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Lesson Objectives You will understand what a Limerick is.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Objectives You will understand what a Limerick is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Objectives You will understand what a Limerick is.
You will recognize that limericks are humorous. You will understand and apply rhyme and syllable pattern. You will write a limerick for the given writing frame.

2 Humor & Poetry Developed by Ivan Seneviratne

3 Limericks Limericks are always light-hearted, humorous poems of five lines. This type of poetry came from Limerick, Ireland. A limerick is like a clever joke, holding the listeners' attention and then surprising them with the clever twist or turn in the punch line.

4 Pandora! Pandora! Pandora!
Oh my love, My heart is yearning, My mouth is dry, My soul is burning. You are in Tunisia, I am here. Remember me and shed a tear. Come back tanned, brown and healthy. You’re lucky that your dad is wealthy

5 Nonsense of Edward Lear
This type of poem was first documented in England in 1989. Edward Lear ( ) popularized the limerick although when he was writing these “nonsense” poems in 1845 and later 1872, they were not yet called limericks.

6 How to Write Limericks There are five lines in a limerick that rhyme on a “a-a-b-b-a” scheme. The “a” lines must all rhyme with each other and have nine syllables. The “b” lines must rhyme with each other and have only six syllables. A flea and a fly in a flue A Were caught, so what could they do? A Said the fly, "Let us flee.” B "Let us fly," said the flea. B So they flew through a flaw in the flue. A

7 Tips for Writing Limericks
The First Line Starts with the introduction of a character, or identifies the location of an event or both. Used to identify a characteristic, an occupation, or some other feature of the character. Set up for the final line. End with a bang! The Second Line The Next Two Lines The Last Line

8 Bringing together of unrelated things
Humour in Poetry Humor in poetry can arise from a number of sources. Surprise Exaggeration Bringing together of unrelated things Rhythm & Rhyme

9 There once was a very small mouse
Who lived in a very small house, The ocean’s spray Washed it away, All that was left was her blouse! There was an old man of Madrid Who ate sixty-five eggs - yes, he did! When they asked, “Are you faint?” He replied, “No, I ain’t - But I don’t feel as well as I did!”

10 You will create a limerick similar to this one…
There once was a man from Beijing. All his life he hoped to be King. So he put on a crown, Which quickly fell down. That small silly man from Beijing.

11 Your Turn!!! Fill in the blanks and create your own Limerick. There once was a _____ from ______. All the while she/he hoped ________. So she/he ______________________, And ___________________________, That _________ from _____________.

12 Acknowledgments Sources -
Images - This presentation is developed by Ivan Seneviratne © 2007, purely for personal use.

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