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RESULTS Training Woodlot Reporting to RESULTS ESF Submission March 2013 Mei-Ching Tsoi

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Presentation on theme: "RESULTS Training Woodlot Reporting to RESULTS ESF Submission March 2013 Mei-Ching Tsoi"— Presentation transcript:

1 RESULTS Training Woodlot Reporting to RESULTS ESF Submission March 2013 Mei-Ching Tsoi

2 Modules 1.Legislative Context and Business Documentation 2.Online Data Entry Basics 3.Online Data Entry Demo 4.ESF Submission 5.RESULTS Canned Reports


4 Must have a bceid account and authorized to submit to RESULTS RESULTS Access

5 RESULTS Pre-Conditions Cutblock must be status of “HB” or “LC” ESF Submission requires mandatory spatial for: Opening Definition Standards Units All Forest Cover Polygons within the opening ESF Submission allows flexibility to create as many SU and Forest Cover polygons for the opening.

6 RESULT ESF Submission components ESF Submission requires software to build submissions. Must understand RESULTS ESF Schema and WL’s submission requirements before attempting Examples shown is using EziLink noting there are other softwares

7 Meta-data requirements User id, Org Unit and Client are validated against Tenure to ensure authorized to submit. RESULT ESF Meta-data

8 Opening Definition must contain Opening (Tenure key) Opening spatial Mandatory data for opening definition Action Code (I-Insert) Tenure Standard Unit NAR BEC Standard Regime ID (if SP Exempt Ind N) RESULT ESF Opening Definition

9 Opening Definition must contain Opening (Tenure key) Opening spatial Mandatory data for opening definition Action Code (I-Insert) Tenure Standard Unit NAR BEC Standard Regime ID (if SP Exempt Ind N) Note if Site Plan Exempt Ind is set to Y, this means that SU is provided but must provide full stocking standards for all required elements in the site plan. RESULT ESF Opening Definition

10 Disturbance Reporting must be provided before or with Forest Cover. Forest Cover submission is based on RISS-WL requirements. Forest Cover via ESF must include FC spatial. NSR or MAT does not require layer or species components. But if layer information is provided, then species composition must also be provided. IMM requires full forest cover with layer and species composition information. RESULT ESF Disturbance & Forest Cover

11 Silviculture report requires mandatory. Planting report must also include number of trees planted with lot information. Forest Cover submission is based on RISS-WL requirements. Forest Cover via ESF must include FC spatial. Example of Full attribution Forest Cover submission RESULT ESF Examples Planting Example & Immature Forest Cover

12 Opening Creation at Harvest Completion 1.Opening creation 2.Standards Unit (Site Plan content) 3.Disturbance Reporting 4.Forest Cover update reflecting post-harvest stand condition

13 Silviculture Activity (annually) Completed Silviculture Reporting Planting report include lot and species information RESULTS has planning feature that may be useful

14 At Free Growing Completion 1.Forest Cover update reflecting free growing conditions 2.Free Growing Milestone

15 RESULTS ESF Pre-Conditions FTA CP application with spatial by cutblock submitted Cutblocks must be status of “HB” or “LC” May create multi-cutblock opening Action Code = “I” - Insert previous stand label, opening gross area tenure SU, Site Plan, Stocking Standard (regime) with Site Plan Map opening spatial

16 RESULTS ESF – Disturbance Reporting Action Code = “I” – Insert disturbance reporting forest cover with spatial

17 RESULTS ESF – Silviculture Reporting (annual) Action Code = “I” – Insert silviculture activites if planting, planting details

18 RESULTS ESF – At free growing Action Code = “I” – Insert forest cover with spatial Free Growing declaration

19 RESULTS ESF – SU Modifications Action Code: “U” – Correction of data only applicable to silv prescriptions “M” – Minor amendment for silviculture prescriptions “A” – Amendment - silv prescription – no SS ID, requires approval - site plan – SS ID exists, no approval required Depending on Action must be careful with set up of ESF submission

20 RESULTS provides ability to supply SU Modification actions online and via ESF. Site Plan (no SS ID) Amendment Requires Approval FPCBC (WLFMR) Site Plan (no SS ID) Approval Required No Approval Required Opening Status “APP” – active opening, nothing pending “AMD” – active opening, draft amendment “SUB” – active opening, submitted amendment for approval requires District Inbox action Note that pre-RESULTS, any SU Modification was paper-based, therefore changes not tracked on the system and must refer to opening files. SU Modifications FRPA (WLPPR) Site Plan (SS ID)


22 Submissions RESULTS Training Obligation Reporting (Submissions)

23 Submissions RESULTS Training Obligation Reporting (Submissions)

24 RESULTS Training Obligation Reporting (Submissions) Upload Submission performs coarse validation to ensure submission matches schema requirements Submissions

25 RESULTS Training Obligation Reporting (Submissions) Provide email for confirmation messages Submissions

26 RESULTS Training Obligation Reporting (Submissions) Submission ID assigned Submissions

27 RESULTS Training Obligation Reporting (Submissions) Submission will be sent to your email account ESF will reviews XML and GML based on error and system’s business edit rule checks. Successful or Rejected – if rejected error message # provided. Submissions

28 RESULTS Training Obligation Reporting (Submissions) May access history your ESF Submissions Submissions

29 RESULTS – Technical Documentation Provides processing rules, dependencies, optionality, context of what information and where it is located in RESULTS – clues to which tables to look for. Online & ESF Submission Requirements – need to refer to both

30 RESULTS – Training Recordings & documentation Refer to Training website for powerpoints, documentation, recordings or any upcoming training opportunities. More themes exists than what is shown on this slide.

31 References on RESULTS Website Business Documentation Business/Spatial Views Technical Documentation Application and ESF Training Resources

32 RESULTS – Application Support

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