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Module 4 Chinese people invented paper. Children from China are. England English people AmericaAmerican people Russia Russian people Chinese people.

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2 Module 4 Chinese people invented paper.

3 Children from China are. England English people AmericaAmerican people Russia Russian people Chinese people

4 important 重要的 important

5 As a Chinese, are you proud? 作为中国人,你感到自豪么?

6 Chinese people are very clever. Chinese people invented important things.


8 Chinese people invented paper.

9 paper (Cai Lun)

10 He is from China. He is Chinese.

11 Chinese people invented paper.

12 printing 印刷术

13 Bi Sheng invented printing. 北宋 毕昇

14 Chinese Chinese people invented printing.


16 compass 指南针

17 Chinese people _________compass. invented

18 gunpowder 火药

19 Chinese people _________ gunpowder. invented

20 Gunpowder was very dangerous.

21 Four Great Inventions 中国四大发明


23 Watch a video!

24 培根 : 在人类发明的发展 中, 只有造纸术、印刷术 、火药和指南针对整个历 史的进程影响最大. They are very important things.

25 Chinese people are very ———————————— ! clever

26 As a Chinese, are you proud? 作为中国人,你感到自豪么?

27 Guess and fill in the blanks

28 ________ invented the bicycle?English people bike

29 ________ invented the computer?American people American people invented the computer in 1946.

30 ________ invented the phone?American people Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone in 1875. 亚历山大 · 贝尔

31 ________ invented the car?German people Karl Benz invented the car in 1886. 卡尔 · 奔驰

32 ________ invented the plane?American people The Wright Brothers invented the plane in 1903. 莱特兄弟

33 ________ invented the TV?American people

34 ________ invented the pen? English people 200 年前,英国人沃特曼设计的钢笔 用具有弹性的薄皮橡皮胆,把内部的空 气挤出,插入墨水瓶,钢笔很快就吸满 了。这种方法直到今天,仍无多大变动。

35 Let’s chant!

36 Paper,paper, Chinese people invented paper; That’s right, Chinese people are so clever! Printing,printing, Chinese people invented printing; That’s right, Chinese people are so clever!

37 Paper,paper, Chinese people invented paper; That’s right, Chinese people are so clever! Printing,printing, Chinese people invented printing; That’s right, Chinese people are so clever! 改编歌曲(用其他单词代替红色单词 ):

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