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Published byReynard Sparks Modified over 9 years ago
Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure
A Clinician’s Step by Step Guide to Navigating the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Site
Acknowledgements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth gratefully acknowledges the contributions of Darlene Devlin, Interlake Regional Health Authority and Jacynth Lamoureux in the development of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Guide: A Clinician’s Step by Step Guide to Navigating the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Site.
The Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Guide
Introduction The Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Guide The following guide has been prepared to assist you in using the web site of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure. This PowerPoint guide may be used: To train first time users of the web site. To reference specific sections of the web site. For troubleshooting when entering data onto the web site.
Navigating the Guide Table of Contents
Navigating the Table of Contents Navigating the Guide Table of Contents The Table of Contents lists each of the topics covered within the guide by title. The directions provided for that topic are listed below the title. In the Table of Contents, clicking on a title will take you directly to that section of the guide. For example: Clicking on the title “REGISTRATION & RETURNING USERS” will take you directly to that section in the guide. The section will provide directions on how to register and how to log in as a returning user. TABLE OF CONTENTS REGISTRATION & RETURNING USERS Register as a First Time User Log In as a Returning User
Guide Pages Guide pages Each page of the guide contains an image of an actual page from the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. Click on the page and instructions for completing the entries on that page will appear. Remember: The guide pages contain instructions on how to use the web site but you must return to the actual web site to complete entries. Helpful hints are provided whenever possible. They are included on the pages as a NOTE. At the left of each page are action buttons which you may use at any time to move between pages in the guide. Move your cursor on to the button. Your cursor will change to a hand and then you click. Click on this button to return to the Table of Contents. Click on this button to return to the first page of the section you are viewing. Click on this button to return to previous page. Click on this button to move forward to next page. .
REGISTRATION & RETURNING USERS Registration as a First Time User
Registration & Returning Users
In order to enter and view data on the web site you must be a registered clinician or supervisor. If you have already registered on this web site, you may proceed to log in as a returning user. This section provides directions for: - Registration as a First Time User - Log In as a Returning User
Registration as a First Time User
A First Time User is someone who has not registered as a clinician. You must submit your registration information, including a user name and password, before entering or viewing data on the website. Once your registration is confirmed, you may then enter the site to input or view information as a Returning User. Click here if you are registering as a New Clinician
under different user names.
Login & Contact Information The username is a unique name you give yourself for the purpose of this web site only. Please use only letters, numbers, or spaces. Usernames are CaSe SeNsItIvE. Your password must be at least (6) characters long. Passwords are CaSe SeNsItIvE. Enter Login Information and Contact Information All clinicians must enter Division/Districts or Health/Family Services facility/region information. If a facility/region is not included in the drop down menu, it may be added by clicking New Facility/Region You cannot enter both a school division and a health/family services facility. If you serve pre-school and school aged individuals, these caseloads must be input separately under different user names.
Registration Submitted
At this point you will QUIT. The administrator of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure will notify you of your successful registration. Once you have received notification of successful registration, you may log back on as a Returning User and begin using the web site.
Acceptance of Registration
Log In as a Returning User
Click here if you are a Returning User A Returning User is someone who has registered as a clinician or supervisor and received confirmation that they are accepted. You may now enter the site to input or view information. Click on: Log In.
Entering a New Individual
In order to enter a new individual on the web site you must enter Identifying Information including an Identification Code. This section provides directions for: - Entering Identifying Information - Entering Identification Codes
…or the highlighted words below
Enter a New Individual Click on any of the three indicated selections on the left navigation bar… …or the highlighted words below to enter a new individual.
Click to enter a New Individual
Add New Individual Click to enter a New Individual
Add Identification Code
For each new individual you will be asked to enter Identifying Information. The Identifying Information will include an Identification Code, Sex of the individual, Date of Birth, and the school / facility from which they are receiving your speech-language pathology services. An Identification Code is used instead of an individual’s name in order to maintain confidentiality. An identification code may be any combination of numbers and/or letters up to 16 characters. You may organize the individuals on your list by using different identification codes: Number codes are listed before letter codes. To have number codes listed in numerical order, make the first numbers in the codes “00” Letter codes will be listed in alphabetical order To separate closed or inactive files, you can place them at the end of the list by making the first letter in the identification code a “ Z ”.
Identifying Information 2
Select Sex
Identifying Information 3
Indicate Day of Birth Indicate Year of Birth Indicate Month of Birth
Identifying Information 4
Select School Division and School OR - Select Health / Family Services Facility If you are registered as a school SLP you must enter the School Division and School. If you are registered as a Health or Family Services SLP you must enter your facility or region. *You cannot enter both a school division and a health/family services facility. If you serve pre-school and school aged individuals, these caseloads must be input separately under different user names.*
Start Treatment History for Individual
Individual Added Click Start Treatment History for Individual Click Add Another Individual You have added the identifying information for one individual to the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure! This individual will now be saved on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. 1. If you continue to enter information for this individual you will enter Treatment History. You will enter all the initial information for a Treatment Period including Intervention Mode, Initial FCM Ratings and Initial Priority Ratings. To continue and enter Treatment History, click Start Treatment History for Individual. The next screen will be the Treatment History page. This page is included in this guide as the fourth page of Starting a New Treatment Period. Click for Treatment History Page. NOTE: At this point you may: 1. Continue to enter the Treatment History for this individual. 2. Return to enter Treatment History at a later date. If you choose to enter the Treatment History at a later date you may: Add another new individual by entering the identifying information for a new individual. Click Add Another Individual. Or Quit or return to another menu on the left navigation bar. When you return to enter the Treatment History, you will access the Treatment History page as directed in the next section of the guide called “Starting a New Treatment Period.”
Starting a New Treatment Period
In order to enter a new treatment period on the web site you must enter the Treatment History page and then enter Initial Date, Intervention Modes, Initial FCM Ratings and Initial Priority Ratings. This section provides directions for: - Entering Initial Date for Treatment Period - Entering Intervention Modes - Entering Initial FCM Ratings - Entering Initial Priority Ratings - Reviewing Initial Treatment Period Details
New Treatment Period Click on any of the four indicated selections on the left navigation bar or the highlighted words below to find the individual you want to enter.
Click on View Treatment History
New Treatment Period 2 Click on View Treatment History In the lists of individuals, find the individual for whom you want to enter a new treatment period.
Click Start New Treatment Period
If the individual is attending school, a grade must be entered.
Facility Select Grade If you are an Education SLP, the School Division and School will automatically appear based on the individual’s identifying information previously entered. If you are a Health/Family Services SLP, your Facility/Region will automatically appear. If the individual is attending school, a grade must be entered.
Initial Date Enter Initial Date The Initial Date is the month, day and year that the assessment or reassessment for an individual is completed and service begins, or the date service is resumed after a break.
Enter Primary Provider
The Primary Provider is the person who implements the majority of intervention. You choose a provider from the drop down menu list.
Intervention Mode / SLP Mode
Enter Mode Enter SLP Mode The Mode and SLP Mode describe the mode of intervention the individual is receiving. Only one mode may be assigned to a provider. Modes are: Direct Individual (DI) – direct intervention to an individual in any setting. Direct Group (DG) – direct intervention to a group of individuals in any setting. Direct Diagnostic (DD) – assessment and ongoing diagnostic therapy by the SLP. Consultative Collaborative (CC) – intervention goals are integrated into daily activities (home, school, daycare, and work). Functional intervention is provided. The SLP periodically follows up to review the program and carry over goals, and may be involved in Individual Education Plan (IEP) development.
Enter Secondary Intervention Mode
Secondary Mode Enter Secondary Intervention Mode Click Continue A maximum of two providers may be included on the form. The Secondary Provider provides intervention but to a lesser degree or in a different setting from that of the primary provider. Primary Intervention Mode must be entered to continue. Secondary Intervention Mode is optional. If the Primary or Secondary Provider is the SLP, the Mode and SLP Mode will be the same.
Facility & Intervention Mode Added
Click Continue You have added the Facility and Intervention Mode for one individual to the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure! NOTE: At this point you can either: 1. Continue entering data including Initial FCM Ratings and Initial Priority Ratings. 2. Return to another menu on the left navigation bar
functional or Profound (Level 6).
Initial FCM Ratings Enter FCM Ratings The Functional Communication Measure (FCM) Ratings describe the severity of the communication disorder targeted by current intervention for an individual. A FCM is a seven point rating scale ranging from most functional or Independent (Level 0) to least functional or Profound (Level 6).
- Not Rated - Level 3: Moderate
Initial FCM Ratings 2 You must enter the Function Communication Measure by using the drop down menus provided for each of the Functional Communication Measures. The FCM Rating will automatically be entered as “Not Rated” (not a target of current intervention) unless you enter a new rating. The drop down menus for each FCM provide a choice of the following ratings: - Not Rated - Level 3: Moderate Level 0: Independent Level 4: Moderate-Severe Level 1: Mild Level 5: Severe Level 2: Mild-Moderate Level 6: Profound Descriptions for each of the levels for a particular FCM can be accessed online by clicking on the name of the disorder area (i.e., Articulation / Phonology). Enter FCM Ratings Click titles for descriptions of FCM levels.
- Not Rated - Level 3: Moderate
Initial FCM Ratings 3 You must enter the Function Communication Measure by using the drop down menus provided for each of the Functional Communication Measures. The FCM Rating will automatically be entered as “Not Rated” (not a target of current intervention) unless you enter a new rating. The drop down menus for each FCM provide a choice of the following ratings: - Not Rated - Level 3: Moderate Level 0: Independent Level 4: Moderate-Severe Level 1: Mild Level 5: Severe Level 2: Mild-Moderate Level 6: Profound Descriptions for each of the levels for a particular FCM can be accessed online by clicking on the name of the disorder area (i.e., Articulation / Phonology). NOTE: Fill in a FCM Level (0-6) for each area to be targeted in current intervention. Disorder areas that are not addressed by current intervention, are “- Not Rated - “. NOTE: - Rating of the FCM’s is based on best fit; choose the level which best describes the performance of an individual. - Rating of the FCM’s should always be determined based on expected performance for the individual’s chronological age. - Cultural background may also be a factor in rating FCM’s. Click Continue
You have added the FCM Ratings for one individual
FCM Ratings Added Click Continue You have added the FCM Ratings for one individual to the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure! NOTE: At this point you can either: 1. Continue entering data including Initial Priority Ratings. 3. Return to another menu on the left navigation bar
Initial Priority Ratings
An Initial Severity Level is automatically calculated based on the FCM ratings you have previously entered. Enter Priority Ratings Click titles for description of Priority Factors You must enter the Initial Priority Ratings by using the drop down menus for each of the priority factors. The priority factors include Urgency, Impact, Reaction, Motivation, Support, Concomitant Condition, and Prognosis. The drop down menus provide a choice of 4 levels of priority with written descriptions (i.e., Level 0: No impact). Click on the level that is appropriate for this individual at the beginning of intervention. Descriptions of the priority factors can be accessed online by clicking on the name of the factor (i.e., Urgency).
Primary Concomitant Factor
Enter Primary Concomitant Factor Click Finalize Initial Record Primary Concomitant Factor is an optional entry. Primary Concomitant Factor is an accompanying or associated disorder or diagnosis to the communication disorder targeted by current intervention. If your individual has a concomitant condition, disorder or diagnosis, you will rate the impact of the Concomitant Condition on the communication disorder and choose a Primary Concomitant Factor from the drop down menu.
Priority Ratings Added
Click to View This Treatment Period Click to Add a New Individual You have added the Initial Priority Ratings for one individual to the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure! The record for this individual is now complete until you are ready to enter Final FCM Ratings and Final Priority Ratings! NOTE: At this point you can either: 1. Continue to view Treatment Period Details, a record of all the information entered to date for this individual. Click on View This Treatment Period. 2. Add a New Individual. 3. Return to another menu on the left navigation bar
Treatment Period Details - Initial
The Treatment Period Details page displays all the information that you have entered to date on an individual. Review all data for accuracy. You may edit or add data at anytime by clicking in the pink areas.
Treatment Period Details – Initial 2
The Initial Severity Level has been calculated based on the FCM Ratings you have entered. The Initial Priority Classification has been calculated based on the Priority Ratings you have entered. The Treatment Period Details page may be printed by clicking within the Details page and clicking Print on your Internet Browser toolbar.
Treatment Period Details – Initial 3
Click here when ready to enter Final FCM and Priority Ratings Click here to view or enter information on the next individual on your list.
Entering Final FCM & Priority Ratings
Entering Final FCM and Priority Ratings At the end of one year of intervention or at the termination of intervention, whichever comes first, individuals are scored again on the Functional Communication Measures (FCM) and Priority Ratings. The comparison of Initial FCM and Priority Ratings with Final FCM and Priority Ratings determines an outcome for an individual for a treatment period. Frequency of intervention is recorded at this time. This section provides directions for: - Entering Final FCM Ratings - Entering Final Priority Ratings - Entering Dismissal/Break in Service - Entering Frequency of Intervention - Reviewing Final Treatment Period Details
Enter Final FCM Ratings
Click on any of the four indicated selections on the left navigation bar or the highlighted words below to find the individual you want to enter.
Click on View Treatment History
Final FCM Ratings 2 Click on View Treatment History In the lists of individuals, find the individual for whom you want to enter Final FCM and Priority Ratings.
Click on View Treatment Period Details
Final FCM Ratings 3 Click on View Treatment Period Details
Final FCM Ratings 4 Click Enter Final FCM Ratings
one year and ends on Aug. 31 of the next year. The initial date for an
Final FCM Ratings 5 NOTE: For statistical report purposes, in Manitoba, a year begins on Sept. 1 of one year and ends on Aug. 31 of the next year. The initial date for an individual should be Sept. 1or later. The final date for an individual should be Aug. 31 or earlier. For many SLP’s working in the schools, the final date will be a date near the end of the school year in June. Enter Final Date This page displays all the initial information entered for an individual, then asks you to enter the Final Date and Final Functional Communication Measures (FCM) Ratings. The Final Date is the end of one year of intervention or the date of termination of intervention, whichever comes first.
Enter Final FCM Rating Click Continue
Final FCM Ratings 6 Enter Final FCM Rating Click Continue The Functional Communication Measure Rating that you entered initially is displayed. You must enter a rating for the individual’s level of severity at the end of intervention. The drop down menus provide a choice of the seven-point scale from most functional or independent (level 0) to least functional or profound (level 6). Descriptions of each of the levels for a particular disorder area can be accessed online by clicking on the name of the disorder.
Final FCM Ratings Added
Click Continue Final Priority Ratings You have added the Final FCM Ratings for one individual to the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure! NOTE: At this point you can either: 1. Continue entering data including Final Priority Ratings, Dismissal / Break in Service and Frequency of Intervention. 2. Return to another menu on the left navigation bar
Enter Final Priority Ratings
The Priority Ratings that you entered initially are displayed. You must enter priority ratings for the individual at the end of intervention. The drop down menus provide a choice of 4 levels of priority with written descriptions (i.e., Level 0: No impact). Descriptions of the priority factors can be accessed online by clicking on the name of the priority factor.
Enter Dismissal / Break in Service
You must enter a reason for Dismissal / Break in Service. The drop down menu provides a choice of 9 reasons that intervention would be terminated (i.e., Individual Moved). If none of the nine reasons are appropriate for this individual then you may chose “Other” to indicate a reason not listed.
Enter Frequency of Intervention
You must enter Frequency of Intervention. Frequency of Intervention relates to overall frequency of treatment by the Primary Provider. Daily / Integrated Once every three weeks 4 to 5 times per week Monthly 1 to 3 times per week Once every two months Once every two weeks Twice a year
Finalize Treatment Period
Click Finalize Treatment Period
Final Priority Ratings Added
Click to View This Treatment Period Click to Add a New Individual You have added the Final Priority Ratings for one individual to the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure! The record for this individual for this treatment period is now complete! NOTE: At this point you can either: 1. Continue to view Treatment Period Details, a record of all the information entered to date for this individual. 2. Add a New Individual. 3. Return to another menu on the left navigation bar
Treatment Period Details – Final
The Treatment Period Details page displays all the information that you have entered to date on an individual and the calculated outcomes for this treatment period. Review the information for accuracy. You may edit the information by clicking on the titles within the pink areas.
Treatment Period Details – Final 2
The difference between the Initial and Final FCM Ratings will be displayed as Change. . Change will be displayed as: - Improved – the functional communication of the individual has improved. - Deteriorated – the functional communication of the individual has deteriorated. The number value following Improved / Deteriorated equals the number of FCM levels between the Initial FCM Rating and the Final FCM Rating. - Same – the functional communication of the individual has stayed the same or the change in the functional communication of the individual is not sufficient to move to the next level.
Treatment Period Details – Final 3
Outcome will be displayed as: - Improved – the severity of the disorder has decreased. - Deteriorated – the severity of the disorder has increased. The number value following Improved / Deteriorated equals the difference between the Initial Severity Level and the Final Severity Level. - Same – the severity of the disorder remains the same. The difference between the Initial and Final Severity Levels will be displayed as Outcome. .
Treatment Period Details – Final 4
Outcome will be displayed as: - Increased – the priority factor has increased. - Decreased – the priority factor has decreased. The number value following Improved / Deteriorated equals the difference between the Initial Priority Rating and the Final Priority Rating. - Same – the priority factor remains the same. The difference between the Initial and Final Priority Ratings will be displayed as Outcome.
Treatment Period Details – Final 5
The Final Priority Classification has been calculated based on the Priority Ratings you have entered.
Treatment Period Details – Final 6
The Dismissal / Break in Service, Primary Concomitant Factor and Frequency of Intervention will be displayed as entered.
Treatment Period is Complete
CONGRATULATIONS! The treatment period for one individual is complete! You have a measurement of intervention outcomes for this individual for one period of intervention. NOTE: At this point you can either: 1. Start a new treatment period for the same individual and enter all the initial information for the new treatment period. See Entering Additional Treatment Periods. 2. Enter the Final FCM and Priority Ratings for the next individual on your list. 3. Transfer the information for this individual to another clinician. See Transferring an Individual. 4. Delete the information for this individual. See Deleting an Individual. 5. View a report. See Reports. 3. Return to another menu on the left navigation bar.
Treatment Period Complete 2
Click Base a New Treatment Period on this Information - Or – View Treatment History The Treatment Period is complete. At this point you may either: 1. Start a new treatment period based on the information already entered. 2. Enter the Final FCM and Priority Ratings for the next individual on your list. 3. Return to another menu on the left navigation bar
Entering Additional Treatment Periods
At the end of one year of intervention or at the termination of intervention, whichever comes first, one treatment period is complete. You will have entered Identifying Information, Intervention Modes, Initial and Final FCM and Priority Ratings and you will have calculated Outcomes. You may use this information to begin an additional or new treatment period. This section provides directions for: - Basing a New Treatment Period on an Existing Treatment Period
Enter Additional Treatment Periods
Click on any of the four indicated selections on the left navigation bar or the highlighted words below to find the individual you want to enter. If you enter an additional Treatment Period immediately after entering Final Ratings, you may click “Base a New Treatment Period on this Information” at the bottom of the Treatment Period Details Page. See Treatment Period Details page in the previous section. If you return to enter an additional Treatment Period, you must find the individual for whom you want to enter a New Treatment Period in the lists of individuals.
Additional Treatment Periods 2
Click View Treatment History In the lists of individuals, find the individual for whom you want to enter a New Treatment Period.
Additional Treatment Periods 3
Click View Treatment Period Details
Base a New Treatment Period on this Information
Click Base a New Treatment Period on this information
Create Additional Treatment Period
Click Create New Treatment Period This page displays all of the information you have entered for an individual for a previous treatment period. You will Create a New Treatment Period using this information then have the opportunity to edit/change the information for the new treatment period.
Additional Treatment Period Created
Click View Treatment Period A page will appear to confirm that you have created a new treatment period. You may continue to enter Initial Date and/or make any changes to the information.
Treatment Period Created 2
This Treatment Period Details page displays the Identifying Information, Initial Date, Intervention Mode, Initial FCM and Priority Ratings for a new treatment period. The Initial Date is, by default, the current date. The Intervention Mode is the same as that entered for the last treatment period. The Initial FCM and Priority Ratings are those entered as the Final FCM and Priority Ratings for the last treatment Period.
Treatment Period Created 3
Review the information for this treatment period. If the information is not correct, you may edit the information by clicking on the titles in the pink areas.
Treatment Period Created 4
If the information is correct, you may go on to enter the information for another individual or return to another menu on the left navigation bar.
Updating / Changing Identifying Information
At anytime you may enter the web site to update or change the Identifying Information for an individual. This section provides directions for: - Updating/Changing Identifying Information.
Edit Identifying Information
Click on any of the four indicated selections on the left navigation bar or the highlighted words below to find the individual for whom you want to change information.
Edit Identifying Information 2
Click Edit Individual Details In the list of individuals, find the individual for whom you want to change information.
Edit Identifying Information 3
Click Save Individual once editing is complete This page will display the Identifying Information you have previously entered for this individual and you may change any of the information displayed including the Identification Code. NOTE: You may organize the individuals on your list by using different identification codes Number codes are listed before letter codes. To have number codes listed in numerical order, make the first numbers in the codes “00” Letter codes will be listed in alphabetical order To separate closed or inactive files, you can place them at the end of the list by making the first letter in the identification code a “Z”.
Identifying Information Edited
Click View Treatment History A page will appear to confirm that the new Identifying Information for this individual has been saved. NOTE: At this point you can either: 1. Continue editing data including Intervention Modes, FCM and Priority Ratings, Dismissal / Break in Service and Frequency of Intervention. 3. Return to another menu on the left navigation bar
Updating / Changing Treatment Data
At anytime you may enter the web site to update or change the Treatment Data for an individual, including Facility, Intervention Modes, FCM Ratings, and/or Priority Ratings. This section provides directions for: - Updating/Changing Treatment Data. - Editing Initial Date - Editing Facility, Intervention Provider, or Intervention Modes. - Editing Initial Functional Communication Measure (FCM) Ratings. - Editing Initial Priority Ratings.
Edit Treatment Data Click on any of the four indicated selections on the left navigation bar or the highlighted words below to find the individual for whom you want to change information.
Click View Treatment History
Edit Treatment Data 2 Click View Treatment History In the list of individuals, find the individual for whom you want to change information.
summary of the Treatment History you have entered.
Edit Treatment Data 3 Click View Treatment Period Details This page displays the identifying information for the individual you have chosen and a summary of the Treatment History you have entered.
Edit Treatment Data 4 You may update or change information by clicking on titles within the pink sections: Initial Date of Treatment Period Facility Intervention Provider(s) Intervention Mode Initial Functional Communication Measure Ratings Initial Priority Ratings
Click Change Initial Date
Edit Initial Date Click Change Initial Date
Click Save Initial Date
Edit Initial Date 2 Click Save Initial Date Drop down menus allow you to edit the Initial Date.
Click View this Treatment Period
Initial Date Edited Click View this Treatment Period
Edit Facility or Intervention Mode
Click Change Facility and/or Intervention Mode
Edit Facility or Intervention Mode 2
Click Save Background Information Drop down menus allow you to edit Facility, Primary and/or Secondary Intervention Modes.
Facility or Intervention Mode Edited
Click View this Treatment Period
Edit FCM Ratings Click Add or Change Initial FCMs
Drop down menus allow you to edit or add Initial FCM Ratings.
Edit FCM Ratings 2 Click Save Initial FCM Ratings Drop down menus allow you to edit or add Initial FCM Ratings.
Click View this Treatment Period
FCM Ratings Edited Click View this Treatment Period
Edit Priority Ratings Click Change Initial Priority Ratings
Click Save Initial Priority Ratings
Edit Priority Ratings 2 Click Save Initial Priority Ratings Drop down menus allow you to edit Initial Priority Ratings and Primary Concomitant Factor.
Priority Ratings Edited
Click View this Treatment Period
Transferring an Individual
You may transfer all the information on an individual to another speech-language pathologist who is registered as a clinician on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. This section provides directions for: - Transferring an Individual Retracting the Transfer of an Individual - Accepting / Declining a Transfer
Transfer Individual Click on any of the four indicated selections on the left navigation bar or the highlighted words below to find the individual to transfer. You may transfer all the information on an individual to another speech-language pathologist registered as a clinician on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site.
Click Transfer Individual
In the list of individuals, find the individual whom you want to transfer. NOTE: To transfer an individual to another speech-language pathologist you must know the receiving speech-language pathologist’s username. NOTE: To transfer an individual, all treatment periods must be finalized.
Enter the receiving SLP’s Username
Transfer Individual 3 Enter the receiving SLP’s Username Verify Username Click Transfer Individual
Individual Transferred
Click View Transfer List. NOTE: The transfer of an individual is complete when the recipient accepts the transfer.
Review the information for accuracy.
Transfer List This page displays a list of the individuals you have transferred to other clinicians and a list of the individuals transferred to you. The individuals are sorted with the most recent transfer listed last. Review the information for accuracy. You may at this time: 1. Retract a transfer that you have made to another clinician. 2. Accept a transfer that you have received from another clinician. 3. Return to another menu on the left navigation bar.
Transfer List 2 Click Individual Transfer List on the navigation bar or in the highlighted words below to view a list of transfers. The Individual Transfer List may also be accessed from the opening screen on the web site.
Retracting a Transfer Retracting a Transfer
Retract a Transfer Click Individual Transfer List on the navigation bar or in the highlighted words below to view a list of transfers. The Individual Transfer List may be accessed from the opening screen on the web site.
Retract 2 If an error has occurred in transferring an individual Click Retract This page displays a list of the individuals you have transferred to other clinicians and a list of the individuals transferred to you. The individuals are sorted with the most recent transfer listed last. Review the information for accuracy. You may at this time: 1. Retract a transfer that you have made to another clinician. 2. Accept a transfer that you have received from another clinician. NOTE: - The transfer of an individual will not be complete until the recipient accepts the transfer. - Once the receiving SLP has accepted the individual you are no longer able to retract.
Retract 3 Click OK A small screen will appear asking you to verify that you would like to retract this transfer.
The transfer of this individual has been retracted or cancelled.
Accepting / Declining a Transfer
Accept/Decline Transfer
When an individual is transferred to you from another SLP, you will receive an automatic notification. Log in to the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site to view the transfer.
Accept/Decline 2 Click Individual Transfer List on the navigation bar or in the highlighted words below to view a list of transfers. The Individual Transfer List may be accessed from the opening screen on the web site.
Accept or Decline Individual
Accept/Decline 3 Accept or Decline Individual
Click Accept Individual
Accepting Transfer Click Accept Individual
You may use the same code or insert a new code for the individual
Accepting Transfer 2 You may use the same code or insert a new code for the individual Click Accept Transfer
Click View Treatment History
Accepting Transfer 3 Click View Treatment History
Accepting Transfer 4 This Treatment History page will display the Identifying Information and a summary of the Treatment Periods previously entered for the individual you have accepted.
Click View Treatment Period
Accepting Transfer 5 Click View Treatment Period Details At this point, you may either: 1. Continue to base a new treatment period on this information. You will need to edit information such as Facility, Intervention Modes, FCM Ratings and Priority Ratings. 2. Return to a menu on the left navigation bar.
Click Decline Individual
Declining Transfer Click Decline Individual
Declining Transfer 2 Click OK An automatic will be sent to the SLP sending the transfer indicating that the transfer has been declined.
This individual’s data remains with the sending SLP.
Declining Transfer 3 This individual’s data remains with the sending SLP.
Deleting an Individual
You may delete an individual from the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure database if: 1. you have entered an individual in error; 2. the individual does not have a treatment period recorded. If you have a treatment period recorded, you must delete the treatment period(s) before you will be allowed to delete the individual. This section provides directions for: -Deleting an Individual -Deleting Treatment Data WARNING You should only delete an individual if you created them in error. The database of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure will be used longitudinally to generate statistical reports for the field of Speech-Language Pathology. The cumulative database will be used to generate reports on trends and changes in the field of Speech-Language Pathology. It is essential that individuals be maintained on the database unless they have been created in error.
Delete an Individual Click on any of the four indicated selections on the left navigation bar or the highlighted words below to find the individual you want to delete WARNING You should only delete an individual if you created them in error. The database of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure will be used longitudinally to generate statistical reports for the field of Speech-Language Pathology. The cumulative database will be used to generate reports on trends and changes in the field of Speech-Language Pathology. It is essential that individual be maintained on the database unless they have been created in error.
Click View Treatment History
Delete an Individual 2 Click View Treatment History You may delete an individual if: 1. you have entered the individual in error; 2. the individual does not have a treatment period recorded. If you have a treatment period recorded, you must delete the treatment period(s) before you will be allowed to delete the individual. In the list of individuals, find the individual you want to delete. WARNING You should only delete an individual if you created them in error. The database of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure will be used longitudinally to generate statistical reports for the field of Speech-Language Pathology. The cumulative database will be used to generate reports on trends and changes in the field of Speech Language Pathology. It is essential that individual be maintained on the database unless they have been created in error.
You should only delete a treatment period if you created it in error.
Delete an Individual 3 Click Remove Treatment Period Review the Treatment Period(s) for this individual -If the information is incorrect, you may edit rather than delete. Click View Treatment Period Details. -If the information is correct and you do not wish to delete the treatment period, exit the page by choosing another page from the left navigation bar. The deletion will not proceed. This page displays the Identifying Information for the individual you have chosen and a summary of the treatment period(s) you have entered. You may delete a Treatment Period if it was created in error. The Identifying Information will be maintained. You should only delete a treatment period if you created it in error.
You should only delete a treatment period if you created it in error.
Delete an Individual 4 Click Delete this Treatment Period Review the Treatment Period(s) for this individual -If the information is incorrect, you may edit rather than delete. See Updating/Changing Information. -If the information is correct and you do not wish to delete the treatment period, exit the page by choosing another page from the left navigation bar. The deletion will not proceed. You should only delete a treatment period if you created it in error.
Click View this Treatment Period
Delete an Individual 5 Click View this Treatment Period
Click Remove Individual
Delete an Individual 6 Click Remove Individual WARNING You should only delete an individual if you created them in error. The database of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure will be used longitudinally to generate statistical reports for the field of Speech-Language Pathology. The cumulative database will be used to generate reports on trends and changes in the field of Speech Language Pathology. It is essential that individual be maintained on the database unless they have been created in error.
Click Delete the individual
Delete an Individual 7 Click Delete the individual Review the Identifying Information for this individual. -If the information is incorrect, you may edit rather than delete. See Updating/Changing Information. -If the information is correct and you do not wish to delete the treatment period, exit the page by choosing another page from the left navigation bar. The deletion will not proceed. WARNING The individual will be permanently removed from the Manitoba Speech Language Pathology Outcomes Measure database. WARNING You should only delete an individual if you created them in error. The database of the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure will be used longitudinally to generate statistical reports for the field of Speech-Language Pathology. The cumulative database will be used to generate reports on trends and changes in the field of Speech Language Pathology. It is essential that individual be maintained on the database unless they have been created in error.
Delete an Individual 8
Reports Reports
Generating Reports You are able to generate a number of standard reports using the navigation bar. You are able to generate a number of specific reports regarding your caseload using the navigation bar. Standard Reports: Generated automatically based on your caseload data entry. Additional Reports: Generated by selecting specific report criteria. For all reports: -“Totals for Speech-Language Pathologist” refers to the total number of FCM areas scored. -“Clinician Caseload” refers to the number of individuals on your caseload. -“Totals for Manitoba” refers to the total number of FCM areas scored provincially. -“Manitoba Caseload” refers to the number of individuals on the provincial caseload.
Caseload Summary by FCM & Severity
Click Caseload Summary by FCM and Severity
Caseload by FCM & Severity 2
The report, Caseload Summary by FCM and Severity, is a chart describing your caseload based on FCM Ratings you have entered. - Severity levels are listed on the left margin. - FCM categories are listed across the top. Your specific caseload totals are provided along with data for the entire province.
Caseload by FCM & Severity 3
This report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, you have a total caseload of 1. The report will show only those individuals for whom you have entered at least Initial Treatment Period Data. The individual is receiving intervention in Articulation/ Phonology and at the time of the report the severity recorded is 3 or Moderate.
Caseload by FCM & Severity 4
Total number of individuals on your caseload for each Functional Communication Measure will be indicated across the row titled “Totals for (Your Name)”. Total number of individuals on your caseload for each Severity Level will be indicated down the column titled “Totals”.
Caseload by FCM & Severity 5
The report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, the “Manitoba Caseload” is 309 individuals individuals have been entered on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. The 309 individuals are receiving intervention in a total of 677 different Functional Communication areas. The number of individuals receiving intervention in each Functional Communication area is indicated across the line titled “Totals for Manitoba”.
Caseload Summary by Age
Click Caseload Summary by Age
Caseload Summary by Age 2
The report, Caseload Summary by Age, is a chart describing your caseload based on Identifying Information and FCM Ratings you have entered. - Ages are listed on the left margin. - FCM categories are listed across the top. Your specific caseload totals are provided along with data for the entire province.
Caseload Summary by Age 3
This report indicates that, for the Statistical Report year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, you have a total caseload of 1. The report will show only those individuals for whom you have entered at least Initial Treatment Period Data. The individual is receiving intervention in Articulation/ Phonology and at the time of the report the individual is 10 years of age.
Caseload Summary by Age 4
Total number of individuals on your caseload for each Functional Communication Measure will be indicated across the row titled “Totals for (Your Name)”. Total number of individuals on your caseload for each Age group will be indicated down the column titled “Totals”.
Caseload Summary by Age 5
The report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, the “Manitoba Caseload” is 309 individuals individuals have been entered on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. The 309 individuals are receiving intervention in a total of 677 different Functional Communication areas. The number of individuals receiving intervention in each Functional Communication area is indicated across the line titled “Totals for Manitoba”.
Outcomes Summary by FCM
Click Outcomes Summary by FCM
Outcomes Summary by FCM 2
The report, Outcomes Summary by FCM, is a chart describing your Outcomes calculated from the Initial and Final FCM Ratings you have entered. - FCM categories are listed on the left margin. - Outcomes are listed across the top. Outcomes are presented in terms of the percentage of individuals who have demonstrated change in their FCM Rating. - Improved – The FCM rating has improved one or more levels. - Deteriorated – The FCM Rating has deteriorated one or more levels. - Same – There has not been sufficient functional change to alter FCM rating. Your specific caseload totals are provided along with data for the entire province.
Outcomes Summary by FCM 3
This report indicates that, for the Statistical Report year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, you have a total caseload of 1. The report will show only those individuals for whom you have entered Initial and Final FCM Ratings. The individual received intervention in Articulation/ Phonology and at the time of the report the individual had improved by at least one Functional Communication Level. 100% of the individuals receiving intervention in Articulation/ Phonology Improved.
Outcomes Summary by FCM 4
The Outcomes for your total caseload will be presented in percentages Improved, Deteriorated or Same across the row titled “Totals for (Your Name)”. Total number of individuals on your caseload for each Functional Communication area will be indicated down the column titled “Totals”.
Outcomes Summary by FCM 5
The report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, the “Manitoba Caseload” is 24 individuals. 24 individuals have Initial and Final FCM Ratings entered on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. The 24 individuals are receiving intervention in a total of 24 different Functional Communication areas. The Outcomes for the Manitoba Caseload will be presented in percentages Improved, Deteriorated or Same across the row titled “Totals for Manitoba”.
Outcomes and Priority Summary
Click Outcomes and Priority Summary
Outcomes and Priority Summary 2
The report, Outcomes and Priority Summary, is a chart describing the Outcomes calculated from the Initial and Final FCM Ratings you have entered and the Priority Classifications based on the Final Priority Ratings you have entered. -Ages are listed on the left margin. . -Outcomes and Priority Classifications are listed across the top. Outcomes are presented in terms of the percentage of individuals who have demonstrated change in their FCM Rating. - Improved – The FCM rating has improved one or more levels. - Deteriorated – The FCM Rating has deteriorated one or more levels. - Same – There has not been sufficient functional change to alter FCM rating. Your specific caseload totals are provided along with data for the entire province.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 3
This report indicates that, for the Statistical Report year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, you have a total caseload of 1. The report will show only those individuals for whom you have entered Initial and Final FCM and Priority Ratings.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 4
This individual, aged 10 years, at the time of this report, had improved at least one Functional Communication Level. The individual has a Priority Classification of 3rd.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 5
100% of the individuals aged 10 years Improved. 100% of the individuals aged 10 years have a Priority Classification of 3rd. Total number of individuals on your caseload for each Age Group will be indicated down the column titled “Total Cases”.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 6
The Outcomes for your total caseload will be presented in percentages Improved, Deteriorated or Same across the row titled “Totals for (Your Name)”. The Priority Classifications for your total caseload will be presented in percentages 1st, 2nd, or 3rd across the row titled “Totals for (Your Name)”.
Outcomes and Priority Summary 7
The report indicates that, for the Statistical Report Year Sept. 1, 2003 to Aug. 31, 2004, the “Manitoba Caseload” is 24 individuals. 24 individuals have Initial and Final FCM and Priority Ratings entered on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure web site. The 24 individuals are receiving intervention in a total of 24 different Functional Communication areas. The Outcomes for the Manitoba Caseload will be presented in percentages Improved, Deteriorated or Same across the row titled “Totals for Manitoba”. The Priority Classifications for the Manitoba Caseload will be presented in percentages 1st, 2nd, or 3rd across the row titled “Totals for Manitoba”.
Click Additional Reports
Additional Reports 2 Additional Reports allows you to generate customized reports regarding your caseload. Reports can be generated by any data entry field such as provider, mode, motivation, age, sex, concomitant condition, school, etc. Results can also be customized for specific time periods. For additional information on these reports, please contact Leslie Goerzen by telephone at or by at
Implementation Manual
Implementation Manual 2
Click Implementation Manual
Implementation Manual 3
You may view or print the entire manual or sections of the manual. The documents on the Manitoba Speech-Language Pathology Outcomes Measure Web Site require Adobe Acrobat to open. If you require a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader click on the image on the web site. For easy reference, you can minimize a section of the manual and access this information while you are entering treatment data.
Personal Profile Personal Profile
Click Personal Profile
Your personal profile will appear here.
Click Change Profile to change your login information or contact information. Click Change Password to change your password.
Your personal profile will appear here.
Changing Profile Your personal profile will appear here. Click Change Profile
Change necessary information and Click Save Personal Details
Changing Profile 2 Change necessary information and Click Save Personal Details
Click here to review your new Personal Profile.
Changing Profile 3 Click here to review your new Personal Profile.
Your personal profile will appear here.
Changing Password Your personal profile will appear here. Click Change Password. NOTE: If you can’t remember your password, please contact Lydia Loboda by telephone at or by at
Changing Password 2 Enter Old Password, New Password and Verify New Password. Click Save Password.
Password Changed
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