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Countdown to TLQPR Coming soon … to your neighborhood.

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Presentation on theme: "Countdown to TLQPR Coming soon … to your neighborhood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Countdown to TLQPR Coming soon … to your neighborhood

2 What are the Stakes?  Serious money – maybe hundreds of millions in the next budget cycle  Institutional reputation and credibility  Others reviewed so far – including CUHK – have done well

3 So you don’t want a merger? (worst case scenario)  HKUST  Best in RGC grants  High on RAE  Poor in TLQPR (poor teaching?)   CUHK  Not as good in RGC or RAE, but  Good in TLQPR (good teaching?) 

4 Argues for  World Class U  Tops in research  Tops in teaching 

5 Where are we now?  Self-Evaluation Document  Submitted at end of July  UGC has selected units to visit  Visit program due on 22 November  Two page summary from each unit  Due on 8 December  Need a draft by mid-November  Visit on January 13 and 14

6 Two Page Summary  Outline paper  May be in bullet point form  No more than two pages  Content  First 4 EQW Domains as outline headings  Exemplary accomplishments in a domain  Areas that most need improvement

7 The Domains  Design of curricula  Design of teaching and learning processes  Design of student assessment and use of assessment results  Implementation quality  Commitment of resources

8 Exemplary Accomplishments  What kinds of evidence support this as being exemplary?  What factors helped make it exemplary?  The six Quality Principles?  Various data sources?  Institutional or School policies and service?  What would make it even better?

9 Quality Principles  Using measured outcomes  Orientation to process of student learning  Coherence of processes  Collaborative responsibility  Benchmarking and sharing of good practice  Priority for continuous improvement

10 Areas needing improvement  Why do you think this needs work?  How might you make improvements?  Application of quality principles?  Use of School or institutional services?  Will this be a priority?  What areas did you consider for improvement but did not include?

11 How to write this….  Meet as a group to brainstorm on items to include  Exemplary activities  Areas needing improvement  Select someone to do the drafting  Submit by November 16  Joint effort to refine it by November 30

12 Resources  The SED – copies will be provided  EQW Profiles – yours and others   Or via the TLQ Portal  The Online QA Guide  Other material on the TLQ Portal 

13 The Visit  Time slots (4 units each time)  11:10 am – 1:10 pm and 2:45- 4:45 pm on Monday, 13 January  9:00 am – 11:00 am on Tuesday, 14 January  Meeting with 10-15 representatives, including 5-7 students  Need names of all by 18 November

14 The Visitors  Prof Rosie Young, Chair  Honorary Prof, Medicine HKU  Former chair of Education Commission  Prof David Dill  Public Policy Analysis and Education, UNC at Chapel Hill  Prof Roger Geiger  College of Education, Penn State

15 Visitors, cont’d  Prof Edmond Ko  VP (Education) and Dean of Students ay CityU  Prof Leung Tin-pui  VP (Student and Staff Development) at PolyU  Prof William Massey  President, Jackson Hole Higher Ed Group

16 Visitors, cont’d  Prof John Spinks  PVC (Academic and Student Affairs) at HKU  Prof Joseph Sung  Chair Professor of Medicine, CUHK  Prof Wee Chow Hou  Chair of Executive Programs, Nanyang Business School, Singapore

17 Visitors, cont’d  Dr Don Westerheijden  Center for Higher Education Policy Studies,. University of Twente  Prof Ralph Wolff  Executive Director, Senior College Commission, WASC  Prof Danny Wong  VP (Academic) at OUHK

18 Visitors, cont’d  Dr David Woodhouse  Executive Director, Australian Universities Quality Assurance Agency  Dr Anne Wright  E-Learning Advisor, ICT Strategy Unit, Department for Education and Skills, UK

19 Preparation  The SED - it’s long (20 pages) and boring, but get to know it  CELT – make sure at least one member on the unit panel has had some contact with CELT that can be described in a positive way  SSLC – hold a meeting before the visit, and include SSLC student members in your group  Know your unit summary, and work together to prepare for the questions

20 Overview of the SED  Introduction  Discusses institutional philosophy and approach Stress on diversity and delegated authority  Outlines the QA system University-wide School Department

21 SED, cont’d  Issuing Arising from the First TLQPR  Accountability  Priorities for Teaching and Research  Sharing Best Practice  Organizational Culture  Reducing Variance  Curriculum Design  Teaching Assistants  Student Input and External Feedback  Recognition and Incentives

22 SED, cont’d  The Domains – an EQW Profile  Summarizes our activities in each area, citing examples of good practice  Conclusions  EQW and the institutional mission  Current initiatives and work in progress

23 Action Items  By 16 November 2002:  Submit outline paper draft  Submit names of unit reps (staff and students)  2-21 December: Preparatory meetings  6-10 January: Practice sessions  13-14 January  Panel visits  Now to 13 January: Get to know our story

24 UGC Deadlines  22 November 2002  Submit program details, including names of representatives (staff and students)  8 December 2002  Submit requested information  Submit department/unit outline papers  13-14 January 2003  Visit by TLQPR Panel

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