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Vocabulary List 5b. ignominy (IG nuh min ee) –  disgrace, humiliation, shame  Synonyms: dishonor, contempt, infamy (IN fuh mee)

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1 Vocabulary List 5b

2 ignominy (IG nuh min ee) –  disgrace, humiliation, shame  Synonyms: dishonor, contempt, infamy (IN fuh mee)

3 ignominy  In ancient Rome, if a person lost their reputation, or “good name” they suffered ignominia (disgrace/dishonor).  ig (without) + nominia (name)

4 aboveboard (uh BUV bord) –  without dishonesty or trickery  Synonyms: forthright(ly), straightforward(ly), overt(ly) (oh VURT, OH vurt)

5 aboveboard  Originally a gambler’s term for shuffling and holding your cards above the table (or board)  By shuffling and holding the cards above the table, the possibility of cheating was greatly lowered.

6 anecdote (AN ik dote) –  brief story of an interesting or amusing incident  Synonyms: sketch, fable, tale, narrative (NAR uh tiv)

7 anecdote  6 th century AD, historian Procopius recorded everything he saw and heard at court (including some sensational and indecent incidents). Never meant to be seen (due to its incriminating content), he labeled his journal Anecdota: an (not) + ek (out) + dotos (given) = not given out  Now, it is a brief, often humorous tale

8 Example (for fun)  Walter Johnson, who pitched for the Washington Senators from 1907-1927, once had two strikes on a batter. The batter started walking away when the umpire called him back. “What’s the use,” responded the batter, “you can’t hit what you can’t see.”  This anecdote emphasizes the speed of Johnson’s fastball.

9 bedlam (BED lum)  noisy confusion  Synonyms: uproar, chaos, pandemonium (pan de MOH nee um)

10 bedlam  St. Mary of Bethlehem was built as a religious house in 1247, closed by Henry the VIII in 1536 and turned into an insane asylum  Visitors in those days teased and tormented the inmates, creating uproar and confusion  The word Bethlehem contracted to Bethlem, then to Bedlam

11 martinet (mar tuh NET) –  strict disciplinarian  Synonyms: taskmaster, slavedriver, authoritarian (uh thor uh TER ee un)

12 martinet  Jean Martinet (killed at siege of Duisburg, 1672), lieutenant colonel, who was so strict, it almost caused a rebellion among the troops

13 Root Words  Lith – stone  Lithograph, megalithic  Sect – to cut  Dissect, section  Peri – around or near  Perimeter, pericranium  Bibli –book  Bible, bibliography  Dict – to say  Diction, dictate

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