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Published byOscar Perkins Modified over 9 years ago
Livestock and Irrigation Value chains for Ethiopian Smallholders (LIVES) Project Proposed Program of Work 2013/14 LIVES PSC Meeting, ILRI April 30, 2013
Capacity Development (Gender Balanced)
Capacity Development Strengthening capacity public sector staff through MSc/BSc education - Strengthening capacity public sector staff through MSc/BSc education - 200 Fellowships In service training based on TOT/BDS approach: regional – zone/district (eg) Rapid value chain assessment to identify potential interventions - teams Participatory market oriented extension – extension staff Gender mainstreaming – extension staff Knowledge management – extension staff Results based monitoring – specialist staff Irrigation technologies – specialist staff Irrigated crop value chain development – specialist staff Livestock value chain development – specialist staff
Capacity development Identifications/review of gaps and interventions – part of on-going process – formalized annually during zonal stakeholder workshops/RPIC meetings (1110 – 1120) Implementation capacity development (1130) – Approaches – Market oriented livestock value chain – Market oriented irrigated horticulture value chain
Approaches market oriented value chain development capacity development (1130) Training national/federal teams in market oriented extension and gender mainstreaming Training zonal/district staff in knowledge management, especially knowledge centers Training zonal/district staff in environmental monitoring Training zonal/district staff in credit proposal development
Market oriented livestock capacity development Training Federal/Regional teams on livestock value chain interventions/development (1130) Training Federal/Regional teams in rapid assessment - action planning community based breeding small ruminants (1130) On the job technical training zonal/district level staff and specialist farmers/groups in production of agricultural inputs such as heifers, small ruminants kids, pullets, bee colonies, fodder seeds (1170) Training specialized farmers/DAs in community based animal health care service delivery (in formal institution) (1170) Facilitate resource persons for zonal/district level staff, farmers and other value chain actors training for market oriented livestock production and processing (1180 – 1190)
Market oriented irrigated agriculture development capacity development Training Federal/Regional teams Irrigated agriculture value chains interventions/development (1130) Training regional/zonal teams in rapid assessment, action planning and implementation for irrigation schemes and/or clusters of individually irrigated farms (1130) On the job technical training zonal/district staff and specialized farmers/groups in production of horticultural inputs (fruit seedlings, vegetable seeds) (1170) Train specialist farmers/DAs, village mechanics in irrigation pump repair services (1170) Facilitate resource persons for zonal/district level staff, farmers and other value chain actors training for market oriented irrigated agriculture production and processing (1180 – 1190)
MSc/BSc training (1140) Review/endorsement proposed guidelines for selection and sponsorship candidates - SC Selection of potential candidates, May - June Enrolment candidates in MSc/BSc programs in September
Gender balanced fellowships Livestock AreaIrrigation AreaTotal Full Fellowship (100) Districts31 62 Zones10 20 Regions8816 Federal112 Total5050100 Thesis only (100) 25 head hunting 75 EIAR/RARIs
Suggested Criteria Gender balanced GPA – 2.5 Service years and good performance Age ??? Entrance exam Research –relevant to project Serve Region/Zone/Woreda after completion
Institutionalization market oriented capacity development (1160) Support development short term value chain course/agri-businesses course in agricultural universities based on inventory made by IPMS Introduce market oriented extension manual to Agricultural Faculties/universities and ATVETs.
Knowledge Management (Gender)
Federal level – Strengthening EAP – National learning events/conferences – Video production – e-extension Regional/zonal/District level – Knowledge center development – Learning events/conferences/workshops – Study tours – Exhibitions – Field days – New IT technologies
Knowledge management Identification/review of knowledge gaps and interventions – part of on-going process – formalized annually during zonal stakeholder workshops/RPIC meetings (1210 – 1220) Knowledge centers and extension system in districts equipped/supplied and linked to internet and sources of information (1230)
Knowledge Management MoA - Review and update EAP and additional needs Regions/Zones –Review and update knowledge centers Woredas (30) – Review and establish new knowledge centers – chairs, tables, TV, DVD player, LCD projectors, – A room- well aerated and lighted, close to offices, not too noisy and far from toilet, Cemented/tiled floor, Electricity, Internet line, Telephone – Furniture- Tables (computer and reading), chairs, shelves – ICT equipment - Computers, LCD projector, DVD player, TV, digital camera, Printer, UPS, Software – Publications - working papers, videos and Radio programs, Posters – Human resource and finance - Knowledge center coordinator – Budget for stationery, cleaning, top up for internet
Knowledge management capturing, sharing (1240) Organize zonal commodity platforms, meetings for the selected commodities Organize field days for platform members to innovative farmers and district/zonal level agribusiness Organize study tours for key zonal/district actors to view innovative horticulture and livestock value chain interventions in nearby zones. Organize study tour PSC members to Kenya to view innovative horticulture and livestock value chain development Introduce pilot testing of e-readers for various categories of staff Start electronic newsletter and Initiate LIVES working papers series
Knowledge management – project website and social media (1250) Update the project website and stimulate interaction Update GIS database Update the project wiki
Promotion for scaling up Facilitate project visits by key policy makers and donors Participation in government/non- government national, regional learning platforms, conferences and workshops Use of mass media Publications Newsletters Promotional materials Leveraging new investment into value chain development.
Promotion Refine delineation of learning Woredas/zones in each Region (1310) Distribute IPMS/LIVES documentation to learning Woredas (1320) Identify potential regional, national and international organizations/events for sharing project approaches/results/lessons (1310) Prepare/make presentations and distribute IPMS/LIVES documentation to relevant regional, national and international organizations/events (1330) Identify key person in MoA/EIAR/4 BoAs/4 RARIs to identify relevant documents to upload on the EAP (1340) Initiate discussions with FRI and TV production companies to develop PARS and TV production on key project interventions (1350).
Value Chain Development (Gender)
District AGAG F AGAG AGAG Fed/Reg AGAG F AGAG F AGAG F D1 D2D3 AG - Ag ribusiness F - Farmer Short VC Long VC IPMS LIVES
What are the possible interventions? Technological:eg. seeds, animal genetics, drugs, fertilizers, pumps, e-readers, computers Technological: eg. seeds, animal genetics, drugs, fertilizers, pumps, e-readers, computers Organizational:eg. organizational forms (public, private, individual, cooperative, government, PLCs) Organizational: eg. organizational forms (public, private, individual, cooperative, government, PLCs) Institutional:eg. rules & regulations, behavior, linkages Institutional: eg. rules & regulations, behavior, linkages
Commodity value chain interventions Potential livestock commodity interventions – Handout Potential irrigated agriculture interventions – Handout
Planning and review activities Zonal workshops to review progress and identify new interventions Identify and purchase supplies and equipment for demonstration
Research LIVES Rapid assessment of value chains and public support services Diagnosis Action Impact RESEARCH/STUDIES Learning
Research for Development Diagnostic Action Impact Summary - handout
Research Commodity specific teams (EIAR/RARIs)to refine/develop research proposals and methodologies National workshop to review progress and initiate new research
Project Management
Project Management Structure Coordinating Team – (MoA, EIAR, LIVES, IWMI) Steering Committee – (MoA, MoWE, EIAR, BoA, BoWE, LA, LIVES, IWMI, CIDA) Regional Project Implementation Committee (RPIC) Project staffing – HQ, Regional, Zonal Counter part staff at Federal, Regional and Zonal level Project team meetings Project Advisory committee meetings Project technical committee meetings
Human Resouces - Recruitment - HQ KM and communicationsx Gender Expertx Data Analystx Project Coordinatorx Senior Economistx Livestock Expertx Irrigation Expertx Environmental Expertx Admin Assistantx GIS Expertx
Recruitment in the four LIVES Regions RegionLivestockIrrigation Research Assistant Admin. AssistantDrivers TigrayXX??x AmharaXX???x OromiaX???x SNNPRXX??x
Recruitment - Zones ZoneCoordinatorDriver Eastern TigrayX? Central Tigray?? West GojamX? North GondarX? South Wello?? East ShoaX? West ShoaX? Jimma X? Gamo Gofa X? SidamaX?
Reviewed Research Assistants, Administrative Assistants, Additional) Regional Drivers Vacancy announcements have also gone out for the Zonal Drivers positions. Four consultants were also hired to assist with the Zonal Workshops and also bridge the gap until the Regional & Zonal staff are on board.
Procurement Establishment of Regional and Zonal Offices Procurement of office furniture, computers and other supplies Procurement and establishment of Knowledge centers Procurement of demonstration materials
Structure Establishment of RPIC – roles and responsibilities – a focal person from the Steering Committee (Chair), regional SC members, Regional Coordinator (to act as Secretary), LIVES Expert, Zonal Representatives, LIVES Zonal Coordinators Identification of Regional Focal Person -roles and responsibilities Identification of Zonal and Woreda focal persons - roles and responsibilities Alignment and reporting
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