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Save UC Agriculture/ Horticulture Research Center (BAREC)

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Presentation on theme: "Save UC Agriculture/ Horticulture Research Center (BAREC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Save UC Agriculture/ Horticulture Research Center (BAREC)

2 What Is BAREC and Why Should It Be Preserved? Bay Area Research and Extension Center This 17 acre tract of land has belonged to The State of California since the 1960’s and was used for both Horticultural and Agricultural research. It is one of the last remaining such properties in a place once known as “The Valley of Heart’s Delight” 90 N. Winchester Blvd. Santa Clara, California

3 Santa Clara County

4 City Map BAREC site location

5 Street Map BAREC site location Santana Row Interstate 280 Valley Fair

6 Where is BAREC? BAREC VALLEY FAIR City of Santa Clara City of San Jose SANTANA ROW

7 BAREC ~ 2002

8 Open Space In a Concrete Jungle

9 BAREC from Valley Fair



12 One of the original Santa Clara buildings used to house Civil War Widows and their daughters from 1921 until the facility was closed in 1962 and the last Civil War orphan, Eva Simpkins, was moved to another home. Miss Simpkins died in 1966, having lived her entire life institutionalized. This building was part of the original facility known as “Osborne Hall” and later known as Holdermans.

13 Holderman Sanitarium Patients from the Evergreen WRC home were moved to the site in Santa Clara which became known as Holderman’s Sanitarium.

14 In 1947, with patient numbers dwindling, the State was forced to make annual budget decisions that would control the destiny of the facility, it’s staff and future.

15 University of California

16 Turf (1997)

17 CIMIS Weather Station in turf grass plots ~ 1997

18 Oaks Root growth based on use of tree chambers ( greenhouses in background ) 1997


20 Garlic research

21 The importance of strawberry research done by the University of California in Santa Clara, especially after the war, cannot be over stated.

22 Reaching our children with innovative educational programs

23 Chili pepper & garlic research

24 Greenhouse research

25 CIMIS Weather Station BAREC

26 Master Gardener Trials ► ► Cut Flowers ► ► Melon Varieties ► ► Tomatoes ► ► Chili peppers ► ► Garlic ► ► Blueberry Varieties ► ► Drought tolerant plants ► ► Lettuce

27 We will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand We will understand only what we are taught. Baba Dioum, African Environmentalist

28 World War I Postcard: Have We Changed This Much?

29 2003

30 ► ► Thank you for your support.

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