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Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System Reporting Tool 101

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System Reporting Tool 101"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System Reporting Tool 101

2 STARS Staff Meghan Fay Zahniser, STARS Program Manager Ben Stookey, STARS Lead Web Application Developer Laura Matson, STARS Technical Developer Jillian Buckholz, STARS Program Coordinator

3 Agenda Getting Started Credit Documentation Submission Reports & New Features Resources Q&A

4 To access the STARS Reporting Tool, log in to

5 Setting up an AASHE Account Only institutions that are registered for STARS may access the Reporting Tool. To access the STARS Reporting Tool, please log in using your email address and password associated with your AASHE Account (i.e., the account you use to access AASHE’s Resource Center). To set up an AASHE Account, or if you need to reset your password, visit:

6 Once logged into to the Reporting Tool, view the STARS Dashboard

7 Manage Institution In the STARS Dashboard, when you choose the “Manage Institution” tab, you may: – Click “Submission Set” to begin entering data, submit dataset for a rating, or specify the “Institutional Boundary” for the submission – Add “Users” to your institution’s STARS account – Edit your institution’s “Contact” information – View your institution’s “Payment History”

8 In the submission set, determine your “institutional boundary”

9 “Boundary” refers to the areas of the institution included in the STARS submission Each institution is expected to included its entire main campus when reporting for STARS. It may choose to exclude or include other land holdings and facilities (e.g., satellite campuses, farms).

10 Administrators may add “users” to the institution’s STARS Account

11 Adding STARS “Users” “Administrator” users may add as many users as required to complete the data submission Only “Administrator” users may submit the institution’s data for a STARS rating “Data Entry” users only have permission to enter data into the Reporting Tool “Observer” users only have access to view the institution’s saved data

12 My submission Categories are expandable to access credits Can also navigate using the left hand toolbar

13 Entering Data In “My Submission” click on a credit to begin data submission “Credit Info” outlines the requirements for the credit; identical to the STARS 1.0 Technical Manual Data is entered in the “Reporting Fields” tab “Internal Notes” allows your institution to track specific information about the credit for internal purposes

14 Credit Info Credit Info includes details about the credit from the Technical Manual Credit Info can also be viewed by clicking on the icon next to the tab

15 Reporting Fields Data must be submitted for “required fields” if pursuing the credit “Conditionally required” fields may be required, depending on what information is entered for other fields

16 Help Text Additional help text is included throughout the site. Click on a small blue question mark icon to view the help text.

17 Public Notes Contextual or supplemental information about the credit may be entered in the optional “Notes” field This field will be available to the public upon submission for a rating

18 Responsible Party An affirmation by a “Responsible Party” is required for each credit The “Responsible Party” should be the person accountable for the data submitted for the credit The “Responsible Party” may vary, or stay consistent, between credits

19 Saving Credit Data “Save with status” to indicate if the data submission for the credit is complete, in progress, or not pursing Don’t forget to Save

20 Internal Notes “Internal Notes” may be used to store notes about the credit “Internal Notes” are not public

21 Summary table The Submission Summary highlights progress made in completing the submission Expand the table to view details about each credit’s status

22 Not Applicable Some credits do not apply to all institutions These credits include a fourth save status: “Not Applicable” Click at the top to quickly jump to bottom to mark the credit as “Not Applicable’

23 Submit Data for a STARS Rating Only when an institution is ready to submit its finalized dataset should it choose the “Submit for Rating” icon The “Submit for Rating” icon be accessed on the “My Submission” page or under the “Submission Sets” tab in “Manage Institution” in the STARS Dashboard (see next two slides for illustration) Only an “Administrator” user may submit for a rating



26 Submit Data for a STARS Rating (2) Verify your institutional boundary View credits that haven’t been started or are marked as “In Progress”

27 Submit Data for a STARS Rating (3) Upload a letter from the President or Chancellor indicating the data submitted is accurate

28 Finalize Submission

29 What’s Next? Public scorecard Submission Export Potential New Features – Graphs and Charts – Searchable Database

30 Public Scorecard Once an institution has submitted data for a rating, its dataset will be public The public scorecard will look similar to the “My Submission” summary page For institutions that submit as “STARS Reporter”, points and scores will not be displayed Public data is an important accountability strategy since STARS is a self-assessment Stay tuned: the public scorecard will be available as soon as an institution submits!

31 Submission Export This feature allows – institutions to export their dataset as a PDF file prior to submission – for review of the dataset before the final submission is completed

32 Potential New Features Graphs and charts – Performance snapshot Shows how an institution performed on a particular credit Useful for internal institution sustainability reports – Progress over time Graphs or charts to track progress for overall score or individual credits – Compare to other participants Benchmarking Searchable Database – Custom queries (ex.: community colleges with sustainability in new student orientation )

33 Share Ideas for Potential Resources on the AASHE Forums


35 Other Resources – STARS Website

36 Other Resources – STARS Update

37 Other Resources – Help Link

38 Other Resources – My Resources

39 Contact Information Have a question about STARS? 1)Email 2)Post a question to the AASHE Campus Sustainability Discussion Forums - 3)Check out the STARS website at 4)Call (209) STARS 09

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