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Minwook Kim, FAO. I. Purpose II. Platform and goals/objectives III. Barriers IV. What exists? V. What is the Next?

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Presentation on theme: "Minwook Kim, FAO. I. Purpose II. Platform and goals/objectives III. Barriers IV. What exists? V. What is the Next?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Minwook Kim, FAO

2 I. Purpose II. Platform and goals/objectives III. Barriers IV. What exists? V. What is the Next?


4  Purpose  Assess barriers to promotion of F&V’s production and consumption  Based on a framework for promoting F&Vs at notional level (Kobe, 2004)  Eight countries responded.  Cook Isds, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Isds, Niue, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu


6  National platforms  Four countries have national platforms, with various sectors participation  But no consumers’ association  Agricultural and nutrition goals  but where is fruit and vegetables?

7 Which areas’ representatives are involving in the coordinating team? Answer Options Response PercentResponse Count 1. agriculture/horticulture sector 100.0%3 2. nutrition sector 66.7%2 3. public health sector 66.7%2 4. education sector 66.7%2 5. financial sector 33.3%1 6. private sector 66.7%2 7. farmer’s unions, smallholders’ associations (representing producers) 66.7%2 8. consumers’ associations 0.0%0 9. academic sector(especially for programme design and monitoring) 33.3%1 10. local community leaders 33.3%1 11. women’s groups 33.3%1 12. other 33.3%1 Please specify the contact point of representatives 2

8  1. TIANETI BEENNA – Officer in Charge, Agriculture and Livestock Division  2. ERETII TIMEON/ NTAENE TANUA- Senior Nutrition Officer, National Nutrition Center, Ministry of Health and Medical Services  6. Ahling Onorio- Organic Producer, Kiribati Organic Producers  7. IATAKEE TOTOKI – Member of Tairawan Organic Producers  12. MWAMWARAU KARIRIETA- Coordinator Food Security Project of Live & Learn

9  Agriculture Sector Plan 2010 – 2015; To improve national self reliance in food production and nutritional security  National Food and Nutrition Policy 2013 - 2018  Contribute to excellence in health care through quality dietetic performance and service delivery


11  General barriers  Economic issues  Price, income, land accessibility, HR etc.  Horticultural technology  Climate constraints : drought or rain  Small holders’ barriers : Seed & Varieties…  Mixed consumers : Land, income, tech.  Market-dependent consumers : Price

12 High price of F&Vs High cost of production : Seed &varieties, land, labour, chemicals, fertilizers, machineries etc. Seasonality : Price of F&Vs are low in main season. Limited access to capital Limited farmers Access to land High dependency on imported food Gardening space Transportation

13 Green house Irrigation system Knowledge of management practices Poor varieties, seeds Propagation technics for officers and farmers

14 Green house Irrigation system Knowledge of management practices Poor varieties, seeds Propagation technics for officers and farmers

15 Extremes of heat, water availability and drought Changes in climate – Mango Water availability – Germinating seeds Climate – Pest and disease Seasonality, extremes of heat and cold, drought and rain

16 Not everyone understands the importance of eating right.  benefits of fruit and vegetables  preparation of fruit and vegetables  what constitutes a balanced diet  misperception of advertised health claims

17 Convenient, cheaper, and ready packaged Fruit and vegetables are not easily available, and normally, the local fruits, if available, are expensive. the fast emergence of restaurants that use less vegetables and more meat.

18  Attitude of producers  People love flowers, not F&Vs.  Competing government priorities  Cultural influences on consumers  Not a traditional culture  Marketing facilities  Over supply in main season  Taste and habit formation in childhood


20  Non-availability of seeds/planting materials.  Nurseries  Open pollinated seeds please! Not hybrid.  Most of the fruit trees from overseas.  Low-quality varieties

21  Most farmers are over 55 years old  The younger generation’s limited interest.  Limited manpower

22  Basic knowledge of how to produce  Not enough space  Transportation  Staff movement within Ministries


24  Urban area, we don't have sufficient land!  No transportation to bring goods to market, in case space is available.  Expensive fruit and vegetables.

25  Water storage and technology to bring water  Information sharing between farmers and agricultural organisation  lack of tools, seedlings, and other materials  Problem to access fund

26  high dependence on imported food.  Stop producing own F&Vs  Dietary changes  Convenient or processed foods with sugar, salt and fat


28  Fluctuation of price  Eating F&Vs is not traditional.  Many women are now working.

29  In some countries, there are promotional programme and supply of fruit and vegetables. But feasibility of program and supply are not enough.  short supply of local fruit and vegetables  Government’s hot lunch program no longer provides due to lack of fund


31  Horticulture development plan : a few  Campaigns for promoting consumption of F&Vs : common but need to be more.  School gardens : very common  Dietary guideline  the Secretariat of the Pacific community Health and Nutrition Division  FAO’s Food Balance Sheet  Maybe a partial picture of the situation, because just based on the responses

32  Niue and Marshall Islands : Yes  Marshall Islands : Increasing consumption on fruits and vegetables in schools and the community level. The Farmer’s Association has been involved with the 2 institutions for over 10 years growing, marketing of the fruit and vegetables.  Others : Partly yes, or No, or not answered  Where is F&V Sector Strategy in Samoa?

33  Most countries have campaigns!  Eating 5 servings of F&Vs  Dramas, booklets on recipe of green vegetables and stickers  Radio programs, workshops and posters  Local food day in primary schools  By NGOs or Governments

34  Kiribati, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu : Yes!  Others : Not answered, but maybe.

35  Pacific Islands Food Composition Tables (PIFCT), 2 nd Edition – these were developed through FAO assistance

36  Niue, Samoa, Cook Islands : Yes  Cook Islands is using Dietary Guidelines developed by the Secretariat of the Pacific community Health and Nutrition Division.  Others : No reference

37  Kiribati and Tonga : Yes  Kiribati :  Funded by Australia Center for International Agriculture Research  collecting and analysing some of the traditional and under-utilized tree, leafy vegetables.


39  Workshop to think solution to barriers  Homework : Next survey – quantitative, statistic method  Production/Consumption statistics  Questionnaire in USB keys  Developed by AGPML and Cleared by Statistics division of FAO  Please, return by end of 2014 (

40 Thank you! 40

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