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Published byMarilynn Roberts Modified over 10 years ago
Markulf Kohlweiss, Microsoft Research Microsoft Research, May 2010 1
User 2
3445 7455 4397 3534 Personal data Location data age Access credentials Book purchases Political orientation Hobbies / obsessions Behavioral data Favorite news site UserService Providers Anonymous Credentials Laws of Identity 1. User Control and Consent 2. Minimal Disclosure for a Constrained Use Kim Cameron 3
4 AliceBob Behavioral data Personal data Anonymous credentials Anonymous e-coins Anonymous data unidentified location data age>18 Someones e-book purchases Interactions using unlinkable pseudonyms Anonymous data I need to know something right? Have you subscribed? Are you old enough? I want to be anonymous.
User Identity Provider Service Providers I issue a digital identity card real human, subscription, age > 18, pseudonym, encrypted identity name surname age... unlinkable I want to selectively reveal data. I don’t want my actions to be linked. [Chaum85, Brands99, CL01] Camenisch, Lysyanskaya, 2001 5 5
6 Alice Bob Behavioral data Personal data Access credentials I don’t want Bob to know what I am doing. CC number: 3465 7568 9867 3254 IP address: Hello Alice. Use my service. I promise I won’t watch. Really!
CC number: 3465 7568 9867 354 User Service Provider I want to selectively and privately learn information Learns nothing about Alice’s query, except maybe that authorized (may include private payment) except maybe that authorized (may include private payment) IP address: Benny Chor, Eyal Kushilevitz, Oded Goldreich, Madhu Sudan [Rabin, Chor et al.] 7
Anonymity and Private Access needs to be balanced. many extensions to basic system [CL02, CCS06, PKC09, JCS10,AIR01]. Will privacy protocols be less prone to errors than conventional protocols (e.g. key agreement)? What about other privacy enhancing protocols? (RFID Authentication [LBV09], Oblivious Transfer [AIR01) Lee, Batina,.Verbauwhede 2009 Camenisch Lysyanskaya 2002 Aiello, Ishai, Reingold, 2001 8
Until 1980s: Cryptography as a “craft” design, bug, design... when to stop? More recently: Cryptography as a “science” formalized goals: attacker model, security definitions explicit assumptions: security of (ideal) building blocks, mathematical assumptions, construction and rigorous analysis 9
Cryptographic Definitions Ideal functionality based definitions Anonymous Credentials U-Prove Delegatable Anonymous Credentials Private Computation Location-based Services Priced Oblivious Transfer Privacy Preserving Smart Metering Conclusions Two approaches to data minimization 10
Description of building blocks, and specification of desired result 11
Alice & Others Bob Probabilistic Public-key Encryption 12
Define security negatively: Secure if no realistic attacker has advantage > ε. Game between attacker and challenger IND-CPA and IND-CCA games pk m 0, m 1 Enc(pk, m b ) b * = b 13
Define security positively: Behaves as ideal protocol, except with probability ≤ ε. Defined using ideal functionality, and proven by simulation Adversary plays standardized game: goal is to make simulation fail with probability > ε 14
Alice & Others Environment Interface Network Interface Bob 15
Alice & Others Bob Environment Interface Network Interface Init:Dec: Enc: 16
Environment Interface Network Interface 17
Zero-knowledge Soundness 18 Verifier Prover Environment Interface Network Interface
Verifier Zero-knowledge proof protocol Prover Environment Interface Network Interface 19
Proof π common reference string Prover Verifier Environment Interface Network Interface / random oracle 20
Sender i Receiver mimi select i th message Environment Interface Network Interface 21
Bob Alice Environment Interface Network Interface 22
Gaining access to services without revealing ones identity 23
Cryptographic Definitions Ideal functionality based definitions Anonymous Credentials U-Prove Delegatable Anonymous Credentials Private Computation Location-based Services Priced Oblivious Transfer Privacy Preserving Smart Metering Conclusions Two approaches to data minimization 24
25 AliceBob Behavioral data Personal data Anonymous credentials Anonymous e-coins Anonymous data unidentified location data age>18 Someones e-book purchases Interactions using unlinkable pseudonyms Anonymous data I need to know something right? Have you subscribed? Are you old enough? I want to be anonymous.
Identity as a proxy to check credentials Username decides access in Access Control Matrix Sometime it leaks too much information Real world examples Tickets allow you to use cinema / train Bars require customers to be older than 18 ▪ But do you want the barman to know your address? 26
Alice Identity Provider Service Providers I issue a digital identity card name surname age... I want to selectively reveal data. I don’t want my actions to be linked. (x, y) such that x contains age > 18? y = [ age > 18 ] (real human subscriptionpseudonym encrypted identity) x = Based on zero-knowledge proofs unlinkable Cannot learn anything beyond age 27
Multi-show (Camenisch & Lysyanskaya) Random oracle free signatures for issuing (CL) Blinded showing ▪ Prover shows that he knows signature on attributes with some property. Cannot link multiple shows of the credential More complex Single-show credential (Brands & Chaum) Blind the issuing protocol (blindly sign a commitment Show the signature on commitment in clear ▪ Prover shows that commitment contains attributes with some property. Multiple shows are linkable – BAD Protocols are simpler – GOOD 28
Cryptographic preliminaries The discrete logarithm problem Schnorr’s Identification protocol ▪ Unforgeability, simulator, Fiat-Shamir Heuristic ▪ Generalization to representation Showing protocol Linear relations of attributes Issuing protocol Blinded issuing 29
Assume p a large prime (>1024 bits—2048 bits) Detail: p = qr+1 where q also large prime Denote the field of integers modulo p as Z p Example with p=7 Addition works fine: 1+2 = 3, 3+5 = 1,... Multiplication too: 2*2 = 4, 2*4 = 1,... Exponentiation is as expected: 2 2 = 4 Choose g in the multiplicative group of Z p Such that g is a generator Example: g=3(3 ∗ 3 = 9-7 = 2) Subgroup: g=2(2*2*2=1) 0123456 326451 30
Exponentiation is computationally easy: Given g and x, easy to compute g x But logarithm is computationally hard: Given g and g x, difficult to find x = log g g x If p is large it is practically impossible Related DH problem Given (g, g x, g y ) difficult to find g xy Stronger assumption than DL problem 31
Efficient to find inverses Given c easy to calculate g -c mod p ▪ (p-1) – c mod p-1 Efficient to find roots Given c easy to find g 1/c mod p ▪ c (1/c) = 1 mod (p-1) Not the case N=pq (RSA security) No need to be scared of this field. 32
Public: g, p Knows: x Knows: y=g x P->V: g w = a (first message) V->P:c (challenge) P->V: cx+w = r (response) Check: g r = y c a g cx+w = (g x ) c g w Random: w Alice (Prover) Bob (Verifier) 33
Schnorr’s protocol Requires interaction between Alice and Bob Bob cannot transfer proof to convince Charlie ▪ (In fact we saw he can completely fake a transcript) Fiat-Shamir Heuristic H[∙] is a cryptographic hash function Alice sets c = H[g w ] Note that the simulator cannot work any more ▪ g w has to be set first to derive c Signature scheme Alice sets c = H[g w, M] 37
Alice (Prover) Bob (Verifier) Public: g, p Knows: x 1,..., x l Knows: h = g 1 X1 g 2 X2... g l Xl P->V: ∏ 0<i<l g w i = a (first message) V->P:c (challenge) P->V: r 1,..., r l (response) Check: (∏ 0<i<l g i r i ) = h c a l random: w i r i = cx i +w i Let’s convince ourselves: (∏ 0<i<l g i r i ) = (∏ 0<i<l g i x i ) c (∏ 0<i<l g w i ) = h c a 39
Public: g, p Knows: x 1,..., x l Knows: h = g 1 X1 g 2 X2... g l Xl P->V: ∏ 0<i<l g w i = a (first message) V->P:c (challenge) P->V: r 1,..., r l (response) Check: (∏ 0<i<l g i r i ) = h c a l random: w i r i = cx i +w i Let’s convince ourselves: (∏ 0<i<l g i r i ) = (∏ 0<i<l g i x i ) c (∏ 0<i<l g w i ) = h c a Alice (Prover) Bob (Verifier) 40
Alice (Prover) Bob (Verifier) Public: g, p Knows: x 1,..., x l Knows: h = g 1 X1 g 2 X2... g l Xl P->V: ∏ 0<i<l g w i = a (first message) V->P:c (challenge) P->V: r 1,..., r l (response) Check: (∏ 0<i<l g i r i ) = h c a l random: w i r i = cx i +w i Let’s convince ourselves: (∏ 0<i<l g i r i ) = (∏ 0<i<l g i x i ) c (∏ 0<i<l g w i ) = h c a 41
Alice Identity Provider Service Providers I half-blindly issue a digital identity card I want to selectively reveal data. I don’t want my actions to be linked. Com(name, surname age...) Based on blind signatures unlinkable Cannot learn anything beyond age (x, h) such that x contains age > 18? x = attributes and opening for h 43
44 Identity Provider Service Providers I issue a digital identity card name surname age... unlinkable Carol 1 Alice 2 2 unlinkable
Service Providers Carol Alice pk A sk S pk A sk B pk C sk A pk A sk B pk C sk A fresh nonce sk C using signatures: 45
Randomize Proofs Size of randomized proofs stays constant, no blowup 46
Completeness, Soundness, Zero-knowledge New property: Randomizability Randomized proof looks like freshly generated proof Construction for NP [GOS06] and efficient applications [GS08] 47 randomize Groth, Ostrovsky, Sahai Groth, Sahai
randomizemaul Dolev, Dwork, Naor 48
Service Providers Carol 1 Alice 49
Service Providers 11 2 2 maul & randomize 1 Carol Alice 50 maul & randomize
Attribute based access control Federated identity management Electronic cash (double spending) Privacy friendly e-identity Id-cards & e-passports Multi-show credentials! 51
Obtaining a service without revealing behavioural information 52
Cryptographic Definitions Ideal functionality based definitions Anonymous Credentials U-Prove Delegatable Anonymous Credentials Private Computation Location-based Services Priced Oblivious Transfer Privacy Preserving Smart Metering Conclusions Two approaches to data minimization 53
54 AliceBob Behavioral data Personal data Access credentials I don’t want Bob to know what I am doing. CC number: 3465 7568 9867 3254 IP address:
1 -out-of-n oblivious transfer Naor, Pinkas Camenisch, Neven, shelat 55
Security properties 1. Location privacy 2. Database secrecy 3. Service privacy... 56
Security properties 1. Location privacy 2. Database secrecy 3. Service privacy... 57
CC number: 3465 7568 9867 3254 BuyerVendor Initial deposit Learn content of e-book (nothing more) Learn commitment to new deposit := deposit - price of e-book (protocol hides item and price) IP address: Aiello, Ishai, Reingold, 2001 [AIR01] 58
(m 1, p 1 )... (m n, p n ) p 1... p n dep access? i check: dep-p i ≥ 0 b mimi if b=1, dep:=dep-p i else abort Initialization phase Transfer phase Buyer Vendor 59
Meter (Electricity, time) (Gas, time) User Utility Provider Policy Dynamic rates per ½ hour Fixed plan of rates (Non-linear rates -- taxation) Electricity readings per ½ hour Payment Bill 60
USA: Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009, $4.5bn) EU: Directive 2009/72/EC UK: deployment of 47 million smart meters by 2020 BUT: “The Dutch First Chamber considers the mandatory nature of smart metering as an unacceptable infringement of citizens’ privacy and security” 61
Meter readings are sensitive: Toward Technological Defenses Against Load Monitoring Techniques Thomas Nicol, Student Member, IEEE, Thomas J. Overbye, Fellow, IEEE 62
Open Readings { …, (i, cons i, open i ) … } Blind Readings {… i, C i = g cons i h open i, …} sign Prove Bill = i rate i cons i Open’ = i rate i open i Verify (Verify all signatures) i C i rate i = g Bill h Open’ User Bill = i rate i cons i Meter Provider Reveal!Hide! ACCEPT or REJECT rate cons Commitments ?: (1) Hiding (2) Binding 63 Blind readings & Bill, Open’
Proofs & definitions in the UC model Ideal functionality defining metering & billing. Proof that our protocols are indistinguishable from the ideal functionality (+ simulator). Proven under standard assumptions about primitives: ▪ Commitments, signatures, ZK proofs 64
65 Alice Bob Behavioral data Personal data Anonymous credentials Anonymous e-coins Anonymous data unidentified location data age>18 Someones e-book purchases Interactions using unlinkable pseudonyms Anonymous data I need to know something right? Have you subscribed? Are you old enough? I want to be anonymous.
66 Alice Bob Behavioral data Personal data Access credentials I don’t want Bob to know what I am doing. CC number: 3465 7568 9867 3254 IP address:
3445 7455 4397 3534 Personal data Location data age Access credentials Book purchases Political orientation Hobbies / obsessions Behavioral data Favorite news site UserService Providers Anonymous Credentials Laws of Identity 1. User Control and Consent 2. Minimal Disclosure for a Constrained Use Kim Cameron 67
Propose to add noise to bill. Justify use of noise using differential privacy Maintain hidden account of noise contributions Prove that account always positive Negative noise = rebate Support deposits Compatible with anonymous e-cash: anonymous settlement of bill without ever revealing it. 69
Verify signatures and proof i C i rate i C noise = g Bill h Open’ Bill = i rate i cons i + noise Open Readings { …, (i, cons i, open i ) … } Blind Readings {… i, C i = g cons i h open i, …} sign Prove Bill = i rate i cons i Open’ = i rate i open i Blind readings C i & {Bill, Open’} sig User Bill = i rate i cons i Meter Provider Reveal!Hide! ACCEPT or REJECT 70
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