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Application is a scansheet Same scansheet for West & Westwood West and Westwood neighborhood does not apply to attend their nhood school Westwood nhood—Northwood.

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Presentation on theme: "Application is a scansheet Same scansheet for West & Westwood West and Westwood neighborhood does not apply to attend their nhood school Westwood nhood—Northwood."— Presentation transcript:


2 Application is a scansheet Same scansheet for West & Westwood West and Westwood neighborhood does not apply to attend their nhood school Westwood nhood—Northwood Hills, Spring Creek and Spring Valley Elem West nhood—Dover, Heights, those living in Arapaho Classical boundary Everyone must complete the scansheet if they want to audition for Visual or Theatre Arts

3 Choice & managed choice options for Bowie, Prestonwood, RISD Acad, Bukhair, Richland, HPP section attends Berkner Obtain and Submit app to elem counselor Mark magnet preference, plus Westwood—Algebra 1 for 7 th Graders Y – N West—program(s) of interest Theatre & Visual Arts Interview Date/Location Siblings Parent signature Return scansheet to Office for Special Projects except choice mng choice schools 1 2 3 4 Scansheet sections

4 Nov. 19  Choice & mng choice students turn in scansheet to elem counselor Dec. 3  All other magnet scansheets due to Office for Special Projects Dec. 18  West distributes Visual & Theatre Arts invitation to audition Jan. 10, 11, 13, 14  Auditions Add’l arts application due at time of audition Feb. 1  All notifications mailed Algebra 1 for 7 th Graders  Acceleration exam application available end of Mar.

5 Transportation Provided if more than 2 miles, but not for zero-hour classes Priority of placement Random selection Siblings if concurrently enrolled Elementary magnet students then others Questions Griffin 469-593-0442 Michael 3-0340

6 Unique courses at West Communication Arts Robotics Technology Add’l Info on Theatre & Visual Arts Qualify through additional process Fill out scansheet and submit on Dec. 3 o Mark program of interest o Mark preference of interview date-time- location Receive notice of audition date-time-location Complete the audition and submit add’l application Available space limited ADD’L TOUR DATES & TIMES Nov. 13 – 9:30 AM Dec. 1 – 2:30 PM Jan. 13 – 9:30 AM CONTACT COUNSELING OFFICE TO SIGN UP 469-593-3657 CONTACT LIST

7 Unique courses at Westwood 7 th Math-Based Science Course 8 th Integrated Health-Science Leadership, 2-year course Algebra 1 for 7 th Graders —must make an 80 or above on the District Exam for Acceleration. This is not necessary to attend Westwood, but is offered as an option. Application for Acceleration Exam are usually made available before Apr. 1 through the elementary school counselor. ADD’L TOUR DATES & TIMES Dec. 10 – 3 PM Jan. 13 – 10 AM Jan. 20 – 10 AM CONTACT COUNSELING OFFICE TO SIGN UP 469-593-3510 CONTACT LIST


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