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Steps to completing an application on KAMES Bobby B Frankfort.

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Presentation on theme: "Steps to completing an application on KAMES Bobby B Frankfort."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps to completing an application on KAMES Bobby B Frankfort

2 What’s This? Click the ‘Forward’ arrow for next slide

3 What’s This?























26 Finish

27 Main Menu  A – Application/Recertification (Bobby has come in to apply for Food Benefits)  B – Inquiry (Bobby doesn’t have a previous case, there will be no history  C – Case Change (No case record at this time, Bobby will need to apply first) ‘A’ looks like our best option, select ‘A’ from the Main Menu. Click the ‘Back’ button to return to the Main Menu

28 Function Selected  1 – Enter Application (Starts Application)  2 – Update Pending Application (Allows caseworker to go back in a pending case)  3 – Enter Recertification (After application, a client will need to recertify if they want to continue receiving benefits)  4 – Update Pending Recertification (Also allows caseworker to go back in a pending case) Bobby is in to apply, let’s select ‘1’ as our function type.

29 Program Type  FS – Food Benefit Application  IM – Income Maintenance, Medicaid Application  JT – Joint Food Benefit and Medicaid Application Bobby is in to apply for Food Benefits, select ‘FS’ for that application.

30 CFS Level 3  This is a comprehensive family services question, rarely used by family support caseworker. You will know when you are dealing with a CFS 3 situation. Bobby’s case will not be a CFS Level 3 case, say ‘N’ to this question.

31 DETER  Determining Eligibility Through Extensive Review, or DETER. This is used when the Office of Inspector General has completed an investigation regard a case. This is Bobby’s first application, so no reviews have been completed. Say ‘N’ to this question.

32 Expedited Benefit Questions  These questions are strictly client statement. Based on the client statements of income and resources, KAMES will make a potential determination regarding expedited, or “rushed” food benefits. Bobby states he has 100.00 in savings and his gross income is around 1000.00/month.

33 FS Status  Indicates whether someone listed in the household size is a ‘M’ for member or a ‘T’ for T-member. Bobby is the only person in the household size and is a member on this case.

34 S, D, M Question  S – tells KAMES to Select this member  D – tells KAMES this member is deceased and will be removed from the case  M – tells KAMES to Move this member out of the household size

35 Self Employment Income  When a client has self employment income, these questions on KAMES indicate whether it is farm, non-farm or through rental property Bobby doesn’t have any self employment income

36 EBT CARD  C – EBT card should be mailed to the client  O – EBT card should be mailed to the Office

37 Utilities Question  If the client is billed for any of the utilities listed, indicate so by answering ‘Y’ to this question. You will not need to itemize or list each utility in this section. Bobby verified that he is paying for heating and cooling, so this question would also be answered ‘Y’.

38 Care of Child Expenses  If a client is paying for child care, they are potential eligible to receive a deduction for those expenses.  This question is really asking if care is provided for this member (which would be Bobby.) Bobby is the only member on this case and is not a child; no care is being provided. If this were a child’s screen that Bobby is paying child care for, he could potential received a deduction and this question would be marked ‘Y’ on their screen.

39 Joint FS/SSI Application  As a family support caseworker, you will not be completing joint FS/SSI applications. This question will need to be marked ‘N’.

40 Hispanic/Latino Question  If you answer ‘Y’ to this question, you will still need to indicate the race of the client. Hispanic and Latino are not defined as races; ask your client what race they associate with.

41 Failed to Verify SSN  This question is asking if the member has failed to verify their SSN. This question should be answered ‘N’ unless failed to verify. Bobby’s SSN is verified

42 Retirement/Disability Income  These four questions on KAMES help identify both unearned income and if the member is receiving income based on disability. Bobby doesn’t receive any unearned income

43 Work Registration  Able bodied adults are required to work register unless exempt due to: care of child under 18, disabled or working over 80hrs/month. Bobby works 35hrs/wk, so he doesn’t have to work register

44 Target Codes  9 – Work Registered but ABAWD exempt  4 – Able bodied adult without dependants (ABAWD.) Required to participate in the Employment training program. Not all counties are ABAWD counties Not all counties are ABAWD counties Bobby is Work Register and ABAWD exempt due to working over 30hrs/wk

45 Verify No Income  If the head of household has no earned or unearned income, you must answer ‘Y’ to the “Is proof of no income required” question and enter a verification source. Bobby has earned income, this question will be ‘N’

46 Register to Vote  This question can only be answered ‘Y’ if the member is present at the interview and is not registered to vote at their current address. Bobby is registered to vote at his current address

47 Client Stated Hours and Wages  At the earned income screen, the hours and gross wages are client statement. Verification of wages and hours will be entered on supporting screens. Bobby has stated he works 35hrs/wk and over 1000.00/mo

48 Special Interviews  If ‘Y’, indicate what type of special interview is required (for example, phone interview or interpreter.) Bobby didn’t request any special interview items for this application

49 Congratulations! You have successfully navigated through a food benefit case on KAMES. Select to back arrow to review this case again.

50 S, D, M  S – tells KAMES to Select this member  D – tells KAMES this member is Deceased and will be completely removed from the system; difficult to restore this information once removed.  M – tells KAMES this member has Moved out of the home and will no longer be considered in the household.

51 HUD, Section 8, Weatherization  When a client is receiving assistance through Section 8, HUD or Weatherization, this question should be marked ‘Y’ to indicate so Bobby doesn’t received any shelter assistance.

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