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Class Reptilia the reptiles. General Characteristics Evolved from amphibians and most dominant on land Cold blooded – ectothermic –Activity is regulated.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Reptilia the reptiles. General Characteristics Evolved from amphibians and most dominant on land Cold blooded – ectothermic –Activity is regulated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Reptilia the reptiles

2 General Characteristics Evolved from amphibians and most dominant on land Cold blooded – ectothermic –Activity is regulated by the temperature of the environment –Restricted from cold water for this reason All members have lungs instead of gills All members have leathery skin and scales This class included the dinosaurs

3 Sea Turtles Bodies are enclosed in a carapace – shell Cannot retract their head into the shell Forelimbs are modified into flippers Only 9 species exist Lack teeth but have strong jaws for biting Females come up onto the beach at night to lay eggs in the sand Babies hatch and return to the sea Turtles are thought to return to same beach they were born on to lay their own eggs

4 Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) The Hawksbill Turtle gets its name from its hawk- like beak. It ranges in size from 30 to 36 inches in length. This turtle's shell is the source of "tortoise shell", and because of this commercial exploitation has caused their numbers to dwindle. Their shell and oils are in constant demand, placing this turtle in danger.

5 Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) The Loggerhead is a large reddish-brown turtle. They range in size from 33 to 40 inches in length. Loggerheads are the most common sea turtles found in the Southeastern U.S. They feed on crabs, mollusks, and jellyfish. The biggest danger to this species is pollution and commercial fishing.mollusks


7 Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) The Leatherback is the largest of the sea turtles. They can reach a length of 6 feet, making them the true giants of the undersea reptiles. These turtles get their name from their shells. Unlike the other turtles, the Leatherback's shell has no scales. Instead it is covered with a rubbery leather-like skin. In te r n et P h ot o: S o u rc e U n k n o w n

8 Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) The Green Sea Turtle can be recognized by the radiating pattern on its shell. This is a medium sized turtle ranging in size from 36 to 43 inches in length. The Green Sea Turtle is commonly found in the waters off Florida. Due to their declining numbers, steps are being taken to protect their nesting areas on Florida beaches.

9 Sea Snakes Found mostly in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans Bodies are laterally flattened and tail is adapted into a paddle Range in size between 3 and 4 feet They are ovoviviparous which means eggs are internally fertilized and baby hatches inside the mother All are carnivorous Very venomous


11 Marine Iquana Found only in the Galapagos Islands Spends most of its time basking in the sun on the rocks Enters the water to feed on algae Can dive as deep as 33 ft

12 Salt Water Crocodile Live in estuaries Located mostly in coastal water but have been seen in the open ocean Average size is 20 ft The most aggressive animals in the water Have been known to eat humans

13 Respiration and Circulation All respiration is done using lungs –Marine reptiles must come to the surface in order to breath Lungs resemble ours in terms of shape and function 3 chamber heart – the ventricle is not completely separated –Exception is the crocodile that has 4 chambers

14 Reproduction All reptiles have internal fertilization Most lay leathery eggs –Scientific term for this is oviparous Some have the same eggs held within the mother until it hatches –Scientific term is ovoviviparous The food for the embryo comes from the yolk (the yellow stuff in the eggs you eat)

15 The rest of the Anatomy Is the same as your anatomy

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