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Asec. Blesila A. Lantayona Harold’s Hotel, Cebu City July 2, 2014 Status of Agreements.

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Presentation on theme: "Asec. Blesila A. Lantayona Harold’s Hotel, Cebu City July 2, 2014 Status of Agreements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asec. Blesila A. Lantayona Harold’s Hotel, Cebu City July 2, 2014 Status of Agreements

2 AGREEMENT RESPONSIBLE OFFICE STATUS AS OF June 30, 2014 A. Status of Agreements A1. MSMEs Assisted Reports Regions to submit report on MSMEs assisted classified into sectors on a semestral basis instead of the prior agreed monthly report. The sector report should follow the 6 priority sectors (coffee, cacao, processed food (fruits and nuts), coco coir, processed rubber products and tourism support industries) but should not be limited to these. This agreement shall still be true while the database system is still under construction by MIS. All Regions Database is still under construction. (c/o BSMED & MIS) Hence Regions submission for the 1 st Sem should include agreed upon details. A2. Survey of Establishments Regions to use the template provided by BMSMED for the survey: SMERA Survey Form - for SME database 1 Page Survey Form - for universe of establishments/price mapping Information on business establishments not related to DTI should only be limited to number of establishments. (e.g. data on hospitals - focusing only on number of hospitals, not on bed capacity, which can be obtained thru secondary data e.g. DOH) All Regions Revised Forms disseminated to Regions per memo dated May 7, 2014. Surveys are on- going.

3 AGREEMENT RESPONSIBLE OFFICE STATUS AS OF June 30, 2014 A3. Enhanced Diskwento Caravan Regions to submit their comments on the Concept Paper and Proposed MOA of Enhanced Diskwento Caravan by April 16, 2014 All Regions Done. Guidelines for Enhanced DC disseminated through email last May 2, 2014 A4. ARD Scorecard A team to work on the ARD Scorecard and Functions shall be created and will be composed of: RD Jocelyn Blanco, RD Asteria Caberte and RD Brielgo Pagaran All Regions can send their comments/inputs to the said team. All Regions The team is planning a meeting to discuss this matter is tentatively set in Bohol. A5. Financial/Budget Matters Regions to submit to the Undersecretary their revised proposed utilization plan on their budget incrementals by end of April 2014, so that she can request for replenishment to the Secretary All Regions Regions CAR, 2, 3, 4A, 6, and 7 submitted their revised utilization plan on their budget incrementals, other regions retained their earlier submission.

4 AGREEMENT RESPONSIBLE OFFICE STATUS AS OF June 30, 2014 B. Shared Service Facilities RD Asteria Caberte to produce a good write-up ASAP and submit to OSEC for the launching of the FabLab SSF for Secretary to invite the President on the event on May 6, 2014 Region 7 DONE. Fablab successfully launched last May 2, 2014. The event was attended by P/BSA and S/GLD. C. Grassroots Participatory Budgeting Regions to submit to OOP cc ROG their reports regarding the status of their GPB implementation for the first quarter of 2014 on or before April 21, 2014 All Regions DONE Regions to submit to OOP cc ROG their validated list of 2015 GPB projects on or before April 16, 2014 All Regions DONE Regions to submit to OOP cc ROG request for replacement projects for GPB implementation by April 16, 2014 to meet the April 30 deadline of DBM All Regions Project Replacement can be done throughout the whole year as long as it goes through the process. Regions to submit to OOP cc ROG their request for realignment of funds for GPB projects from MOOE to CO by May 15, 2014 All Regions DONE OOP to coordinate with the regions regarding the schedule of GPB Roadshow. Attendees to the GPB Roadshow should be Provincial Directors and their GPB Pointperson All Regions DONE. 4 Roadshows conducted: NL – 5/12-13; Min – 5/19-20; Vis – 5/22-23; SL – 5/29-30

5 AGREEMENT RESPONSIBLE OFFICE STATUS AS OF June 30, 2014 D. CPG Matters D1. Timbangan Ng Bayan Regions 2 and 12 to submit to ROG-HO their design, cost and specification used in implementing the Timbangan ng Bayan in their regions by April 16, 2014 Regions 2 and 12 DONE. Region 12’s design was approved to be used nationwide. Since Usec. Dimagiba announced that CPG has the funds for the Timbangan ng Bayan nationwide, ROG will coordinate with CPG regarding the implementation of said project. CPG may transfer the corresponding funds to Region 2 and 12 since they have already purchased the Timbangan in their regions ROG DONE. Funds for Timbangan ng Bayan transferred. Regions with request for additional funds pending with BTRCP. D2. CPG Workshops ROG to coordinate with CPG on the CW Capacity Building Workshop and the DOJ-DTI Workshop and inform the Regions of the schedules. Attendees to the CW Capacity Building should be Provincial Directors and the respective Pointpersons while the attendees to the DOJ-DTI Workshop should be the Regional Directors ROG DONE

6 AGREEMENT RESPONSIBLE OFFICE STATUS AS OF June 30, 2014 E. Yolanda Update On, Business Assistance Centers (BAC), since Iloilo (R6) reported a total of 37 BACs, Region 6 to share strategies on successful BAC. Also Regions 6-8 to provide information of BAC as implemented in their respective regions including but not limited to the following: definition of the BAC in your region, services offered, location, manpower of center andsample pictures if possible (highly recommended). This is to clarify and implement the same BAC in the 3 regions concerned. Regions 6, 7 and 8 Despite follow-ups and email last 4/15 and 4/21, concerned regions did not submit. F. Office 365 Regions to encourage their staff to register and use the Office 365 All Regions DONE G. National SME Summit Regions to submit their ideas/inputs on the possible agenda for the National SME Summit (August 20-21, 2014) to BMSMED All Regions No inputs received from Regions but agenda already crafted. ROG to verify if the 2014 ROG General Assembly can be held within the National SME Summit Week in Davao ROG DONE. SME Summit and ROG General Assembly to be held in Davao. H. Industry Clusters Regions to submit their Coffee Cluster Report to RD Myrna Pablo (Coffee National Coordinator) All Regions Completed the 1 st Quarter Report. Next submission will be on the 1 st week of July.


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