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Mandatory Grants (WSP/ATR) Presented by: Noluvuyo Bangani, Amandie Gerber, Racquel Bergman and Siphelo Maxayi March 2014 Skills Planning Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Mandatory Grants (WSP/ATR) Presented by: Noluvuyo Bangani, Amandie Gerber, Racquel Bergman and Siphelo Maxayi March 2014 Skills Planning Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mandatory Grants (WSP/ATR) Presented by: Noluvuyo Bangani, Amandie Gerber, Racquel Bergman and Siphelo Maxayi March 2014 Skills Planning Department

2  Skills Planning Department Structure  Where does the SETA money come from?  Partitioning of the SETA money  PIVOTAL Programmes  Mandatory Grants: WSP/ ATR  Regulatory Changes  Submissions (Hard copies and Soft copies)  Common errors delaying evaluation process  Guidelines to follow  Submission dates  Contact person

3 Skills Planning Manager Noluvuyo Bangani Mandatory Grants Coordinator Amandie Gerber Mandatory Grants Assistant Racquel Bergman Mandatory Grants Assistant Siphelo Maxayi Skills Reporting Coordinator Johannah Masombuka Data Capturer Stella Mokgoko Data Capturer Shirley Mbiko

4  Primary and Secondary employers.  Employers with payroll over R500 000 pay the SD levy.  Levy contribution – 1% of the payroll (SDL Act)  Employer categories: small, medium and large.  Small employers (less than 50 employees)  Medium sized employers (50 - 149 employees) and  Large employers (more than 150 employees).

5 20% NSF and 80% SETA 49.5% Discretionary Grants 80% PIVOTAL 20% NON-PIVOTAL 20% Mandatory Grants 10.5% Administration 10% SETA Administration 0.5% QCTO 1% Skills Development Levy

6  80% of Discretionary grant funding is allocated to PIVOTAL programmes  PIVOTAL = Professional, Vocational, Technical and Academic Learning  PIVOTAL programmes include:  Skills programmes  Learnerships  Degrees/Diplomas  Internships  Graduate Placements  Artisans

7  REGULATORY CHANGES IN SUBMISSION DATES AND PERCENTAGE PAYOUTS  DUE DATE  As from 1 April 2014 due date will change to 30 April 2014 and all subsequent years  PAYOUT PERCENTAGE  Changed to 20% since 01 April 2013  REQUIREMENTS:  ATR + WSP + Proof of Training New Grant Regulation published in the Government Gazette No. 9867 on 03 December 2012.

8  To claim the Mandatory Grant, an employer must submit a combined ATR and a WSP to AgriSETA by 30 APRIL 2014.  ON LINE SUBMISSION :  ON LINE SUBMISSION : (50+)  Employers with 50 or more permanent employees to complete and submit the ATR/WSP online via the AgriSETA Indicium  HARD COPY SUBMISSIONS  HARD COPY SUBMISSIONS: (50+)  A Special Request Form can be submitted on or before 22 April 2014;  Employers/SDFs do not have internet access/poor connection; or  An organization is not yet available on the AgriSETA system (SMS) due to:  Newly registered;  name/SDL change or  Inter Seta Transfers

9  Most common issues with regards to applications  (These errors delays the evaluation process)  Slow Response/NO Response from SDFs/Employers  Total number of employees not completed in full.  Change of SDF without informing the SETA.  Learning programme numbers not completed correctly/in full  Authorization pages not submitted, and/or not completed in full by the relevant persons  Proof of Training pages not submitted, for the incorrect year or insufficient documents.  On Line submissions opened and completed but not SUBMITTED by the due date

10 GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW:  DUE DATE FOR 2014/2015 SUBMISSIONS IS 30 APRIL 2014 AS WELL AS  This includes the actual submission (ATR13-14 & WSP14-15) AS WELL AS the supporting documents  (signed authorization & declaration page and proof of training completed). INDICIUM  Where possible PLEASE try to only use INDICIUM for all submissions  (ATR/WSP for small and large organization and upload of supporting documents).  MAKE USE OF THE PROVIDED MANUALS AND GUIDELINES!!!

11 GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW:  Respond  Respond to requests from AgriSETA promptly. completed in full  A specific section needs to be completed in full on Indicium before the next form will open for completion ….. STARTING with the ATR followed by the WSP)  Uploading submitting  Uploading of documents and submitting the ATR/WSP is two separate functions and do not influence each other.

12 GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW: submit ALL  The submit button will only be available once ALL sections have been fully completed! OFO version 2013  ATR 2013-2014 > Only make use of OFO version 2013 OFO version 2013  WSP2014-2015 > Only make use of OFO version 2013 correct  Send correct proof of training completed as per guidelines  (Only Invoices, certificates, attendance registers or summary of training) SAMPLE  Send only SAMPLE of proof of training (Maximum 5 pages)  (If AgriSETA require more proof we will sent you a written request)

13  More of an upgrade to the old SMS than a new programme  Programme is user-friendly  Clear font, and face easy on the eyes.  Menu can either cascade on the left hand side or top – arrow button at the far right hand.  With the old SMS, used only old internet explorer version refusing to access the latest versions unless one had to click on compatibility - Indicium can be accessed with latest versions.  People with Apple laptop can also access Indicium, previously not possible with SMS  Developers are still configuring for access on Ipads and tablets.

14  Save button (new function) instead of enter from the old SMS.  Create, Edit and Remove functions – pop out box to verify if you want to execute the function.  Gives instructions on required fields and blocks you from continuing if the fields are not field up.  Automatically creates large or small forms depending on the number of employees.  For the SETA staff – integration with other programmes.  Making it easy for interseta transfers – used to be done manually.  Problems experienced –  Logging in.  New SDF Registrations  Inability to view grants - temporal

15 ATR13/14 & WSP14/15 Submission Due date: WEDNESDAY 30 APRIL 2014 @ 24:00 AgriSETA staff will be available until 16:30

16 WSP/ATR Submissions: Tel: (012) 301 5604 / 5637 / 5619 Fax: (012) 325 5845 or 086 532 7041 E-mail: Post:PO Box 26024, Arcadia,0007 Deliver: AgriSETA House, 529 Belvedere Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 For more info on Mandatory Grants please visit our website


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