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Bullying… What you can do about it
What is Bullying? Bullying takes at least 2 people: the bully and the victim. In most cases there is a third person; the witness Definition of Bullying “Bullying is when a stronger, more powerful person hurts or frightens a smaller or weaker person on purpose and repeatedly (more than once)”
-Taking or damaging someone’s property
Physical Bullying Some things you can do… Don't walk alone Don't bring expensive things or money to school Find an adult Avoid unsupervised areas and places where bullying happens. -Physically hurting someone or threatening to hurt them. -Taking or damaging someone’s property
Using words to hurt or embarrass someone
Verbal Bullying Some things you can do… Don't walk alone Turn a comment into a joke Ignore the bully – Pretend you didn’t hear them Brainstorm bully comebacks and practice them ahead of time Walk away Using words to hurt or embarrass someone name calling cursing put downs Writing a mean letter about someone
Relational Bullying -Trying to convince others to exclude or reject someone. -Cutting a student off from having friends. -Using your friendship to control someone. -Telling others not to talk or play with another student -Spreading rumors about someone -Clubs -Using your friendship to control someone Some things you can do… Don't continue a rumor Work on making new friends Talk to someone ahead of time to ask them to sit with you at lunch or play with you at recess Ask for help from an adult
IM (Instant Messenger)
Cyber Bullying -Bullying that happens through technology— the computer or text messages. -The programs that are used to cyber bully: IM (Instant Messenger) Websites or My Space Blogs Chat Rooms Some things you can do… Don’t respond to s or messages that are mean to you or your friends. Don't open s or messages from someone you know is a bully or save or print all messages from the bully. Show the messages to an adult you trust - like a parent or a teacher - and ask for help.
Ways to prevent Cyber Bullying…
Never give anyone your password, even your best friend. Only your parents. Don't share personal information: secrets, photos, or anything online that might be embarrassing if someone found out. Set up and IM accounts with your parents. Make sure not to put your name, age, address, or phone number in your profile. Don't send messages when you're angry. Wait until you cool off so you don't say something you'll regret. Be a good cyber friend-don't send s or instant messages written by a friend to anyone else.
Survey Results What does this tell us about bullying at our school?
Mr. Shaeffer’s Class 2009 Survey Results What does this tell us about bullying at our school?
The Witness… What to do if you see someone being bullied
Witness Strategies It is Important to know!
There is power in numbers! The more people you have stand up to a bully…the more likely you are to be successful in changing the bully or bullying The WITNESS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON WHO CAN CHANGE BULLYING!
Witness Strategies Be A Friend
If you see someone being picked on, be a friend and walk away from the bully together. OR If you know someone that gets picked on, ask them to play with you. Role-Play/ discussion You have seen a student in your class being bullied during recess. The kids that play kickball never let him/her play and tell him/her that he/she is terrible at kickball. What can you Do? What can you say?
Witness Strategies Be A Friend
If you see someone being picked on, be a friend and walk away from the bully together. OR If you know someone that gets picked on, ask them to play with you before the bullying starts.
Witness Strategies Stand Up to the Bully
Tell the bully to stop. Examples: "Cut it out!", "That's not funny!", "How'd you like it if someone did that to you?“ “Cool It” Role-Play/ discussion There is a kid on the bus who is always picking on other students. He/she using name calling and yelling to bully. He/she also makes kids get out of the seat he wants. What can you Do? What can you say?
Witness Strategies Stand Up to the Bully
Tell the bully to stop. Be calm, say what you need to say, and walk away. "Cut it out.“ “Leave him alone” “Cool It”
Witness Strategies Coach the victim
Give them some ideas on how to stop the bullying Help the victim to get help from an adult. Role-Play/ discussion Your friend tells you that someone has been bullying them on the bus. You don’t ride the same bus with them. What can you Do? What can you say?
Witness Strategies Coach the victim
Give them some ideas on how to stop the bullying Help the victim to get help from an adult. Role-Play/ discussion Your friend tells you that someone has been bullying them on the bus. You don’t ride the same bus with them. What can you Do? What can you say?
Witness Strategies Relational Bullying…
If someone is trying to exclude someone or hurt their reputation, YOU can… Include that person in your group Stop a rumor from spreading DON’T let yourself get in the middle…don’t be the messenger!
Witness Strategies If your friend is the bully?
(1) Talk to your friend : “Hey…leave him alone”. (2) Distract him…”Oh look…let’s play kickball with those kids” (3) Evaluate your friendship… Is this the reputation you want? Is this the kind of person you want to spend time with? You can still be happy without being in the “popular” group.
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