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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Training the student about:  Use of the analytical balance.  Volumetric glassware measurement.  Use of digital and glass.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Training the student about:  Use of the analytical balance.  Volumetric glassware measurement.  Use of digital and glass."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


3 Training the student about:  Use of the analytical balance.  Volumetric glassware measurement.  Use of digital and glass pipettes.  Ideal preparation of different types of solutions (Standard, Saturated, Unsaturated and Percent solutions).

4  Normality (g eq/L): The concentration of a solution in equivalents per liter.  Molality (W/W): Mole (mol.): A mass of a pure substance equal to its formula weight in grams (g).  Molarity (W/V): The concentration of a solution in units of moles of solute per liter of solution.

5  In case of solids:  1 molar solution=M.W in gms.x100/purity%g/l.  Example: 1 molar solution of NaOH: =40 x 100/96.0 g/l.  In case of liquids:  1 molar solution=M.W x 100/purity x Sp.Gr. g/l.  Example: 1 molar solution of acetic acid: = 60.05 x 100/99.5 x 1.049 g/l.

6  Take two conical flasks.  Place distilled water in one flask and tape water in the other.  Weigh 5 ml. of water six times from each flask using the analytical balance.  Express your results in the table.

7 or = C.V. (Co. Var.)% = x 100

8 o Read the given details of the reagent from its bottle: o M.W. o Sp. Gr. / or wt/v at 20 c. o Purity % o Prepare the given table:

9  Prepare 250 ml. of 2M HCl. And NaOH solutions (see the table above).  Keep the solutions for the next practical.

10  Prepare 20 ml. of saturated solution of Sodium chloride and Ammonium sulphate.

11  Prepare 100 ml. of percent solutions of Sodium chloride and Ammonium sulphate. (5%, 10%, 12% and 15%). Experiment 5: Preparation of Percent Solutions.


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