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Salvaging Sisterhood Small Group Counseling for Relational Aggressive Girls Carol Perisho, Counselor PRoBE Presentation In partial fulfillment of requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "Salvaging Sisterhood Small Group Counseling for Relational Aggressive Girls Carol Perisho, Counselor PRoBE Presentation In partial fulfillment of requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salvaging Sisterhood Small Group Counseling for Relational Aggressive Girls Carol Perisho, Counselor
PRoBE Presentation In partial fulfillment of requirements for Secondary Field Experience COU 781 Missouri State University Dr. Marci Dowdy, Faculty December 2009 Carol Perisho


3 Relational Aggression (RA)
Definition: Bulling behaviors generally focus on damaging an individual’s social connections within the peer group; any act that actively excludes a person from making or maintaining friendships or being integrated into the peer group. Examples: spreading rumors, exclusion, social isolation, gossiping, eye rolling, purposefully pitting friends against one another, using sarcasm at another’s expense, reveling secrets of friends, and embellishing rumors. RA is more common in girls than boys.

4 Effects of RA One study by Dr. Nicki Crick, the University of Minnesota researcher that termed “RA”, found 70% of the girls interviewed had been maltreated by one or more of their friends. RA can lead to anxiety, substance abuse, school refusal, gang involvement, family problems, depression, eating disorders, and poor self-esteem.

5 Research Question: The current study seeks to assess whether a small group intervention with high school girls would impact: Scores on the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem scale. Changes in attitude on an informal questionnaire.

12 high school girls Grades 9th-12th Teacher referred Parent signed an informed consent or phoned the school to give verbal consent. All currently experiencing or have experienced relationship issues with other girls

7 INTERVENTION Small group designed to address relational aggression with activities and discussion. One hour sessions, once a week for 8 weeks.

8 MEASUREMENTS Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (Quantitative)
Internal survey on relational behavior

9 SETTING Rural K-12 school Group conducted in unused classroom.
Used a scatted schedule for meeting at different times each week, reducing time missed in class.

10 Purpose of Salvaging Sisterhood Group
Teach girls to communicate efficiently Raise awareness Develop empathy Teach healthy conflict Explore feelings Promote a positive change in female relationships.

11 Lesson Overview Objectives
Opening discussions using the “Talking Feather”, journal responses, fess up, what's happening. Activity with discussion Journal assignments “Declarations to Myself”


13 Week 1- INTRODUCTIONS Confidentiality Rule setting and signing
Pre-Group survey Pre-Test, Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale Pass out personal journals and discuss journaling “Declarations to Myself” cards

14 Week 2- The Ties that Bind Us
Objective: Girls will self disclose, understand similarities, practice empathy Each girl selects “ The Ties That Bind Us” question, reads aloud and responds. Journal assignment: What is cool about being a girl? What makes being a girl hard?


16 Week 3- A True Friend Objectives: Girls will become aware of the qualities they seek in a friend, learn what other people look for in a friend. Girls fill out “A True Friend” worksheet, read and discuss. Journal assignment: What are some things you learned about yourself; your friends.


18 Weeks 4-8 “Oh No She Did Not” :Being Mean
Constructive vs Destructive Criticism “Did You Hear About…”: Dealing with gossip. “Whatever! ”: Recognizing and handling jealousy “I’m Sorry, So Sorry”: Empathy

19 Formal Measurement Results
The Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale was administered at the first and last group session. Each participate was scored according to the test’s directions. Pre and post scores were compared with a maximum score of 30 used for percentage change evaluation.

20 Results from Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale


OF 12 Participants, 7 had post interventions scores significantly higher than their pre- intervention scores The 3 participants, that scored lower in their post scores had a 3% differential, well with in margin of error. One participant completed the post testing while in ISS, this change in setting may have negatively impacted scoring. 2 participants showed no change. Those participants that showed not change scored in the normal range.(15-25) 2 Participants that had borderline scores on pre-testing had higher scores on post testing. SUMMARY: More than half of the participants had a positive reaction to the intervention as assessed by the Rosenberg scale with the average change being +10%. Concern: 1 participant that had a low score on pre-testing scored lower on post testing. This indicates this student should receive further counseling intervention and considered for outside referral.

23 Informal Measurement The participants completed the pre and post survey given in the workbook. However the answers were vague and difficult to quantify. In comparison there was little or no change in pre-intervention survey answers and post-intervention survey answers. The survey is included in this presentation but the data was not used for evaluation.


25 Discussion The members overwhelmingly expressed positive feelings about the group, in the informal evaluation.11/12 reported it as “Super Fun” as opposed to “Boring” or “OK”. The Rosenberg scale supports empirically that the students’ self esteem improved. The format of this program lends itself several other measurements i.e., anger, depression, bonding.

26 Implications for School Counselors
This program proved effective in improving the self-esteem of the group members. Students with high self esteem will tend to avoid aggressive confrontations and negative behaviors. The girls learned new ways of relating to others to preserve friendships. These new behaviors will translate into fewer discipline issues and a safer more positive school environment.

27 Recommendation for improvement
The measurement used was not directly associated with traditional school measurements. Correlating this intervention to measurements such as discipline referrals, absences, referrals to the counselor and grades would support it’s effectiveness as a school intervention.

28 Bibliography Corey,G.,(1985). Theory and practice of group counseling, Second Edition. Belmont CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. Dellasega, C., & Nixion C.,(2003). Girl wars,12 strategies that will end female bulling. NY: Simon & Schuster. Taylor,J.V.,( 2008). Salvaging sisterhood. Chapin SC: Youthlight Inc. Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale retrieved October 11,2009 from

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