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Introduction to FFA and Agricultural Education. The Total Ag Ed Program The model combines: Instruction Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) FFA Each.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to FFA and Agricultural Education. The Total Ag Ed Program The model combines: Instruction Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) FFA Each."β€” Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to FFA and Agricultural Education

2 The Total Ag Ed Program The model combines: Instruction Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) FFA Each part is equally important You must have all parts to have a complete program

3 ECHS Agricultural Education Pathways Ag Mechanics Basic Ag Ag Mechanics 1 Ag Mechanics 2 Animal Science Basic Ag Animal Science Biotechnology Animal Production Forestry/Natural Resources Basic Ag Forest Science Wildlife Management Plant Science Basic Ag General Horticulture Nursery & Landscape

4 The National FFA Organization National Organization Over 557,318 members nationwide National Convention is held in Louisville, Kentucky Top Membership States: ___________ California ___________ Missouri ___________ State Organization Over 37,000 members statewide Georgia ranks _____ in membership State Convention is held in ________________ GA FFA/FCCLA Camp is held in Covington, Georgia Georgia FFA was founded in _______ and was the 10 th state chartered FFA Alumni founded in 1972.

5 FFA Motto _________ to _________

6 FFA Mission The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for ____________ ______________, ____________ ______________, and ____________ ______________ through agricultural education.

7 FFA Colors National Blue Symbolizes that FFA is a ____________ organization Corn Gold Symbolizes that corn is a Native American crop grown _________ ________ ________.

8 Other Important FFA Info Salute _________________ _________________ Member Response during Opening Ceremonies: β€œTo practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.”

9 FFA Official Dress White button down shirt or blouse Black dress pants or knee length skirt Official FFA tie or scarf Official FFA Jacket (zipped to the top) Black close-toed and close-back shoes or heels Black panty hose for girls

10 Proper Use of FFA Jacket Should be worn by members only Should be clean and neat Should have only 1 large emblem on the back and 1 small emblem on the front Should have state association and chapter name on the back Should have individual name on the front Should be worn on official occasions with zipper fastened to the top. May be worn at school Should only be worn when appropriate No school letters or insignia should be attached Emblems and letters should be removed when it become faded or worn or if it is given to a non-member Three medals should be worn with jacket Highest degree Highest office Highest award

11 Types of FFA Membership ___________________ Students enrolled in agriculture classes in grades 7-12 Pay local, state, and national dues Interested in FFA Attend chapter meetings Participate in FFA activities ___________________ Former active members and others interested in the FFA Organization ___________________ Students enrolled in a 2 or 4-year college ___________________ Adults who have been supportive of the FFA voted on by members

12 Types of FFA Degrees _________________ Middle school students _________________ 1 st year high school members _________________ 2 nd or 3 rd year members _________________ 3 rd or 4 th year members _________________ Members out of high school for 1 year

13 FFA Creed Statement of beliefs and a common bond between members Written by __________________ and adopted at the ______ National Convention It was revised at the ________ and _______ National Conventions to reflect changes in the FFA Membership and agriculture.

14 FFA Creed I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deed achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years.

15 FFA Creed I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny.

16 FFA Creed I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of progressive agriculturists to serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the product of our toil.

17 FFA Creed I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me.

18 FFA Creed I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task.

19 FFA Emblem

20 Symbols of the FFA Emblem The cross-section of an ________________________. Represents our common interest in agriculture, is native to America, and grown in every state.

21 Symbols of the FFA Emblem The ________________. Represents the national scope of FFA.

22 Symbols of the FFA Emblem The ___________ _________. Symbolizes progress in agriculture and the confidence that FFA members have in the future.

23 Symbols of the FFA Emblem The ________. Symbolizes labor and tillage of the soil.

24 Symbols of the FFA Emblem The ______. Symbolizes knowledge and wisdom.

25 Symbols of the FFA Emblem The ________ : ______________ ______________ surrounding _______. Reminds us that FFA is an important part of agriculture and agribusiness programs.

26 FFA Officer Positions

27 President The Rising Sun

28 Vice President The Plow

29 Secretary Ear of Corn

30 Treasurer Emblem of Washington

31 Reporter The Flag

32 Sentinel The Door

33 Historian The Chapter Scrapbook

34 Advisor The Owl

35 ECHS FFA Annual membership greater than 250 members. Located in the ____________ region, Area _____.

36 2014-2015 ECHS FFA Officers ______________ President ______________ Vice President Sydney Edwards _____________ Austin Beard _____________ _________________ Reporter _________________ Sentinel David Vickery ________________

37 ECHS FFA Advisors Mrs. Meredith Arrington Animal Science Pathway Basic Ag Ms. Hannah King Forestry Pathway Plant Science Pathway Basic Ag Mr. Roger Teeple Ag Mechanics

38 ECHS FFA Membership Enroll or plan to enroll in ANY agriculture class. Pay Annual Dues $15 per person $25 for dues and T-shirt

39 2014-2015 Georgia FFA Officers

40 Callie Warren State President ________________ _______________ State Secretary Southeast Bulloch _______________ State Vice President Franklin County Julia Gonzalez State Vice President ________________ ____________________ State Vice President Colquitt County Emily Trammel State Vice President _________________ Luke Nelson State Vice President _________________ ____________________ State Vice President Appling County

41 2013-2014 National FFA Officers

42 President _________________ Virginia Secretary _________________ Tennessee Eastern Region VP _________________ West Virginia Central Region VP _________________ Iowa Southern Region VP _________________ Alabama Western Region VP _________________ Oregon

43 FFA History 1917: ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 1926: Henry Groseclose helped form the Future Farmers of Virginia (FFV) in Blacksburg, VA. He is known as the β€œFather of the FFA” 1928: The FFA was established during a national livestock judging contest known as the American Royal that was composed of 33 delegates from 18 states. The first National Convention was held in Kansas City, Missouri. 1930: ______________________________________________ 1933: ______________________________________________ 1935: ______________________________________________ 1939: National FFA Camp opened in Alexandria, VA later becoming the National FFA Center

44 FFA History 1944: National FFA Foundation was organized to raise money for FFA activities 1948: National FFA Week was established as the week of George Washington’s birthday (February) 1950: _________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 1952: The National Future Farmer magazine was started. Now it is called FFA New Horizons. 1965: __________________________________________ ______________________________________________

45 FFA History 1969: _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 1971: National FFA Alumni Association was formed 1988: Name was changed from β€œFuture Farmers of America” to the β€œNational FFA Organization” to show new directions of agriculture. 1998: _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 1999: National FFA Center was moved from Alexandria, VA to Indianapolis, IN 2006: National FFA Convention was moved to Indianapolis, IN 2013: National FFA Convention will be moved to Lousiville, Kentucky

46 SAEs and CDEs What are they?

47 Supervised Agricultural Experience Program (SAEP) Planned practical agricultural activity to support skill and competency development, career success, and application of skills learned in the classroom and through your individual project. Students are supervised by Ag Ed teachers in cooperation with parents, employers, and other adults who may assist in achievement of program goal. All students in an Ag Ed class will plan and develop an SAE and record a minimum number of hours outside of the class

48 SAE Categories Exploratory Learn about the β€œbig picture” of agriculture and its many related careers Research and Analysis Conduct research or analyze information to discover new knowledge Entrepreneurship Plan and operate an agriculture-related business Placement Work for someone else either for pay or for experience

49 Proficiency Awards Allow students to compete for top achievement in a skill area Based on SAE project Can earn travel, cash, and scholarships Compete at Area, State, and National level

50 Proficiency Awards Agricultural Communications Agricultural Education Ag Mechanics: Design & Fabrication Ag Mechanics: Energy Systems Ag Mechanics: Repair & Maintenance Agricultural Processing Agricultural Sales Agricultural Services Beef Production Dairy Production Diversified Agricultural Production Diversified Crop Production

51 Proficiency Awards Diversified Horticulture Diversified Livestock Production Emerging Agricultural Technology Environmental Science & Natural Resources Equine Science Fiber and/or Oil Crop Production Floriculture Food Science and Technology Forage Production Forest Management and Products Fruit Production Grain Production Home and/or Community Development

52 Proficiency Awards Landscape Management Nursery Operations Outdoor Recreation Poultry Production Sheep Production Small Animal Production and Care Specialty Animal Production Specialty Crop Production Swine Production Turfgrass Management Vegetable Production Veterinary Medicine Wildlife Management

53 Career Development Events (CDEs) Allow members to show the skills they have learned in the classroom or through their SAEs Either individual or group events Can earn cash, travel, and scholarships Compete at Area, State, and National level

54 Career Development Events (CDEs) Agricultural Communications Agricultural Electrification (EMC Wiring) Agricultural Mechanics Agricultural Sales Creed Speaking Dairy Evaluation Environmental Natural Resources Extemporaneous Public Speaking FFA Quiz Farm Business Management Floral Design Floriculture

55 Career Development Events (CDEs) Forestry Horse Evaluation Job Interview Land Evaluation Lawnmower Driving Livestock Evaluation Marketing Plan Meats Evaluation Nursery/Landscape Parliamentary Procedure Poultry Evaluation Prepared Public Speaking Tractor Operations and Maintenance Wildlife

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