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Prepared by NAWIC office Revised: April 2010. Types of Representatives Delegate Represents chapter during the Annual Meeting Votes on all issues which.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by NAWIC office Revised: April 2010. Types of Representatives Delegate Represents chapter during the Annual Meeting Votes on all issues which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by NAWIC office Revised: April 2010

2 Types of Representatives Delegate Represents chapter during the Annual Meeting Votes on all issues which come to the floor Must be a voting member in good standing Alternate Replaces a delegate at the National Convention who is unable to attend the Annual Meeting Proxy (Absent Voter) A non- attending voting member who authorizes a delegate to carry her vote Chapter must have 50% or more of their eligible delegates attending to carry proxy votes 2

3 Responsibility: Delegates and Alternates Be liaison for chapter on information presented at National Convention  Knowledge gained at seminars and workshops  Association information obtained during Annual Meeting Be the voice for your chapter Vote on issues brought to the floor during Annual Meeting 3

4 Eligibility: Delegates and Alternates Must be: A voting member in good standing of the chapter being represented  Past National Presidents (PNP)may be chapter delegates in addition to their PNP vote  Current national officers may be chapter delegates in addition to their vote as an officer In attendance at the National Convention 4

5 Delegate Election Process (Chapters with 6+ members) Determine Delegate Count One (1) Delegate for each 10 members and fraction (see table) One (1) Alternate for each 10 members and fraction (see table) Contact NAWIC office for official membership total 60 days prior to convention if needed (about July 2, 2010) Election Elect Delegates and Alternates from voting members attending National Convention no later than July 2, 2010 Appoint proxy (absent delegates) votes if needed Complete Credentials Complete Certificate of Voting Credentials (Delegates, Alternates, Proxies) Proxy Vote Form (if needed) Forms are available at>Convention>Credentials Submit Submit one (1) copy to the national office, one (1) to your region director and keep one (1)for your files E-mail to, fax 817-877-0324, or mail 5

6 Delegate Table 6 Number of Members Number of Delegates Number of Members Number of Delegates 6-15186-959 16-25296-10510 26-353106-11511 36-454116-12512 46-555126-13513 56-656136-14514 66-757146-15515 76-858156-16516 Use this convenient table to determine the correct number of delegates and alternates for your chapter.

7 Delegate Election Process (Chapters with 5 or less members) Determine Attendance Each voting member attending National Convention is eligible for 1/10 th vote Complete Credentials Complete Certificate of Voting Credentials Forms are available at>Convention>Credentials Submit Submit one (1) copy to the national office, one (1) to your region director and keep one (1) for your files E-mail to, fax 817-877-0324, or mail 7

8 Dates to Note June  Appoint Delegates and Alternates July 5  Last day to register at the reduced rate  All Delegates and Alternates need to be pre- registered for convention July 6  Last day to submit Certificate of Voting Credentials 8

9 FAQ’s What if no one is attending? Submit the Certificate of Voting Credentials with “No Representation” written in the delegate column Do we need to submit the proxy form if we do not have any absent voters? No. Simply send the Certificate of Voting Credentials How many proxy votes can one delegate carry?  Only one. One proxy vote per delegate. 9

10 FAQ’s May I transfer my registration?  If you are unable to attend, yes, you may transfer it to a member who is attending.  Completing the Certificate of Transfer of Annual Convention Registration form. >convention>credentials  MUST be accompanied by the registration form for the replacement registrant Where do I find the source data?  NAWIC Manual Section A, Article XII, Section 2  NAWIC Manual Section F, Voting Credentials Committee Guidelines 10

11 Have a Question Not Covered? Contact the NAWIC Office  800-552-3506 (toll-free)  817-877-5551   Office hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central Time 11

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