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Catheterization ACC Level 1 online RNSG 1341. 1* Confirm physician orders & hospital policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Catheterization ACC Level 1 online RNSG 1341. 1* Confirm physician orders & hospital policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catheterization ACC Level 1 online RNSG 1341

2 1* Confirm physician orders & hospital policy

3 1* Gather the proper equipment with appropriate size catheter Consider extra sterile gloves and extra catheter until experienced with procedure

4 1* Perform hand hygiene

5 1* Identify self by name and title

6 1* Identify patient and explain purpose Explain procedure

7 2 Position client appropriately based on genitalia.

8 3 Cleanse perineum with soap and water if needed

9 4* Open catheterization kit aseptically forming a sterile field on bed or on over bed table

10 5* Place sterile drape under female client’s hips or across thighs of male client establishing a sterile field with the drape.

11 6* Don sterile gloves and place fenestrated drape over perineum

12 7* Prepare antiseptic solution and lubricant on tray.

13 8* Attach syringe to catheter and test integrity of balloon. Fill balloon with all solution in the pre-filled syringe. Inflate totally and deflate thoroughly

14 9 Cleanse urethral meatus if client is uncircumcised, retract the foreskin with the non-dominant hand use dominant hand to pick up swab or cotton ball with forceps.

15 9 cleanse head of the penis using a circular motion working from the urethral meatus outward. Discard the cotton swab away from the sterile field.

16 9 cleanse down the penis to the base of the penis using a new sterile cotton swab with each wipe, discarding in the same way.

17 9 use the last cotton swab to wipe over the meatus, discarding the same way.

18 10* Pick up the lubricated catheter close to the tip and insert into the meatus until urine returns. Then advance catheter about more 2 inches.

19 11 With the non- dominant hand, hold the catheter in place and fill the balloon with the dominant hand.

20 12 Gently tug on the catheter to insure its stability in the bladder.

21 13 Secure the catheter properly to inner thigh

22 14 Make sure bedside bag tubing lies over the leg and the bag is hung below level of bladder and tubing allows flow of urine into bag.

23 15 Dispose of equipment, remove gloves, and perform hand hygiene

24 16 Document assessment, procedure, and client response. Record urine volume with I & O data

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