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How to submit evidence to the SEN Panel in support of Statutory Assessments C. Marks 17.06.09.

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Presentation on theme: "How to submit evidence to the SEN Panel in support of Statutory Assessments C. Marks 17.06.09."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to submit evidence to the SEN Panel in support of Statutory Assessments C. Marks 17.06.09

2 Background Data Total number of statements maintained by the LA in 2008 - 757 Number of ‘new’ statements issued: 2005 - 78 2006 - 78 2007 - 117 2008 - 121 Richmond has a slightly lower percentage of pupils with statements than the national average. However, our figures are rising and the national trend is downwards

3 What happens when a request is made for Statutory Assessment? Weeks 1 to 6 – Pre assessment stage, as part of this the LA decides whether or not to make the assessment. Weeks 7 to 16 – The LA collect advice and decide whether to issue a statement or a note-in-lieu. Weeks 17 to 18 – The LA issue a proposed statement or note-in-lieu. Weeks 19 to 26 – The LA issue the final statement.

4 Evidence required by the SEN Panel Schools are required to fill out as much pertinent information on the original statutory assessment request form as possible Attach appropriate and up to date professional reports as necessary Evidence of purposeful and meaningful interventions at School Action and School Action Plus Clear evidence of the levels of support provided through the schools own resources to date Clear evidence that professional recommendations have been implemented (e.g. following an EP assessment) Current IEP's showing what is additional to and different from the curriculum that is presented to a pupil's peers IEP's submitted should always reflect specific targets and must be evaluated

5 Helpful advice If a school is in disagreement with a parental request for Statutory Assessment the Local Authority will expect you to share your views with the Panel Copies of behaviour logs, exclusion letters and 'British Ability Scales' booklets are not necessary for the decision making process

6 Criteria used for Statutory Assessments Schools can access the criteria used for SA through the following website link; When considering requests for SA the LA should not just use the application of its own criteria to refuse a SA but it needs to look at the needs of the whole child

7 What happens if the LA is not in agreement with a request for SA? All evidence submitted will have been considered Parents and school will be informed of the decision in writing detailing the reasons given ‘New evidence’ can be reconsidered by the LA within 6 months of the original request without the need to return to the start of the SA process Meeting with the LA Disagreement Resolution Appeals to SENDIST

8 The Proposed Statement A proposed statement is issued detailing the amount of hours the LA has agreed to fund The amount of support will be given as an amount of ‘Teaching Support ‘ and an amount of Learning Support Assistance’ Converting the support can be considered by the Panel if this would be of greater benefit to the pupil

9 Moving from a Proposed Statement to Final Statement Parents are given 15 days to respond to the proposed statement naming their preference for school placement With agreement from the SEN Panel referrals are always made to the school of their choice Schools are asked to respond in 15 working days If placement is agreed, statements can be finalised releasing the funding to the school

10 Annual Reviews The purpose of an annual review is to ‘review’ the current statement in place and decide whether it continues to remain appropriate

11 Advice for Annual Reviews It is the responsibility of the school to arrange and lead the annual review Invitations for all annual reviews should be sent to the LA The Code of Practice is clear that all reports need to be circulated two weeks in advance of the meeting A representative from the LA may attend if required but we are not able to attend them all What is considered an appropriate reason for an LA rep to attend? It is the responsibility of the school to submit the annual review report form to the LA within 10 days of the review It is the responsibility of the school to submit a clear annotated copy of the current statement should any amendments be required

12 Questions to ask Is the description of the need still accurate in Part 2? Do the objectives in Part 3 remain appropriate? Does the statement remain effective? Is a statement still required?

13 SEN Team Contacts Catherine Marks, Senior SEN Case Officer – 020 8891 7529 Jacqui Mayger, Senior SEN Case Officer – 020 8891 7596 Antonina Rogers, Principal SEN Case Officer (Currently on maternity leave) – 020 8891 7558 Jenny Martin, SEN Case Officer – 020 8891 7533 Nicola Parry, SEN Case Officer – 020 8487 5184 Miranda Key, SEN Case Officer – 020 8891 7582 Sati Birk, SEN Case Officer (Part time, Tues – Thurs) – 020 8487 5419 Vicky Gilbert, SEN Administrator – 020 8891 7541 David Bishop, Finance and Statistics Officer – 020 8891 7548

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