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Despise, detest, hate abhor. decline, relinquish, give up waive.

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Presentation on theme: "Despise, detest, hate abhor. decline, relinquish, give up waive."— Presentation transcript:

1 despise, detest, hate abhor

2 decline, relinquish, give up waive

3 correct, improve, modify amend

4 plentiful, massive voluminous

5 slap, thump, batter buffet

6 loud, uproarious vociferous

7 disorder, anarchy chaos

8 unruly, disorderly turbulent

9 spacious, ample commodious

10 filthy, dingy, sordid squalid

11 acidlike, caustic corrosive

12 mournful, gloomy, depressed somber

13 recognize, perceive discern

14 blameworthy, objectionable reprehensible

15 still existing extant

16 incriminate, to involve in implicate

17 deserter, outlaw renegade

18 bury inter

19 decline, relinquish, give up waive

20 prevent, preclude obviate

21 strict disciplinarian martinet

22 despise, detest, hate abhor

23 plentiful, massive voluminous

24 correct, improve, modify amend

25 acidlike, caustic corrosive

26 loud, uproarious vociferous

27 disorder, anarchy chaos

28 slap, thump, batter buffet

29 unruly, disorderly turbulent

30 filthy, dingy, sordid squalid

31 spacious, ample commodious

32 mournful, gloomy, depressed somber

33 bury inter

34 recognize, perceive discern

35 blameworthy, objectionable reprehensible

36 strict disciplinarian martinet

37 still existing extant

38 deserter, outlaw renegade

39 prevent, preclude obviate

40 incriminate, to involve in implicate

41 despise, detest, hate abhor

42 decline, relinquish, give up waive

43 correct, improve, modify amend

44 plentiful, massive voluminous

45 slap, thump, batter buffet

46 loud, uproarious vociferous

47 disorder, anarchy chaos

48 unruly, disorderly turbulent

49 spacious, ample commodious

50 filthy, dingy, sordid squalid

51 acidlike, caustic corrosive

52 mournful, gloomy, depressed somber

53 recognize, perceive discern

54 blameworthy, objectionable reprehensible

55 still existing extant

56 incriminate, to involve in implicate

57 deserter, outlaw renegade

58 bury inter

59 decline, relinquish, give up waive

60 prevent, preclude obviate

61 strict disciplinarian martinet

62 despise, detest, hate abhor

63 plentiful, massive voluminous

64 correct, improve, modify amend

65 acidlike, caustic corrosive

66 loud, uproarious vociferous

67 disorder, anarchy chaos

68 slap, thump, batter buffet

69 unruly, disorderly turbulent

70 filthy, dingy, sordid squalid

71 spacious, ample commodious

72 mournful, gloomy, depressed somber

73 bury inter

74 recognize, perceive discern

75 blameworthy, objectionable reprehensible

76 strict disciplinarian martinet

77 still existing extant

78 deserter, outlaw renegade

79 prevent, preclude obviate

80 incriminate, to involve in implicate

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