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INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The New American Dream. OBJECTIVES  Be able to identify factors that contributed to industrial growth.  Be able to identify important.

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Presentation on theme: "INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The New American Dream. OBJECTIVES  Be able to identify factors that contributed to industrial growth.  Be able to identify important."— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVES  Be able to identify factors that contributed to industrial growth.  Be able to identify important inventors and explain how their inventions contributed to the industrial revolution.  Be able to analyze how those inventions influence their everyday life.

3 STARTING POINT  Starts in England moves across Europe  Gets to America a little slower A new nation becomes a leader

4 THE NEW AMERICAN DREAM  The rebirth of the American Dream after the disaster of the Civil War and reconstruction  If you could work hard enough, be creative enough, or move fast enough you could raise your social station and be a great leader

5 ANDREW CARNEGIE “The special aptitude of this race for colonization, its vigor and enterprise, and its capacity for governing, although brilliantly manifested in all parts of the world, have never ben shown to such advantages as in America.”

6 HOW THE NATION DEVELOPS  Development of factory system of production  Mass production of goods  Investments in new technologies  Increased diversity of goods produced


8 NECESSITY -THE MOTHER OF INVENTION Spinning machine Need to speed up weaving Power loom created

9 NECESSITY -THE MOTHER OF INVENTION Power loom Increased demand for raw cotton Invention of the cotton gin

10 NECESSITY -THE MOTHER OF INVENTION Cotton gin Improvements in iron smelting and the development of steel Demands for stronger iron

11 INVENTIONS AND INVENTORS One invention inevitably leads to improvements upon it and to more inventions

12 BESSEMER PROCESS  A process of producing steel, in which impurities are removed by forcing a blast of air through molten iron  Sir Henry Bessemer of England  William Kelly developed similar system by Bessemer’s is the one that stuck

13 BESSEMER  Mass Production of steel  Leads to rail roads, sky scrapers, improvements in construction and manufacturing  Steel is the most important metal used over the past 150+ years

14 INTERCHANGEABLE PARTS  Identical components that can be substituted for one another  Led to mass production  Things become less expensive because not hand crafted

15 ELIAS HOWE  Inventor of the sewing machine 1846  Women no longer have to handmaid clothes  Expanded personal wardrobes  Singer came out with a better design

16 THOMAS EDISON  Light bulb Long lasting carbon filament Shop after work  Wizard of Menlo Park Commercialized the art of inventing (made it a business )  Worked on Motion Pictures  Pioneered the direction and use of electricity

17 Started the General Electric Company

18 NIKOLA TESLA  Edison preferred direct current Current couldn’t carry for more than two miles  Nicola Tesla believed energy is cyclical Direct current flows continuously in one direction; alternating current changes direction 50 or 60 times per second and can be stepped up to vary high voltage levels, minimizing power loss across great distances  Alternating motor  Basis for how we direct and use energy today

19 GOTTLIEB DAIMLER  German  Gasoline engine (1885)  Led to the invention of the automobile  Henry Ford and the Model T

20 GEORGE EASTMAN  Paper based photographic film (used to be glass)  Cheap camera, the Kodak  10 dollars to developed and print the film

21 ADVERTISING AND MARKETING  Mass production led to the market being flooded.  They produced more than the public demanded  Once you have a sewing machine you don’t need another one  How do you get customers to come and buy more?  They used things like brand names, trademarks, guarantees, slogans, endorsements, even box tops


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