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Understanding the Heavens Jared Peet. Warm Up – Class 2 – Understanding the Heavens What is a paradigm shift? If you don’t remember, look it up. Write.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Heavens Jared Peet. Warm Up – Class 2 – Understanding the Heavens What is a paradigm shift? If you don’t remember, look it up. Write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Heavens Jared Peet

2 Warm Up – Class 2 – Understanding the Heavens What is a paradigm shift? If you don’t remember, look it up. Write about a paradigm shift that you can think of – it can be a personal paradigm shift, or a historical event that was more of a global paradigm shift.

3 Understanding the Heavens Essential Question How did the Scientific Revolution create a “paradigm shift” in humans’ understanding of the world? Today’s Objectives How the heliocentric model created a paradigm shift in human understanding of the universe by completing a free write Know the major astronomers of the Scientific Revolution and their discoveries

4 Historical Conceptions of the Universe Tallest person at table – get Task Card and Document A from Mr. Peet Person with longest hair at table – read Task Card out loud to group When analyzing and discussing documents, ALL group members must have ONE hand on the document.

5 Free Write On a piece of paper or your laptop, respond to the following prompt: – How did the Copernican model of the universe create a paradigm shift for how humans understood the world and their place in it?

6 Geocentric View Geocentric = Earth- centered First stated by Aristotle in 300s BCE Developed by Ptolemy in 200s CE Adopted by Catholic Church as official belief – God put Earth at the center of the universe

7 Heliocentric View - Copernicus Heliocentric – Sun- centered Nicholas Copernicus – 1500s Geocentric model didn’t explain movements of moon, sun and planets 1543 - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

8 Tycho Brahe Danish Astronomer, 1546- 1601 Lost nose in a sword duel Believed Sun orbited Earth, but other planets circled Sun – “Geo- Heliocentric” Hired Johannes Kepler, a German mathematician to help prove his theory

9 Heliocentric View – Johannes Kepler Took over Brahe’s work upon his death in 1601 Supernova of 1604 – birth of star, heavens not fixed Used Brahe’s data to prove heliocentrism, showing error of Copernicus was assuming circular, not elliptical planetary orbits

10 Galileo Galilei (1564-1643) Built first telescope, 1609 First scientist to observe Saturn, craters on the moon, sunspots and moons of Jupiter Aristotle: Heavenly objects perfect spheroids – Paradigm shift! Forced by the Catholic Church to retract his writings and belief in Heliocentrism

11 Hinge Point Quiz 1.Kepler 2.Earth-centered 3.C 4.B

12 Consolidate Learning: 2 Big Take-Aways Heliocentric view of the universe challenged established position of the Catholic Church Scientific observation (a Renaissance humanist idea!) created a paradigm shift in the way humans understood the universe

13 Homework Read and take notes on Chapter 19, Section 1 – Document is posted to Moodle – Complete, detailed notes will be worth 3 points

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