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Michigan Master Gardener Program History Mission Roles Survey Results…What We’ve Learned.

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Presentation on theme: "Michigan Master Gardener Program History Mission Roles Survey Results…What We’ve Learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michigan Master Gardener Program History Mission Roles Survey Results…What We’ve Learned

2 1978 First training in Michigan 2008 Changes in statewide leadership Develop centralized & sustainable program model Michigan Master Gardener Program

3 2011 Budget cuts (federal, state and local) Statewide staff reductions (Extreme) tightening of operations Michigan Master Gardener Program

4 2011 Associations become independent Liability changes Elimination of background checks Educators unable to provide day–to-day oversight of MSUE volunteers Need to provide financial stability of program Michigan Master Gardener Program


6 2012 – Moving forward…. Transition team of local association members formed Statewide standardization of training curriculum & delivery New online volunteer mgt. system (VMS) piloted Michigan Master Gardener Association born! Michigan Master Gardener Program

7 2013 Full launch of the Volunteer Mgt. System (VMS) Implementation of the re-certification process Sustainability model implemented for training New curriculum for training launched Distance technology piloted (fall) Michigan Master Gardener Program

8 2014 MMGA receives IRS determination letter that includes Affiliate chapters MSUE leadership changes Grant received for strategic visioning process (joint effort with MMGA) Michigan Master Gardener Program

9 So where are we now?

10 Extension Master Gardener Program National / International Program National Mission: Extension Master Gardener programs educate people, engaging them in learning to use unbiased, research-based horticulture and gardening practices through a network of trained volunteers directed and supported by land-grant university faculty and staff.

11 Michigan Master Gardener Program Mission statement: The mission of the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program is to further the land-grant university goal of disseminating scientifically based information via a network of trained volunteers who receive support and guidance from MSU Extension specialists and educators in providing Michigan residents with the most current and environmentally sound horticulture information.



14 MSU / COUNTY $ -Bob Bricault -Diane Brown -Elise Carolan -Rebecca Finneran -Gretchen Voyle -Vacant COUNTY STAFF $ -Mary Gerstenberger -Carol Lenchek -Shawn Turner -Linda Whitlock MSU $ -Hal Hudson -Rebecca Krans -Mary Wilson Consumer Horticulture Team Members

15 Educator or PI – MSU / county County employee – county Educator – MSU Position & Funding: CONSUMER HORTICULTURE TEAM

16 Extension Master Gardener Program National / International Program National Mission: Extension Master Gardener programs educate people, engaging them in learning to use unbiased, research-based horticulture and gardening practices through a network of trained volunteers directed and supported by land-grant university faculty and staff.

17 Michigan Master Gardener Assoc. Inc.

18 MI Master Gardener Association, Inc. Purpose This Association is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code, or any corresponding section of any future federal tax code: specifically To instruct adults and youth in horticulture science To educate communities about environmentally sound practices through horticulture-based activities To promote food security And improve the aesthetics of the community

19 MI Master Gardener Association, Inc. Mission : The Association shall carry out the following: Coordinate, encourage, and foster opportunities for Members of the Association to further the goal of education others through the dissemination of environmentally sound, research-based horticulture information, enhance the beautification of the communities of the Members through volunteering, and related activities; Provide appropriate assistance and support to local chapters and affiliates of the Association; Facilitate certification and recertification of members as Master Gardeners in conjunction with MSUE; Coordinate with MSUE in providing educational opportunities in horticulture to Members and the general public; and Provide topical communications with Members of the Association.

20 Strategic Visioning Assessment Survey Focus Groups Visioning & Planning Retreat Follow up Two-week review & comment May 4 th gathering

21 Clare: plug critical issues here

22 Assessment Survey Demographics: 1,345 MSUE Master Gardeners (46% return rate) 70 out of 83 counties represented 77% respondent 55 + years 84% female 55% involved with program over 6 years

23 Why people enroll in the MSUE Master Gardener training course: 88% - to learn more about plants 66% - for fun 64% - to earn the MSU Extension MG certification 62% - to gain knowledge for a hobby 59% - to volunteer & give back to their community

24 Why people stay certified: 85% - to continue to learn for personal growth 79% - for enjoyment 74% - to volunteer & give back to their community 71% - to interact with others with similar interest

25 Experience with the VMS: 43% - It’s easy to use 29% - It’s somewhat easy to use 18% - I’m still getting familiar with it

26 Training course suggestions: 88% rated program excellent to very good 48% - more hands-on 33% - combination of face-to-face and online, 24% - no changes 23% - online training options Comments

27 How do people currently feel about the MI Master Gardener Program?

28 Perception of MSUE support of the MMGP 36% - very supportive 23% - moderately supportive 18% - extremely supportive 10% - slight supportive 4% - not at all supportive 9% - uncertain

29 What would make the MMGP more valuable to you & what would you like changed? Answers to both questions centered on critical issues: Recognition, relationships Communications / roles Equity Program Delivery Funding / Program Sustainability

30 MMGA Survey Results: Based on 850 self-identified MMGA members who responded: Valued benefits of MMGA: 65% - Access to additional information/resources 63% - Networking with other Master Gardeners 50% - Access to MMGA newsletter 41% - Liability insurance cover 37% - Part of collective voice for MSUE Master Gardener Program

31 MMGA Survey Results Best vehicle for contacting MMGA members: 78% - Email 6 % - Newsletter How members contact MMGA: 49% - Email MMGA 23% - website 13% - VMS/MMGA site

32 Understanding the Annual Re-certification Payment Where to put this??????? Communications - critical issue

33 Michigan Master Gardener Program History Mission Roles Survey Results…What We’ve Learned

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