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Published byDaniel Gregory Modified over 9 years ago
IMPLEMENTATION OF SGSY THROUGH SHGs IN GANJAM BLOCK Presented by Smt. Sujata Sahu, O.A.S.(I) Block Dev. Officer, Ganjam
The concept of linking SGSY with women self help groups through banks puts emphasis on the socio-economic upliftment of the poor. Women, the invisible wings of the society behind the curtain are not like those of the yore days. Women who were earlier regarded as the second class citizen of the society are no more the same after organising themselves into self help groups. Successful rural women now only bank on the formation and management of self help groups and this fact is predominantly visible among all the members of women self help groups of Ganjam Block. The implementation of SGSY through SHGs is found out to have utmost importance in providing the Swarojgaris (SHG members) income generating schemes through bank linkage with credit and subsidy. This holistic approach proves to be a viable source of self employment and results in financial self sustenance of the women groups.
STEPS FOLLOWED FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SGSY DURING 2004-05: Target fixed for the Block :199 ( Swarojagaries ) Preparation & Finalisation of Annual Action Plan- February 2004. Grade-II test of SHG Field enquiring and pre survey of feasible SHG by B.M / Line officers No. of SHGs sponsored : 31 No.of Applications sponsored :336 Achievement of Target :199 (100%) To achieve minimum per family investment of Rs.25000/-multiple schemes were chosen: A. Tank fishery with vegetable /Horticulture plantation B.Goat rearing with stone chips/Vegetable cultivation C.Vegetable cultivation with Horticulture plantation D.Cement items production unit Schemes were chosen with upper financial limit of Rs.2.50 lakhs and lower limit of Rs.2.00 lakhs keeping in view the credit requirement of the SHGs.
SCHEMEWISE ACHIEVEMENT DURING 2004-05: Sl.NoName of the Scheme No. of SHGs No. of Swarojagaries Amount Disbursed (in lakhs) Per family Investment 1 Integrated Pisciculture 055412.0022,222 2 Vegetable Cultivation With Horticulture 0910224.0023,000 3 Goatery with Stone chips 03326.0018,750 4 Village Industries 01112.5023,000 Total 18199 44.50 21,743
BANKWISE ACHIEVEMENT OF S.G.S.Y DURING 2004-05: Sl.NoName of the BankTargetAchievementAmount Disbursed Per capita Investment 1 SBI, Ganjam 48 10.0021,000 2 RGB, Humma 47 439.4022,000 3 UBI, Rambha 19 204.5023,000 4 UCO Bank, Santoshpur 30 4511.6225,000 5 Andhra Bank, Rambha 30 337.5023,000 6 BCCB, Rambha 25 102.5025,000 Total 199 45.5223.16
SCHEME WISE AND BANKWISE: SL.NOName of the BankName of the Scheme with per capita disbursement of loan Integrated Pisciculture Vegetables/ Horticulture Goatery With Stone chips Village Industries 1 SBI, Ganjam 20,00023,0000 2 RGB, Humma 20,00023,00020,0000 3 UBI, Rambha 25,000020,0000 4 UCO Bank, Santoshpur 26,00023,00022,0000 5 Andhra Bank, Rambha 023,00000 6 BCCB, Rambha 25,000000
Maa Santoshi SHG of Kajuriapalli,Maa Kalapata SHG of Burudi, Panasadiha SHG of Burudi and Gramadevati SHG of Sipakuda have emerged as successful group in process of socio economic development and empowerment of women. They have successfully demonstrated how to mobilise deposit, maintain linkage with banks and enforce financial self discipline that have set an example of economic self reliance. Maa Santoshi SHG of Kajuriapalli,Maa Kalapata SHG of Burudi, Panasadiha SHG of Burudi and Gramadevati SHG of Sipakuda have emerged as successful group in process of socio economic development and empowerment of women. They have successfully demonstrated how to mobilise deposit, maintain linkage with banks and enforce financial self discipline that have set an example of economic self reliance.
Maa Kalapat SHG
Maa Kalpat SHG-H.Burudi Veg.Cultivation with Horticulture Plantation Financial Year : 2004-05
Maa Kalapat SHG: Maa Kalapat SHG, Burudi consisting of 13 BPL members has been assisted in the above scheme during 2004-05.The B.M.Andhra Bank Rambha has sanctioned a loan of rupees 2.50 lakhs. The SHG has purchased one pump set and one sprinkler and put 5.47 acres of hired land as well as 2.47 acres of own land on cultivation of vegetables and raising of horticulture crops like cauliflower, cabbage, tomato,onion, wheat and carrot and harvested Q28550 of vegetables. Altogether they have earned Rupees 85710/-from the 1 st crop as income from the field. EXPENDITURE INCURRED: 1.Lease value of land =30,000 2.Land preparation=16,000 3.Labour,Seeds,fertilizer & manure =14,000 Total =60,000 From the above analysis it is revealed that a benefit of RS.25,710has accrued to this SHG.
Paneswari SHG
Paneswari SHG – Burudi Veg.Cultivation and Horticulture Plantation Financial Year:2004-05
Paneswari SHG: EXPENDITURE INCURRED : 1.Lease value of land:24500 2.Preparation of land:11000 3.Labour, Seeds, fertilizer, manure :14000 Total: 49500 Hence this SHG has benefited from vegetable cultivation and horticulture plantation to the tune of Rs.23,800 and it seems to have got the potentiality of accruing more substantial income in the coming years.
Gramdevati SHG
Gram Devati SHG Sipakuda Vegtable and Horticulture Plantation Financial Year:2004-05
Gramdevati SHG Gramdevati SHG, Sipakuda consisting of 13 no ’ s of women members of BPL category has been engaged in vegetable and horticulture cultivation since 2001.The SHG is the 1 st bench member of V.V.V. club established in the village by NABARD.In carrying the Govt. messages to the grass root level the SHG has also proved its worth. Under agril. Policy initiative the SHG was given an incentive of Rs. 30000/-to raise agril production for gaining self reliance. Under SGSY the SHG was selected for higher volume of loan after passing the Grade II test and sanctioned and disbursed Rs. 2.50 lakhs. Combined together they took up onion, tomato, wheat and carrot cultivation in their own and hired land measuring 8 acres.An amount of Rs. 89,600 was derived by them as income from the Ist crop against an expenditure of Rs.60,200/-. It is noteworthy that they have been benefited much from onion cultivation in taken up by the group in large scale.
Maa Santoshi SHG
Maa Santoshi SHG- Khajuria palli Integrated Pisciculture Unit Financial Year:2004-05
Maa Santoshi SHG- Khajuria palli Integrated Pisciculture Unit Financial Year:2004-05
Maa Santoshi SHG- Khajuria palli Integrated Pisciculture Unit Financial Year:2004-05
Maa Santoshi SHG-Khajuria palli Integrated Pisciculture Unit Financial Year:2004-05
Maa Santoshi SHG Maa Santoshi SHG 10 no ’ s of SC members of Maa Santoshi SHG were identified for pisciculture by the Grade II test committee and took up Gudi bandha G.P.tank on 5 years long term lease from 2004-05.The water area of the tank is 0.60 hectres. Fry stocking to the tune of 3000 was done in the month of June. The Branch Manager Rushikulya Gramya Bank, Huma sanctioned loan of Rs. 2 lakhs as per the scheme approved by the Dist level SGSY committee under the supervision of the F.E.O. Organic fertilizers have been applied while stocking fries in the tank. The SHG members have also raised banana plantation on tank embankments and in their own land. The activity is on in full swing.
INCOME DERIVED BY THE SHG SOURCE QUANTITY AMOUNT Ist phase 470kg 18000 Fish harvested On 27.02.2005 2 nd phase 380kg 15000 fish harvested on 15.03.2005 Total 850 kg 33000 (PART INCOME)
EXPENDITURE INCURRED 1.Feed=28575 2.Fry cost=3000 3.contingencies=6000 4.watchman =600 5.Sample netting=1500 TOTAL =39,000 N.B. Third phase netting will be done in the month of June 05 which will raise their income further.
Village Industry Scheme
Rameswari-II SHG
Rameswari SHG-II Kalyanapur Village Industry Scheme Cement Item Production Financial Year:2004-05
Only one group namely Rameswari-II SHG of Village Kalyanapur under Kainchapur G.P has been assisted under SGSY Scheme 2004-05. This SHG comprises of 11 no ’ s of female BPL members. They have been sanctioned loan to the tune of 2.50 lakhs by SBI,Ganjam for production of cement items specially “ NANDAS ”. This SHG had got past experience of producing cement items with the assistance of D-Mass loan. Then for producing in a larger scale,credit linkage with the bank was under taken by the block. Only one group namely Rameswari-II SHG of Village Kalyanapur under Kainchapur G.P has been assisted under SGSY Scheme 2004-05. This SHG comprises of 11 no ’ s of female BPL members. They have been sanctioned loan to the tune of 2.50 lakhs by SBI,Ganjam for production of cement items specially “ NANDAS ”. This SHG had got past experience of producing cement items with the assistance of D-Mass loan. Then for producing in a larger scale,credit linkage with the bank was under taken by the block.
For manufacturing of Nandas they have incurred expenditure in the following manner : Sand(5 Trips): 1,500 Cost of 200 Bags of Cement:30,000 Iron Rod (5 Qtls):15,000 Chips (4 Trips): 6,000 Curing Tank (1): 3,000 Lease value of Land: 3,000 Total:58,500
With the help of these raw materials,they have manufactured 345 no’s of Nandas and sold 305 no’s thus earning an income of 30,500 over a period of three months. They have also derived an income of Rupees 8,500 /- by way of selling cement, iron rod,chips and sand to the local people. Thus an amount of Rupees 39,000/- has accrued as an income in the scheme. For the marketing of Nandas tie up arrangement has been made with Gram Vikas for construction of Latrine under Water and Sanitation programme. Though immediate benefit has not accrued to the members long term benefit can be realised under this scheme after optimum utilisation of the raw material in the long run.
Pragati SHG Santoshpur
Pragati SHG Santoshpur Goat Rearing Financial Year:2004-05
Pragati SHG Santoshpur Stone Chips Manufacturing Financial Year:2004-05
Pragati SHG Santoshpur Pragati SHG Santoshpur consisting of 10 Nos of S.C BPL Women members, has been assisted under Goat Rearing and stone chips making. The group has been assisted with Rs. 2,00,000/- by UCO Bank Santoshpur as they had experience of goat rearing and chips making. They with help of S.G.S.Y Loan have purchased 75 nos of goats and 43 Nos. of kids and have constructed a shed. For stone chip making they have purchased 10 Nos of Hammer, 10 Nos. of Crow Bar 10 Nos of spacle 15 Nos of bamboo basket. Further they have taken sub leave of stone quarry in that area. By the way they have earned Rs. 32,000/- an income on sale 13 trolly loads of stone chips at the rate of Rs. 2500/- per trolly load.
With the proper help and guidance of the block officials viz P.A.,F.E.O, C.D.P.O. and bankers these SHGs are marching ahead for a better and brighter future. The progress of the SHG is satisfactory,the group at the door step of success.
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