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Electronic Research Administration Office of Extramural Research National Institutes of Health April 2010 Commons Post Submission Functionality Scarlett.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Research Administration Office of Extramural Research National Institutes of Health April 2010 Commons Post Submission Functionality Scarlett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Research Administration Office of Extramural Research National Institutes of Health April 2010 Commons Post Submission Functionality Scarlett Gibb & Deven Tines eRA Commons Service Center Representatives

2 eRA Commons Basics What is eRA Commons? When will I use it? Using eRA Commons Navigation Status Just-In-Time (JIT) Notice of Award (NOA) No Cost Extension (NCE) xTrain Electronic Streamlined Non- competing Award (eSNAP) Closeout Financial Status Report Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Today’s Agenda Resources Finding Help

3 What is eRA Commons? The eRA Commons is an online interface where grant applicants, grantee organizations, grantees and federal staff can access, share, and transmit administrative information related to their applications and grants. Applications Post-Award Correspondence Review Assignment Priority Score Summary Statement Notice of Award Assurances Certifications Progress Reports Financial Reports Invention Reports Profile Data Assembled Application Image eSubmission Errors/Warnings Training Appointment Actions

4 When will I use it? Review errors/warnings identified during the submission process Check final application image for assembly issues View information on the review assignment of your grant application Application Submission Process Application Intake at Receipt & Referral

5 When will I use it? View Summary Statement & Priority Scores Submit Just-In-Time Data (e.g., other support, certifications) View Notice of Award (NoA) Peer Review Process Pre-Award Process Award Process

6 When will I use it? Prepare Progress Reports Prepare Financial Status Report Prepare final FSR, progress report, Invention Statement and Certification, and population tracking data Post-Award Process Closeout Process

7 Using the eRA Commons

8 eRA Commons Navigation Commons is laid out in a tertiary (3) menu fashion. The top tabs show the main functions which can drill-down two (2) levels of sub-menus. 1 2 3

9 Status

10 PI Status STATUS is your LINK to the Action!

11 SO Status

12 Status – After Submission

13 Applications/Grants Hit List Select the Application ID to view detailed Status information for that application/grant.

14 Status – Assignment Info Primary Institute Assignment Study Section Assignment Key Contact Information

15 Status – Summary Statement 200 Only the PI can view Summary Statement, Priority Score and Percentile information.

16 Hands-on: Accessing Commons Open an Internet connection and go to the appropriate eRA Commons non-production environment: eRA Commons Demo demo/ demo/ Enter the Username and password provided by your trainer. **eRA Commons is not case sensitive

17 Hands on exercise – Status review outcome Identify a grant on your Status hitlist. Click on the Grant number link. Identify the review outcome data. Identify the summary statement link. Click on the link View the Summary Statement

18 Just in Time (JIT)

19 Just In Time (JIT) Appearance of JIT link does not indicate a pending award. DO NOT submit JIT information unless requested by NIH Items to submit Other Support file Institutional Review Board (IRB) date Human Subjects education for Key Personnel PI can enter the information in the System, but it must be submitted by an SO. Select JIT link

20 Just In Time (JIT) New features in JIT: New upload of Budget and Other One portions may be submitted at a time Multiple uploads Number of submissions noted

21 Just In Time (JIT) Other Support documentation is required. It is provided in an attachment. Use the Import button to begin the upload. Use the Browse button to locate your Other Support file and select Upload File. * JIT screen – top portion *

22 Just In Time (JIT) * JIT screen – bottom portion * Enter IRB approval date. Date should be within the last 12 months. Provide Human Subject Education information PI can Save JIT information, but an SO must Submit it to Agency.

23 Hands-on - JIT Identify a grant on your Status hitlist with a JIT link. Click on the JIT link. Upload Other Support file supplied by your trainer. Upload Budget file supplied by your trainer Provide a date in the IRB Date field. Remember: Date must be within last 12 months. Provide some text in the Human Subject Education field. Click Save.

24 Notice of Award (NOA)

25 Status – Notice of Award The Notice of Award (NoA; previously called Notice of Grant Award or NGA) is posted in the PI’s Other Relevant Documents list. Follow Latest NOA link to access document.

26 No Cost Extension

27 No Cost Extension - NCE May only be submitted by SO. Available for one extension only 90 days before the project end date and no later than the end date.

28 xTrain

29 System for managing research training appointments Institution staff use xTrain to create, route and submit appointment forms and termination notices and to track the status and timing of appointments NIH grants management specialists use xTrain to process training grant appointments and terminations made electronically

30 xTrain As of January 2011, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will require the use of the xTrain application in eRA Commons for the electronic submission of appointment forms and termination notices related to institutional research training, fellowship, education and career development awards. Paper appointment forms and termination notices will not be accepted by the NIH after January 1, 2011.

31 xTrain Allows users to electronically process the required paperwork associated with awarded training and career development grants Grantee institution staff can use xTrain to: create, route and submit Appointments, Re- Appointments, Amendments and Termination Notices track the status and timing of training actions

32 xTrain – New Commons Roles xTrain introduces two new eRA Commons roles Trainee Person appointed to training grant Currently, account set-up done through xTrain Business Official (BO) Person with signature or other authority related to administering training grants and is authorized to submit Termination Notices on behalf of the institution

33 xTrain Trainee Roster Appointment Type: New Reappointment Amendment Appointment Status: In Progress PI In Progress Trainee Pending Agency Review Accepted Terminated Appointment/Termination Source: Paper or Electronic Termination Status: In Progress BO In Progress PI In Progress Trainee Pending Agency Review Accepted View: View 2271 View TN View Payback Action: 2271 Form Amend 2271 Initiate TN Term Notice Most work is done from Trainee Roster

34 34 xTrain

35 eSNAP

36 Electronic Streamlined Non-competing Award Process (eSNAP) Electronic submission of annual SNAP Progress Reports Electronic version of PHS 2590 form Most non-competing grants at NIH are streamlined Benefits: Submission deadline is 45 days prior to start date instead of 60 days Reduces duplicate data entry

37 eSNAP – Grant List eSNAP Grant List Shows all of your grants at NIH Hyperlinked grant numbers are eSNAP eligible Shows the due date, eSNAP status, and current reviewer Select Grant Number to access the eSNAP Menu

38 Manage eSNAP Status of Completion shows the completion status of each page of the eSNAP. This is an optional tool and is not required to submit.

39 eSNAP Functions & Roles FunctionsPIPI DelegateAOSO Initiate Upload Science Edit Business Validate eSNAP Route to other user Recall View Routing History View eSNAP Report Submit to Agency Delegated by SO

40 eSNAP – Upload Science Upload Science Progress Report file Research Accomplishments file Other Documentation file Citations/Publications

41 eSNAP - Upload Science Progress Report File is Required. Click Import to upload file. Use Browse button to locate file and Upload File button to include in eSNAP. File section updated. * Top of Upload Science screen *

42 eSNAP – Upload Science * Bottom of Upload Science screen * Either button will mark Upload Science as Complete on the Manage eSNAP page. User can add Publication Information that does not show in Publications list that is populated from the Publications section of the PIs Personal Profile.

43 National Library of Medicine – My Bibliography In July 2010 Commons will no longer accept PI submitted citation in either the publication section or eSNAP submission. All citations will be pulled from the NLM My Bibliography system. Please reference the link below for accessing this system. http:/

44 eSNAP – Edit Business Edit Business Organization Info (face page) Performance Sites All Personnel Research Subjects SNAP Questions and Checklist

45 Edit Bus. – Org. Info Drop-down lists include all AOs and SOs in Institution. Pulled from Institution Profile. Pulled from Personal Profile/ Employments/Preferred Address.

46 Edit Bus. – Performance Site First Performance Site listed is pulled from Institution Profile. Additional sites can be entered manually. Click to Save entry.

47 Edit Bus. - All Personnel If Person has Commons ID information will be pre-populated.

48 Edit Bus. - Research Subjects 2000 character limit on text

49 Edit Business – SNAP and Other Progress Report Questions & Checklist Upload of Other Support file is required. List of questions about changes in: Other support of key personnel PI level of effort Unobligated balance Select Agent Research Multi PI Leadership Plan Program Income “Yes” answers require explanation.

50 Edit Bus. - Inclusion Enrollment Inclusion Enrollment Report Table must be completed for each study.

51 Completing the eSNAP Once all the eSNAP documents are complete… If the SO has delegated authority to submit, the PI can submit the eSNAP to Agency. If not, the PI can route the eSNAP to the SO to submit.

52 eSNAP Hands-on: Initiating an eSNAP Go through tabs and have fun!

53 Closeout

54 The Closeout process includes: Final Financial Status Report (FSR) Final Progress Report Final Inventions Statement

55 Closeout - FSR Final Financial Status Report (FSR) Must have an account with the FSR role to create/submit the FSR FSRs due on/after October 1, 2007, must be submitted electronically using eRA Commons NIH Guide Notice: NOT-OD-07-078

56 Closeout – Progress Report Either the PI or the SO can create/upload the final Progress Report. Select Submit. Select OK. Browse to select file for upload.

57 Closeout – Invention Statement If Inventions are to be reported, the specific inventions must be listed. Either the PI or the SO can start the process, but both must verify the report before submitting to Agency.

58 Closeout – Invention Statement

59 Verify saved inventions. Remove any that do not apply. Add any that are missing. Select Verify. Select OK.

60 Closeout Status changed to Awaiting SO Verification. SO can now verify and submit. Hands-on – Closeout Create and upload Final Progress Report. Initiate and Verify Final Invention Statement.

61 Financial Status Report (FSR)

62 Why FSRs ? - published 3/12/1993), grantees must provide the Federal Government all financial, performance, and other reports as required by the terms and conditions of the assistance awards. NIH grantees are required by 45 CFR 74.71 to submit three closeout reports for every award: Final FSR, Final Invention Report, and Final Progress Report. Information on updated processing procedures for submitting FSRs will be issued in a future Guide notice. Future guidance will also be issued to improve compliance with Invention and Progress report requirements. - reminder of timeliness and accuracy

63 When did it become mandatory to submit electronically? NIH Requiring Mandatory Use of the Electronic Financial Status Report System in the eRA Commons Beginning October 1, 2007 Guide notice:

64 Query Options To query by Grant Number or NIH Institute

65 FSR Status Definitions Received – Received in system after submitted by institutions. Corrections can be made before being picked up (see “In Review” below) by Office of Financial Management (OFM) Staff. Pending – Awarded and FSR’s will be due this fiscal year, but are not due within 90 days. Institutions should not edit at this point. Due – The FSR is due within 90 days (not 3 months) and should be addressed by the Institution. Late – The FSR is late and should be addressed by the Institution. In Review – The FSR has been picked up and is being reviewed by NIH OFM staff. Institutions cannot edit in the status. Accepted – The FSR has been accepted by NIH OFM staff. Institutions can make revisions. Rejected – The FSR has been rejected by NIH OFM staff. Institutions should make revisions and re-submit. Revision Pending – FSR has been accepted but is being revised by the institution.

66 FSR Hitlist The Grant Number is a hyperlink that will go to the FSR form

67 Hands-on: Accessing Commons Open an Internet connection and go to the appropriate eRA Commons non-production environment: eRA Commons Demo demo/ demo/ Enter the Username and password provided by your trainer. **eRA Commons is not case sensitive

68 Hands On - Query Click on FSR Tab Choose a status code from drop down list Click on Submit button View hit list

69 Filling out a FSR Only the long form is displayed Fields are automatically populated based on current information in eRA system

70 Filling out a FSR As current year entries are completed calculations are done automatically

71 Filling out a FSR To enter Indirect Expenses Enter data this screen, click Add for each item on list and then Save

72 Filling out a FSR Clicking on Save automatically populates and calculates the form.

73 Hands on - application From your hit list, click on a grant link for an FSR that is due. Start filling out the form with data.

74 Submission of a FSR Clicking the Save button will initiate error checking. If no errors are found, the Submit button will appear. Clicking this will submit the FSR to NIH.

75 Submission of a FSR Application Status changes to Received If a mistake is made on the FSR and it is labeled “In Review” the Institution should contact the NIH OFM staff (301-402-9123) and have them reject the FSR and revisions can then be made. Hands-on: Submit your FSR

76 Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI)

77 FCOI Institution Functionality Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Allows grantee institutions to: Initiate and prepare a FCOI notification Multiple FCOI officials and delegates can access and edit a notification while in Work In Progress (WIP) status Submit the FCOI notification and supporting documents electronically to Agency Can provide comments at time of submission that are included in email notification to Agency Search and View FCOI notifications previously submitted through Commons Does not provide visibility to any notifications previously submitted in paper Edit or rescind submitted notifications (requires Agency involvement) Access history of actions

78 Commons FCOI & Internal FCOI Systems Commons FCOI integration with internal FCOI tracking system Commons FCOI and Internal FCOI systems will interact by sharing information once daily Internal FCOI system users have ability to request additional information and rescind notifications Notification to Institution made from Internal FCOI system and is also reflected in Commons FCOI history

79 FCOI Flexible Account Admin Commons account must have FCOI role to submit FCOI notifications to Agency Only Institution Signing Officials (SOs) can add this role to an account FCOI role can be added to multiple accounts at Institution’s discretion Ability to prepare and/or view FCOI notifications can be delegated, but not ability to submit to Agency FCOI ASST FCOI View-only

80 FCOI Delegation FCOI users can delegate all functions except submit to Institution users with new FCOI ASST role Similar to other delegation screens in Commons

81 FCOI - Initiate Default Screen Becomes active after initial save System provides Contact PD/PI name after initial save. Provides additional info to check correct grant # entered. Record pulled will be for the latest year of the grant

82 FCOI Search Provides list of awarded grants for this Institution with previously created FCOIs Available actions Links to FCOI History Search Results

83 FCOI History Event recorded in FCOI History each time a user takes an action on the record

84 FCOI Edit Fields are pre-populated, but editable Delete uploaded file Delete entire record

85 FCOI View Pre-populated; read-only

86 Resources Links of Interest: eRA Web site eRA Commons Electronic Submission of Grant Applications NIH Grants Web site (Office of Extramural Research)

87 Finding Help eRA Commons Help Desk Hours: Mon–Fri, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Eastern Web: Toll-free: 1-866-504-9552 Phone: 301-402-7469 TTY: 301-451-5939 Don’t forget to get a help desk ticket number if your issue isn’t immediately resolved.

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