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Local should conclude experience Chief editor consider secretary d i s a g r e e s u g g e s t t e r m b r i e f l y e n t e r t a i n m e n t a m o n.

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Presentation on theme: "Local should conclude experience Chief editor consider secretary d i s a g r e e s u g g e s t t e r m b r i e f l y e n t e r t a i n m e n t a m o n."— Presentation transcript:

1 local should conclude experience Chief editor consider secretary d i s a g r e e s u g g e s t t e r m b r i e f l y e n t e r t a i n m e n t a m o n g

2 take charge of Should do sth ought to do talk over think about decide to do pay for w h a t a b o u t a s k f o r m a k e a d e c i s i o n m a k e a l i s t o f b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a t t h e m e e t i n g

3 Unit 2 language

4 How beautiful the flowers are! What beautiful flowers they are! beautiful

5 How lovely the cat is! What a lovely cat it is ! lovely

6 pretty How pretty the little girl is! What a pretty girl she is !

7 A. What beautiful flowers they are! B. How beautiful these flowers are! beautiful

8 A. How tall the man is! B. What a tall man (he is)! tall

9 Work out the rules:

10 What a beautiful frog it is! What beautiful frogs they are! What salty water it is ! What + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语 What + 形容词 + 可数名词的复数 + 主语 + 谓语 What+ 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语

11 Fill in the blanks with “What”, “What a / an” or “How” to form an exclamation. 1.Many foreigners like Chinese food very much. They said, “ How delicious Beijing Duck is!” 2. What a beautiful girl! Look! How long her hair is! How WhatHow

12 What 与 How 大转换 1. What a pretty girl she is! _______ _______ the girl is! 2. How difficult the questions are! _________ ________ ________ they are. 3. How big the factory is! _______ _______ big factory _____ ____!

13 4.What a clever boy! _______ _______ the boy _______! 5. How tall the trees are! _______ tall trees ______ ______! 6. What interesting books they are! ________ _______ the books ________! 7. How funny the girl is! ________ _______ funny girl ____ _____!

14 8. How old the man is! ______ _______ old man ______ _____! 9. What nice books they are! _____ ______ the books ________! 10. How amazing the building is! _____ _____amazing building ____ ____!

15 What 与 How 大转换 1. What a pretty girl she is! _______ _______ the girl is! 2. How difficult the questions are! _________ ________ ________ they are. 3. How big the factory is! _______ _______ big factory _____ ____! How pretty What difficult questions What a it is

16 4.What a clever boy! _______ _______ the boy _______! 5. How tall the trees are! _______ tall trees ______ ______! 6. What interesting books they are! ________ _______ the books ________! 7. How funny the girl is! ________ _______ funny girl ____ _____! How clever is What a she is How interesting Whatthey are is

17 8. How old the man is! ______ _______ old man ______ _____! 9. What nice books they are! _____ ______ the books ________! 10. How amazing the building is! _____ _____amazing building ____ ____! What an he is How nice are What an it is

18 将下列句子改为感叹句 1.The girl is very pretty. How pretty the girl is! What a pretty girl she is! 2. This is an old watch. How old this watch is! What an old watch it (this) is!

19 3. The food is so nice. How nice the food is! What nice food it is! 4. These questions are very easy. How easy these questions are! What easy questions these are! 5. She has long hair. How long her hair is! What long hair she has!

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