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Careers in Horticulture

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in Horticulture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in Horticulture

2 Objectives Objective 3: Identify career opportunities in plant science. Identify and describe the major areas of plant science. Identify career opportunities in plant science, and determine the education and training they entail.

3 Career Opportunities in Plant Science
Greenhouse caretaker Plant propagator Orchard Care Taker Pesticide Applicator Groundskeeper Tractor Operator Combine harvester

4 Career Opportunities in Plant Science
Greenhouse manager Golf course manager Pesticide dealer Crop supply salesperson Greenhouse supply salesperson

5 Career Opportunities in Plant Science
Crop marketing specialist Crop production specialist Fertilizer technologist Erosion control scientist Soil conservationist Seed technologist Turf grass specialist

6 Graduate level careers in Plant Science
Plant geneticist Plant breeder Biotechnologist Genetic engineer Plant pathologist Plant physiologist Statistician Weed scientist

7 Some of the skills needed in the horticulture industry
Growing Skills Watering Fertilizing Transplanting Seed sowing Disease control Students working in greenhouse

8 Mechanical Skills Structure erection and maintainence
Equipement repair Plumbing, heating and cooling Tractor pics

9 Marketing Skills Advertizing Price Setting Quality Control
Post Harvest Storage Grading Packaging Shipping

10 Administrative Skills
Hiring/ Firing Coordianted responsibility Scheduling Financial elements Records/computer use Ordering Scheduling planting Billing

11 Legical Skills Pesticide laws and regulations
Interstate transportation Taxes Local and state ordinances and laws

12 Objective 3.2 List and explain the types of growers
Wholesale grower Sells to retailers May not sell to the public I.e. Parks in Van Buren Retailers Sells to the public Ft. Smith Garden Center Shruam’s

13 Propagator All phases of propagation
Maintains light, temperature and moisture conditions

14 Growers In charge of production of one large greenhouse
Oversees every element of their assigned greenhouse

15 Head Grower Over sees several growers
Reports to a range superintendent

16 Range Superintendent Works underneath the owner
Over sees multiple head growers and those under them

17 Production Manager In charge of 1 crop
Orders materials, supplies and fertilizer to produce the crop

18 Marketing Manager Grading, postharvest and storage, packaging and shipment Orders cartons, containers and packaging materials In charge of the graders and packers

19 Shipping Room Manager Handles the crop from the time it comes from the greenhouse until it is packed In charge of the graders and packers

20 Other Career Areas Soil person Drivers General labor

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