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Ekaterina Abdrazakova.  Origin  Citation index  Kernel of the concept (the number of corresponding notions)  Spheres of the concepts (circulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Ekaterina Abdrazakova.  Origin  Citation index  Kernel of the concept (the number of corresponding notions)  Spheres of the concepts (circulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ekaterina Abdrazakova

2  Origin  Citation index  Kernel of the concept (the number of corresponding notions)  Spheres of the concepts (circulation of the notions)

3  “knowledge”/“znanie” could be traced to the Old Russian “znati” – know, recognize, explain.  “knowledge” – 1. comprehension of reality, consciousness; science; 2. body of knowledge (aggregate data), experience in some sphere. (Ozegov’s dictionary )

4  presence of knowledge (data / veden’e);  ability to use knowledge (competence, understanding, experience, skill, knack, ability, proficiency) ;  recognition (cognition, acquaintance)

5 Experience Skill Knowledge Understanding Comprehension Cognition Sage Acquaintance Recognition Science Philosophy Scientist Expert Intelligence The presentation of the concept “knowledge” in the Russian language

6  adopted from Polish “informacja” (adopted from Latin “information” – notification, representation, idea).  information – 1. data of the world around and its processes, apprehended by a man or a special device; 2. report describing the situation, state of something. (Ozegov’s dictionary)

7  Transmitting of the information (message, notice, report, notification);  Possessing of the information (data, fact, intelligence )

8 Information Data Message Notification Designation Representation News Rumor Hearsay Reporter Intelligence The presentation of the concept “information” in the Russian language

9 Experience Skill Knowledge Understanding Comprehension Cognition Sage Acquaintance Recognition Science Philosophy Scientist Information Data Message Expert Notification Designation Representation News Rumor Hearsay Intelligence Reporter

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