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Preliminary Agenda. Agenda – August 16&17, 2004 9:00-1700 Each day: Make Progress Monday 16 August 8:30-9:00 Arrive, Coffee 9:00-10:00 Discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary Agenda. Agenda – August 16&17, 2004 9:00-1700 Each day: Make Progress Monday 16 August 8:30-9:00 Arrive, Coffee 9:00-10:00 Discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 SWSA@BBN Preliminary Agenda

2 Agenda – August 16&17, 2004 9:00-1700 Each day: Make Progress Monday 16 August 8:30-9:00 Arrive, Coffee 9:00-10:00 Discuss goals for producing SWSA Note 10:00-12:00 Topics to cover in Note, Develop Outline 1:00-5:00 Issues discussion, Break into subgroups Tuesday 17 August 8:30-9:00 Arrive, Coffee 9:00-11:00 Subgroups 11:00-1:00 Oasis overview and lunch 1:00-4:00 Review subtopics and document plan 4:00-5:00 Work plan assignments for Sept. 5pm - adjourn

3 Schedule SWSA Requirements draft release June 1(done) Requirements Note to W2C by Aug 1 (dropped) Draft Architecture Note by Sept 30 (still the goal) Final Architecture Note by October 30 Meeting Opportunities –W3C Workshop 13-14 October – Redwood Shores, CA –Dagstuhl Sept 19-24. –ISWC in 7-11 November in Hiroshima, Japan –Next DAML PI meeting 20 Nov – 2 Dec (tentative)

4 Meeting Objectives –List of protocols and ontologies to specify in next 6 weeks –Determine approach to layering on existing standards –Outline for Note –Review status of use cases.

5 Architecture Note Goal is Submission to SWS-IG –What do we hope to achieve there? SWS Working group? –What would be most useful? Vision of roadmap with realistic goals? Key missing elements of WSA? Complement to SWSL? Barriers to success: –We do not have the usual ‘experience base’ on which standards are built. –Standards efforts are now a dime a dozen

6 Draft Roadmap Dimensions/Issues: discovery, invocation, mapping, exception handling Stage 1: Simple service invocation and response handling –User directed manual discovery –User directed composition –Ensuring semantic interoperability during invocation and responses exception handling –Mapping: predefined, lossless, simple translation engines Stage 2: SWS with Automated Discovery and Mapping –Goal characterization for matchmaker querying and service selection reasoning –Mapping: add mapping infrastructure (registries), partial mapping Stage 3: Complex Discovery Models and Negotiation/Contracting –Proxy/Broker based interaction protocols »Includes forwarding of QoS and Privacy requirements –Negotiation dialogs for refining discovery, establishing service requirements

7 SWSA Functional Areas Discovery –Advertise and Match Query Process Enactment –Engage, Invoke, Status, Response, Exception Negotiation and Contracting (Engagement) Community Services –Membership, Authorization, Privacy, Trust Lifecycle –Resource relationship modeling, management –Life generation, status, resurrection, substitution –Version management (!)

8 Architectural Elements and Protocols Note Non-protocol elements: Focus on layering, primitive elements and capabilities: –Discovery mechanisms and associated protocols, –Kernel (bootstrapping) support Semantic community registry seed discovery and use protocols For finding Service registries and ontology mapping registries –Agent internal SWS support for goal description, process model interpretation, invocation reasoning, response interpretation, process monitoring –Ontology mapping and alternative translation mechanisms (middleware and agent internal) Protocols to include support for communication of security, privacy (information ownership), QoS, Service Lifecycle Ontology/Protocol Versioning

9 Which Protocols? Critical protocols for –Registration –Discovery: Advertising & Service Match Query –Invocation- Contract Negotiation & Enactment –Ontology and Mapping Lookup/Translation –Enactment/Management

10 Some Discovery Protocols Register Login Query Publish Update Retract Subscribe to changes Monitor Queries

11 Note Outline (first cut) –Discussion of Requirements (from existing doc) –Discussion of how we build on existing ‘standards’ W3C WS Architecture & SWS Conceptual Architecture WSMO&WSMF OWL-S Abstraction of UDDI-like registry support GRID Architecture Something for Ubiq. Comp? Rosetta? EI? –Roadmap to stages/degrees of SWS automation –Conceptual Model used to lay out protocol space –Abstract Protocols –Conclusions

12 What can we safely build on? WSA Note WSDL OWL, OWL-S, METEOR WSMO Semantic Grid Security and Privacy Ontologies How do we get ontology sharing and mediation into this picture?

13 W3C Web Service Architecture Figure 2.8: Service Oriented Model (from )

14 Conceptual Model of Service Discovery for SWS In “A conceptual model for semantic web services” Chris Priest, HP Labs,

15 Contract Agreement Model In “A conceptual model for semantic web services” Chris Priest, HP Labs,

16 Service Delivery Model In “A conceptual model for semantic web services” Chris Priest, HP Labs,

17 Lifecycles Of service description (interface) Of ontologies supporting service interface Of service agent deployment Of the service discovery & enactment –OASIS WS for WS Mgmt is a place to look for lifecycle issues

18 Lifecycle of Service Description Publish (at URI or in Registry) Publish Update (new version) –With diffs from old version? Changes to messages Changes to choreography Changes to ontologies used? Retract Granularity of versioning is a big issue

19 Contract Negotiation Call for proposal –What is your interface? (at a URI) –Will you perform Task T with Quality Q? Will you sell X? Will you do Y? –What requirements do you have to accept this request? Proposal Accept Revise/Counter Reject (w reason)

20 Results and Assignments

21 First Cut at Request Protocol (Engagement) A B B Request A Query Inform A Confirm Request Accept Yes A (Fail) Refuse Request B END GO Cancel

22 Revision by Mike Huhns See EngagementStateDiagram.pdf

23 Outline of Short Version of Note Intro –Framing approach to Protocols, Object Model –Underlying assumptions, architectural layers, –Stages of semantics ‘uptake’ –Protocols in 4 areas: Abstract Protocols –Discovery and selection –Engagement (Negotiation, Contracting) Include service model lookup here. May be a request to the service. –Enactment (Execution and Monitoring) –Lifecycle –Side Protocols Security/Authentication and Privacy Message Interpretation (Semantic confirm receipt) and Clarification

24 Protocols, Assignments Intro (Framing of discussion) –Bussler, Burstein, Williams –Areas are: Discovery (Advertise/Update, Query, Select) Engagement (Interpret Service Model, Request, Negotiate, Contract) Enactment (Execution Monitoring, Results, Failure Recovery & Compensation) Protocol sketching Assignments: –Christoph – Intro (framing object model) –Michal- Engagement & Enactment –Stuart - Framing & Enactment –Mike H - Contracting&Negot, Discovery –Tim F - Discovery, C&N –Massimo - Enactment, Discovery –Mark – Intro, Enactment Due Sept 19

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