem behaviors, who don’t benefit as much from talk-based therapies Any setting where the child is naturally located, including home, school, childcare centers, respite Child/youth must be enrolled in ICC or Out patient therapy to be eligible

14 Wayside Youth & Family Support Network
How to access CBHI services? Families can call their MassHealth Manage Care Organization: MBHP, Network Health, BMC, Fallon, Neighborhood Health Families can self refer to their local CSA Child’s pediatrician can connect families to behavioral health services Social Workers, therapists, court, school personnel can call on behalf of the family

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More information on CBHI : More information on MassHealth: Mass Family Voices

16 Wayside Youth & Family Support Network
Referrals for CSA: Kim Ward (508) ex 109 Referrals for Family Partner: Irene Roche/Robin Joyce (508) ext 108/112 Referrals for IHT & TM: Shannon Ahern (508) ex 324 Referrals for MCI: Advocates, Psychiatric Emergency Services (508)

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