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Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture AIDAN COTTER CHIEF EXECUTIVE BORD BIA 28 JANUARY 2009 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture AIDAN COTTER CHIEF EXECUTIVE BORD BIA 28 JANUARY 2009 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture AIDAN COTTER CHIEF EXECUTIVE BORD BIA 28 JANUARY 2009 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Maeve Desmond Social Media & Bord Bia

2 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Is Social a Fad? Street Food NYC Style

3 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Social Stats 2.2m people in Ireland use the internet – 6.9bn worldwide! 2m Facebook users in Ireland – 1bn worldwide! 2011 saw ad spend online surpass offline (UK) – this is coming for Ireland! You Tube receives 400m+ views each month – 2 nd largest search after Google!

4 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Social Media Menu for Bord Bia Twitter Facebook Food Bloggers You Tube

5 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Bord Bia Style Grab attention Keep engaged Build a community – listen! Inexpensive but time intensive Shareable content

6 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Twitter

7 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Facebook

8 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Facebook

9 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Facebook

10 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture

11 Food Bloggers

12 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture

13 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture

14 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture QR Codes

15 Growing the success of Irish food & horticulture Benefits for Bord Bia Communication Connection Ambassadors Information sharing Networking (media) Awareness

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