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Published byAllan Eaton Modified over 9 years ago
G ifted A nd T alented E ducation Advanced Programs Overview Career Technology Education Overview Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Washington County Public School GATE Programs challenge students to reach their full potential by nurturing creativity, high-level thinking, risk-taking, and life-long learning. Every teacher trained Every child learning something new every day
Background: Maryland Annotated Code for Gifted and Talented Education “Gifted and talented student" means an elementary or secondary student who is identified by professionally qualified individuals as:
Background: Maryland Annotated Code for Gifted and Talented Education 1.Having outstanding talent and performing, or showing the potential for performing, at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with other students of a similar age, experience, or environment;
“However gifted an individual is at the outset, if his or her talents cannot be developed because of his or her social condition, because of the surrounding circumstances, these talents will be still- born.” Simone de Beauvoir
Background: Maryland Annotated Code for Gifted and Talented Education 2.Exhibiting high performance capability in intellectual, creative, or artistic areas;
Background: Maryland Annotated Code for Gifted and Talented Education 3. Possessing an unusual leadership capacity;
Background: Maryland Annotated Code for Gifted and Talented Education OR 4. Excelling in specific academic fields.
Maryland Annotated Code: Continued The General Assembly finds that: 1.A gifted and talented student needs different services beyond those normally provided by the regular school program in order to develop the student's potential.
Maryland Annotated Code: Continued The General Assembly finds that: 2. Gifted and talented students are to be found in youth from all cultural groups, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor. (Section 8: 201-202)
Continuum of Services for Gifted and Talented Education Overview Maryland offers a continuum of services in gifted education; some serving all students, and some considerably fewer. As program intensity increases, the number of students participating decreases.
Continuum of Services for Gifted and Talented Education Level 1 Nurture critical and creative thinking and problem solving in all students (all or most). Discussion protocols Higher-order questioning Inquiry-based learning Primary Talent Development Student-centered mathematics
Continuum of Services for Gifted and Talented Education Level 2 Provide additional challenge and enrichment as needed (many). School-Based GATE, Merit, and Honors Elementary Signature Language Program (Spanish). – Bester, Boonsboro, Greenbrier, Old Forge, Paramount, Pleasant Valley, Potomac Heights, Sharpsburg, and Smithsburg Challenges and contests. – Destination Imagination, Geography Bee, National History Day, Stock Market Game, etc.
Continuum of Services for Gifted and Talented Education Level 3 Identify and develop demonstrated talent areas (some). Academy and CTE Programs Barbara Ingram School for the Arts ESSENCE WCPS Magnet Programs WCTHS
Continuum of Services for Gifted and Talented Education Level 4 Expand expectations for highest achievers (few). Full-grade acceleration Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth participation
.02 Identification of Gifted and Talented Students Norm-referenced testing for all students in grades 1 and 5 (aptitude) Parent/teacher referral (potential and performance) Implementation of Primary Talent Development for PreK-2 (potential and performance)
.02 Identification of Gifted and Talented Students School Level GATE Review Team – Follow GATE Review Team Protocol. – Use GATE Services Referral Instrument. – Analyze data and make recommendations for students requiring services PreK-5.
.02 Identification What is PTD for PreK-2? A science-based expert thinking curriculum based on gifted education. Exposes students to kinesthetic, STEM experiences that introduce the following behaviors over time: – Perceptive – Inquisitive – Communicative – Creative – Resourceful – Leadership – Persistence
.02 Identification What is PTD for PreK-2? Each lesson incorporates the Essential Strategies that may be reinforced in other subject areas: 1.Analyzing Attributes 2.Questioning 3.Creative Problem Solving “Successful Intelligence” is the synergy of these intelligences: Analytical Creative Practical
.02 Identification What is PTD for PreK-2? Students responses to tasks are rated on a REPI scale as the Essential Skills are taught: Readiness Emergent Progressing Independent
.03 Programs and Services: Elementary and Middle GATE GATE staff working with grades PreK-5. Magnet and Merit (grades 6-8) Primary Talent Development Parent meetings – Informational – Student support MEGS Conference October 19th
.03 Programs and Services: Elementary GATE Acceleration/enrichment, shared inquiry, STEM-based projects, other project-based instruction. Provide instruction through flexible grouping. Facilitate opportunities for extended inquiry that support core curricular objectives. Provide opportunities to participate in co/extra-curricular activities.
.03 Programs and Services: Middle School GATE Merit-level (accelerated and enriched) classes. English, math, science, social studies, world languages. All fifth-grade students screened using instruments that assess aptitude, performance, and potential. Parents may nominate without using GATE Referral Instrument.
.03 Programs and Services: Elementary Magnet Programs Boonsboro Elementary Magnet Program for World Languages and Global Communication Emma K. Doub Elementary Magnet Program for Integrated Arts and Technology Fountaindale Elementary Magnet Program for the Arts and Academic Excellence Williamsport Elementary Magnet Program for Science,Technology, Engineering, and Math (S.T.E.M.)
.03 Programs and Services: Elementary Magnet Programs for our most gifted students. All first-grade students screened and invited to apply to Magnet Programs. Students in grades 2-4 will be recommended by GATE teacher, classroom teacher, or parent referral. Openings at Boonsboro, Doub, and Fountaindale.
.03 Programs and Services: Elementary Magnet Screen first, then apply. Multiple indicators of potential are used during application process: + Norm-referenced testing + Interview with task + Reading level + Teacher perception instruments + State testing + Grades COMPOSITE SCORE =
Middle School Magnet Programs Grades 6, 7, and 8 Boonsboro Middle School Magnet Program for World Languages and Global Communication E. Russell Hicks Middle School Magnet Program for Media Technology, the Humanities, and Communication Springfield Middle School Magnet Program for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S.T.E.M.)
.03 Programs and Services: Middle School Magnet Programs for our most advanced students. All fifth-grade students screened and invited to apply to Magnet Programs. Students in grades 6-7 will be recommended by classroom teacher, Lead Teacher, or parent referral.
.03 Programs and Services: Middle School Magnet Openings at Springfield. Use the GATE Referral Instrument. Send the completed Referral Instrument to the Office of Advanced Programs, along with evidence of the indicators.
.03 Programs and Services: Middle School Magnet Screen first, then apply. Multiple indicators of potential are used during application process: + Norm-referenced testing + Interview with task + Reading level + Teacher perception instruments + State testing + Grades COMPOSITE SCORE =
“The greatest waste in all the world is living below our potential.” Harold B. Lee
Signature Programs for Emergent Scholars: Advancement Via Individual Determination AVID Located at ERHMS, NMS, SpMS, WHMS, NHHS, SHHS, and WHS. Student support and college readiness system for students who have the desire and determination to attend a four-year college.
Signature Programs for Emergent Scholars: Advancement Via Individual Determination First-generation students who are in the academic “middle.” Enrolls students in the AVID elective class and advanced-level coursework as per their academic strengths.
High School Choices Academies and CTE Programs ALL Schools: Advanced Placement and Honors Courses Barbara Ingram School for the Arts North Hagerstown High School AVID- Advancement Via Individual Determination International Baccalaureate Programme Academies and CTE Programs ALL Schools: Advanced Placement and Honors Courses Barbara Ingram School for the Arts North Hagerstown High School AVID- Advancement Via Individual Determination International Baccalaureate Programme
High School Choices South Hagerstown High School Academic Leadership Academy AVID Washington County Technical High School Williamsport High School AVID S.T.E.M. South Hagerstown High School Academic Leadership Academy AVID Washington County Technical High School Williamsport High School AVID S.T.E.M.
“Believing in people before they have proved themselves is the key to motivating people to reach their potential.” John C. Maxwell
Questions? How do I begin to navigate the road to college? Speak with the College Prep Teacher, counselor(s), or contact Mrs. Beth Moore. Visit
Career and Technology Education (CTE) Programs
Key Components of CTE Programs Specific course sequences leading to a culminating course Concentrated instruction Specialized skills gained “Value Added” components Industry or State certificate programs. College credit at a variety of institutions
Current CTE Programs Three Approaches Local school career and technology education completer programs School based Career Academies* Technical High School specialized completer programs
CTE completers offered in each school
Boonsboro High School Agriculture o General Agriculture o Horticulture Business Education o Finance and Accounting o Business Management o Administrative Services o Marketing Drafting and Technical Drawing Youth Apprenticeship Carpentry (NCCER I)
Clear Spring High School Environmental, Agricultural Science Academy* o Plant o Animal o Natural Resources Agriculture o General Agriculture o Horticulture o Natural Resources Family and Consumer Science o Child Care Business Education o Finance and Accounting o Business Management o Administrative Services
Hancock Middle/Senior High School Business Education o Finance and Accounting o Business Management o Administrative Services Drafting and Technical Drawing Family and Consumer Sciences o Child Care
North Hagerstown High School Academy of Teaching Professions * Academy of Medical Careers* Family and Consumer Science o Child Care o Food and Beverage Management Computer Science – not yet a completer, classes currently are electives
Smithsburg High School Agriculture o National curriculum Plant Production Animal Production Mechanical Applications o Horticulture Business Education o Finance and Accounting o Business Management o Administrative Services Computer Science – not yet a completer, classes currently are electives
South Hagerstown High School Academy of Finance* Oracle Academy* Academy of Teaching Professions* Business Education o Finance and Accounting o Business Management o Administrative Services Drafting and Technical Drawing Family and consumer Science o Food and Beverage Management
Williamsport High School STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Academy* o PLTW Pre-Mechanical Engineering o PLTW Pre-Aerospace Engineering o PLTW Pre-environmental Engineering o Engineering and Manufacturing Business Education Drafting and Technical Drawing Family and Consumer Sciences o Child Care
Washington County Technical High School Academy of Biomedical Science (PLTW)* Academy of Health Professions* Automotive Technology Automotive Collision Repair Carpentry (NCCER 2) CISCO Academy* Computer Game Development & Animation Cosmetology Criminal Justice Culinary Arts Digital Communications Early Childhood Professions Electrical Construction (NCCER 2) Environmental Horticulture & Landscape Design Graphic Communications & Printing Multimedia & Graphic Design Pre-Civil Engineering and Architecture Academy – PLTW*
Other WCPS Specialized Completer Programs Fire & Rescue Academy* (Available to students from all schools @ South Hagerstown HS Career Research and Development (Available @ BHS, EHS, SHHS, WHS)
Career Academies
Key components of an academy Small learning community within the school Partnerships with employers and work-based learning Integrated academic and occupational curriculum
There are nine academies in WCPS. Formed in response to a recognized labor market need. Has an advisory board comprised of local business and industry leaders. All except AoMC are CTE completers.
Pre-Civil Engineering & Architecture at Technical High School Introduction to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Digital Electronics Civil Engineering & Architecture Engineering Design & Development Senior portfolios are reviewed with members of the advisory board. -2 year program-
Academy of Manufacturing and Engineering Technology at Williamsport High School Engineering pathway: Intro. to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Digital Electronics Computer Integrated Manufacturing OR Aerospace Engineering Engineering Design & Development Manufacturing pathway is also available: Introduction to Engineering Design Machine & Metal Processing Drafting II Internship 3-4 year program These pathways are 3 of the STEM options at WHS.
at South Hagerstown High School Principles and Applications of Finance Principles of Accounting and Financial Reporting Financial Services Internship 2-3 year program Course at HCC Principles of Management OR Legal Environment of Business ( tuition is reimbursed if student earns a grade of C or better)
Academy of Medical Careers at North Hagerstown High School Advanced Anatomy & Physiology Advanced Biomedical Science AP Biology or Chemistry AP or Honors Psychology Pre-Calculus or trigonometry 1 ½ year program Participation in one of the following summer activities: National Cancer Institute Forensic camp Central Appalachian Health Careers Enrichment Program at WVU or FSU National Youth Leadership Forum in Medicine Job shadow
Fire and Rescue Academy Firefighting I and II Basic Emergency Technician Hazardous Materials Operation Rescue Technician Trained by instructors from the Maryland Fire & Rescue Institute Half day program for 2 years in the portable classroom at SHHS Can earn up to 14 college credits & several industry recognized certifications.
Academy of Teaching Professions at North & South Hagerstown High Schools Human Growth & Development Through Adolescence Teaching as a Profession Foundations of Curriculum & Instruction Introduction to Education (HCC dual enrolled course) Internship at nearby elementary or middle school 2-3 year program Students test for the ParaPro and Praxis I exams.
Environmental Agricultural Science Academy at Clear Spring High School 3 pathways available Animal Science Plant Science Environmental Science & Natural Resources 4 year program Courses: Honors Biology Biotechnology Foundations of Environmental Agricultural Science 4 specialized courses in the chosen pathway
Academy of Biomedical Sciences at Technical High School Principles of the Biomedical Sciences Human Body Systems Medical Intervention Biomedical Innovation 2 year program Recognized as the Maryland CTE Program of the Year 2011
Oracle Academy at South Hagerstown High School Newest academy—first completers this year. Prepares students for successful careers in Information Technology (IT), including database administration and database programming. Database Design Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) Database Programming With Program Language(PL)/SQL Oracle III: Database Fundamentals I (an online course that earns college credit). -2 year program-
Application Process Applications are available at every high school. Deadlines in spring; dates TBD. Enrollment is open to all students. Students now have access to the transportation hub similar to the Technical HS program. For additional information, contact Sharon Chirgott, Academy Director 301-766-2956 or
South Hagerstown High School Academic Leadership Academy
What makes a good candidate? Self-driven Good grades Not afraid of challenges Enjoys school Sees the value in working with others Seeking to attend a four year college
Purpose: A Signature Program A program for highly qualified, highly motivated learners Two fronts of learning: AP Coursework Leadership Development “May Her Fame Forever Live”
Benefits A Small Learning Community A Program with Choice Support Enrichment Commendation and Notation Potential College Credit
Expectations Seven Advanced Placement Classes Leadership Development Summer AP Government AP World/AP US History Leadership Development Experience/Portfolio
Application One page application and student essay Two teacher recommendations One guidance counselor recommendation Due by Monday December 3 rd, 2012
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
What is the IB Diploma Programme? The IB Diploma Programme is a college preparatory program designed to create the well-rounded student Student study college level material in six content areas – English – Foreign Language – Math – Science – History – Art or Elective
Requirements Three or Four High Level Courses – IB English – IB History – IB Biology – IB Math HL – IB Visual Arts – IB Spanish, IB French or IB German IB requires 250 instructional hours for a Higher Level Course
Requirements Three or Two Standard Level Courses – IB Spanish SL, IB French or German SL – IB Math Studies, IB Math SL – IB Computer Science, IB Psychology, IB Philosophy or IB Visual Arts IB requires 150 instructional hours for a Standard Level Course
Requirements Theory of Knowledge Course – Center piece of the IB Diploma Programme – Challenges students to consider What is knowledge? How do content areas accumulate knowledge?
Requirements Extended Essay – Independent research project that is no longer than 4,000 words – Student choice of a topic – Student choice of a mentor – Due the first Wednesday after Thanksgiving break of the senior year
Requirements 150 CAS hours – Creativity - The Arts Minimum 50 hours – Action – Physical Activity (Athletics) Minimum 50 hours – Service – Community Service Minimum 50 hours – CAS coordinator will assist students in completing CAS hours
University Recognition College Acceptance College Course Credits – – Click on the down arrow under the title, IB Diploma Programme university recognition – Select a university – Click go – Recognition policy of the selected university will appear
Application Process Complete Application of Interest Provide three current teachers with Teacher Recommendation Forms Arrange Interview Appointment Interview with the IB staff Receive Recommendation from the IB Staff Enroll at North Hagerstown High School during the summer
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