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OIF III FOB SUMMERALL Mission with 2-7 Infantry 3 rd ID 7 July 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "OIF III FOB SUMMERALL Mission with 2-7 Infantry 3 rd ID 7 July 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 OIF III FOB SUMMERALL Mission with 2-7 Infantry 3 rd ID 7 July 2005

2 Me and SSG Richards prior to trip

3 First stop. SFC Turner is our gunner.

4 MAJ Barton on security

5 SSG Richards and our 3ID team members in the background

6 These kids appeared from nowhere! MAJ Barton gave them some of the goodies we brought to hand out later.

7 Moving out to rendezvous with the tanks

8 SFC Ramos

9 Back with tanks (3) at Iraqi Police station

10 Rolling into the actual village of Aba Toma looking for the school

11 First of many kids

12 SFC Ramos and I start to handout candy, gum, pencils, paper, etc

13 Brothers who appreciated the gifts

14 Crowd grew! I was handing out Rebecca Clemon’s beanie babies she sent me to give to the children. I am barely visible with my hands raised near the radio antennas trying to get the critters over the mob to the other kids. That’s me!!!

15 There ya go Beck! They say thank you! (nice slingshot kid!)

16 Group photo

17 Moving to next stop in the village (note tank at head of column)

18 Variety store LOL!

19 His shirt says Cape Cod!

20 Finally, some little girls venture out

21 MAJ Barton gives craypaper to a mother

22 Pro American leaflets the 3ID distributed

23 She has some gum

24 Ya Ya …I have more! LOL (cape cod kid gets around!)

25 Had to restock!

26 MAJ Barton, myself and CPT Goehring

27 Nice picture

28 Rollin out to downtown Bayji, our last stop

29 Bayji’s Mosque

30 Store of some kind

31 Some US Coalition supporters

32 Market on the main street

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