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U. S. Fleet Forces Command

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1 U. S. Fleet Forces Command
Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies and Public Domain. Requests for this document shall be referred to: U.S. Fleet Forces Command 1562 Mitscher Ave., Suite 250 Norfolk, Va Attn: Skip Hiser, (757) 1 1

2 U.S. Fleet Forces Mission Areas
Generate ready Navy forces for assignment to Combatant Commands Organize, man, train, and equip U.S. Atlantic Fleet and all Navy forces in collaboration with COMPACFLT Execute Fleet Response Plan (FRP) using Fleet Training Continuum Navy Global Force Manager Integrate and consolidate matters concerning execution of operations, readiness, training in development of Navy shore requirements Lead the Fleet Readiness Enterprise Navy Readiness Articulate to CNO the integrated Fleet warfighting capabilities requirements as coordinated with all Navy Component Commanders and develop Fleet Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) Navy Warfighting Capability Requirements Provide operational planning and support to Combatant Commanders (e.g., COCOM to JFCOM, supporting to NORTHCOM defense and STRATCOM) Joint Operational and Planning Support Navy Anti-Terrorism Force Protection (ATFP) Perform duties as CNO Executive Agent for ATFP Establish and implement ATFP standards and policies for Navy units 1

3 Command Relationships
NORTHCOM JFCOM STRATCOM CNO “Supporting” “COCOM” “Supporting” COMPACFLT Navy Component Commanders NSA COMUSNAVEUR CNIC “Supporting” USFF COMUSNAVCENT OPCON (CONUS) COMUSNAVSO Regional Commanders ISIC + ADCON ISIC + ADCON (FRTP) NAVSPECWAR Second Fleet Third Fleet MSC Operational Fleets NAVAFRICOM Shore Installation Commanders ADCON (FRTP) ISIC + ADCON Surface Forces Command Air Forces Command Submarine Forces Command Network Warfare Command Expeditionary Combat Command Military Sealift Command Force Providers SURFLANT AIRLANT ADDU RESFOR ISIC + ADCON Board of Inspection and Survey Meteorology & Oceanography Command Munitions Command Warfare Development Command Regional Maintenance Centers Service Providers 1

4 Implementing the Maritime Strategy
Forward, rotational forces responsive to Component Commander demand Disaggregated for regional maritime security Aggregated for major operations Rapid surge to meet emerging demands Dissuade/deter to reduce chances of major combat ops Deliver access and Maritime Domain Awareness Shape through Navy Component Commanders Power projection and strike capability readiness Globally-netted Maritime Headquarters and Operations Centers Information Operations, reachback, and info sharing Supports “A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower” 1

5 “A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower”
Regionally Concentrated, Credible Combat Power Limit regional conflict with forward deployed, decisive maritime power Deter major power war Win our Nation’s war Globally Distributed, Mission-Tailored Maritime Forces Contribute to homeland defense in depth Foster and sustain cooperative relationships with international partners Prevent or contain local disruptions before they impact global system Implementation Priorities Improve Integration and Interoperability Enhance Awareness Prepare our People 5 1

6 MHQ with MOC Transforms Navy at the Operational-Level
Enables NCCs to better work at Strategic-to-Operational level with the CNO and COCOMs Facilitates cross-component coordination (service or funct) Provides delineation of Numbered Fleet operational- level responsibilities and tactical-level force tasks Enables Navy operational-level leaders and staffs to fulfill all potential roles: CJTF - JFMCC - NCC S/FCC S/FCC S/FCC S/FCC CONOPS is the blueprint for future doctrine – NWP and NTTP – to institutionalize and guide Navy actions in the Operational-Level of Warfare 1

7 Global Maritime Information
Enhances sharing of information and knowledge - (and potentially workflow) - between MHQs and others Enables global response to trans-regional threats Enhances maritime awareness thru collaboration with other services, agencies and nations Provides potential back-up for MHQ during critical operations Requires common policies, doctrine, processes and information structures 1

8 Executive Summary U.S. Fleet Forces Command mission areas:
Navy Readiness (Current) Navy Warfighting Capability Requirements (Future) Joint Operational and Planning Support Navy Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Enable “A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower” Generate ready Navy Forces for assignment Globally 1

9 Discussion 1

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