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. Presentation at the international conference Knowledge Economy: Luxury or Necessity of the National Strategy Vilnius 6-8 October 2004 organized by the.

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Presentation on theme: ". Presentation at the international conference Knowledge Economy: Luxury or Necessity of the National Strategy Vilnius 6-8 October 2004 organized by the."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Presentation at the international conference Knowledge Economy: Luxury or Necessity of the National Strategy Vilnius 6-8 October 2004 organized by the Knowledge Economy Forum and Knowledge Society Management Institute of Law University of Lithuania, supported by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Economy and Vilnius city municipality


3 DEVELOPMENT OF THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY FORESIGHT: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE He who is unaware of the future does not know the present. Having knowledge both about the past and the present is not enough for anticipating the future, - that should be shaped by you yourself as a product of the past as well as the present: there is need for anticipating you yourself. 16 March 1922 Jānis Rainis

4 1) The Development of Information Societies based on the large-scale diffusion and utilization of new IT, which have allowed for unprecedent capabilities in capturing, procession, storing and communicating data & information. Other important developments: GLOBALIZATION 2) The increasing importance of innovation (especially technological but also organizational) as an element of corporative and national competiveness, and in strategies to increase efficiency and effectiveness of organizations of all types. CHANGES in in organizations in all sectors 3)The development of Service Economies in which the bulk of economic activity, employment and output is taking place in service sectors of economy, in which service is an important management principle in organizations in all sectors, and where specilized services (especially Knowledge-Intensive Business Services) are providing critical inputs to organizations in all sectors DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURES CULTURAL PRACTICES 4) Knowledge management arises as a specific issue, as organisations seek to apply formal techniques and information systems to help them make more effective use of their data resources (e.g. data mining), information assets (e.g. Enterprise Resource System) and expertise (e.g. human resource development, groupware and collaborative systems). ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS

5 1) The Development of Information Societies based on the large-scale diffusion and utilization of new IT, which have allowed for unprecedent capabilities in capturing, procession, storing and communicating data & information. Other important developments: GLOBALIZATION 2) The increasing importance of innovation (especially technological but also organizational) as an element of corporative and national competiveness, and in strategies to increase efficiency and effectiveness of organizations of all types. CHANGES in in organizations in all sectors 3)The development of Service Economies in which the bulk of economic activity, employment and output is taking place in service sectors of economy, in which service is an important management principle in organizations in all sectors, and where specilized services (especially Knowledge-Intensive Business Services) are providing critical inputs to organizations in all sectors DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURES CULTURAL PRACTICES 4) Knowledge management arises as a specific issue, as organisations seek to apply formal techniques and information systems to help them make more effective use of their data resources (e.g. data mining), information assets (e.g. Enterprise Resource System) and expertise (e.g. human resource development, groupware and collaborative systems). ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS


7 European Knowledge Society Foresight - a Handbook of Methodology November 2002 PREST and FFRC for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions

8 Foresight as a Process Renewal Pre- Foresight Recruitment Generation Action

9 Experts Panels Intelligence Gathering Knowledge Fusing Visioning Targeting Synthesis Dissemination Implementation Stakeholders Scoping Foresight as a Process: methods Renewal PreForesight RecruitmentGeneration Action Monitoring Management Evaluation

10 All the reports for the EUFORIA project on Knowledge Society Foresight, in one convenient place. Never in the field of Knowledge Society Foresight was so much written by so few in so little time... Ian Miles September 28, 2004

11 . Reflection on interrelated trends and issues (we are within their intersection) can help to guide decision making related to the entrepreneurial mindset development, innovative learning and entrepreneurial actions

12 Knowledge Economy plus... via-knowledge-economy-assessment.html via-knowledge-economy-assessment.html

13 The used methods in LNELS Environmental scanning Background intelligence gathering Literature analysis Personal interviews Stakeholders' mapping Conferences/Workshops Brainstorming Delphi European foresight best practice learning

14 From the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council (17-18 June 2004) 44. The European Council reiterates its call to the Council and the Member States for further efforts to close delivery gap in the implementation of the Lisbon strategy

15 From the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council (17-18 June 2004) 44. The European Council reiterates its call to the Council and the Member States for further efforts to close delivery gap in the implementation of the Lisbon strategy Language challenge

16 WE NEED KNOWLEDGE FOR 2005 - 2010 -.... to change paradigm from current embarrassment and bewilderment: "Is it possible to translate the Lisbon strategy into adequate and suitable actions in a Member State if political leadership does not (?) understand framework and conceptual settings of the Lisbon process for a citizen, companies and nation, does not talk about enablers and impediments of the process to their voters, cannot help in mobilizing society for economic, social and environmental renewal?"

17 "From “what a knowledge society is and why it is necessary”, towards how “how to become a knowledge society”, knowledge management is the foundation. What should be included in the KM “to do” list: - To develop a vision and a strategy for a knowledge - based organization is a must. - The mindset needs to be changed from managing information in the traditional way to the modern way which leads to effective knowledge management systems, namely, IT supported systems. - It is pivotal to develop incentives and personal development opportunities for information management in an organization. - To manage knowledge via networking."

18 KS, knowledge management & foresight conference Knowledge Society and Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Europe and Latvia October 14th - 15th 2004, Riga The Banking Institution of Higher Education (Latvia) cordially invites you to the conference organized in cooperation with the UNDP Latvia, the Municipality of Riga, SPACE International Association - Network for Language and Business Studies, the Forward Studies Unit (Latvia), "Consort Ltd." (Latvia).

19 On a such foundation as EFB, developing KSF outputs, activities and targets, we create the new virtual entity process of interaction between individuals, organizations, enterprises; opportunities to develop communities of practice; innovative application of the Basics framework for thinking, knowledge (tacit and explicit) sharing, knowledge fusion and management aiming at possible futures for policies and strategies at all levels.

20 EFN initiative is opened to stakeholders everywhere Part II

21 Knowledge (tacit and explicit) about possible futures for policies and strategies Idea Goals FORESIGHT FOR ENTREPRENEURS AND COMPANIES what? why? how? Added value (personal, organizational)

22 What we need first thinking about foresight as an emerging interdisciplinary field of enquiry both for entrepreneur and ‘foresight professional’ ?

23 Foresight added value is strategical knowledge We are to live in information, knowledge-based and knowledge-value society of the 21st century Our personal and organizational interests, entrepreneurship spirit and development of the mindset require strategical thinking, skills and wisdom meeting uncertain and changing environment, learning and doing in different contexts

24 To be wisdom and rich in assets is to invest in committments, in knowledge sharing and time management Produced added value will be output bit by bit, step by step and to great extent embedded in intangible assets How to transmit new tacit and explicit knowledge in technologies and innovation to create material and financial assets - it provides the most critical foresight issue reflecting ‘two sides of the one coin’

25 The term ‘knowledge-value society’ was introduced by Taichi Sakaiya in 1985 to define a a society where the value of knowledge is the primary source of economic growth and corporate profit, where the entrepreneur is also the scientist. The unit of analysis for innovation is neither a product nor a technology, but a business concept (Hamel, 2000) is the key to creating new value enabled by technology

26 The term ‘knowledge-value society’ was introduced by Taichi Sakaiya in 1985 to define a a society where the value of knowledge is the primary source of economic growth and corporate profit, where the entrepreneur is also the scientist. The unit of analysis for innovation is neither a product nor a technology, but a business concept (Hamel, 2000) is the key to creating new value enabled by technology

27 What does it mean for SME’s or big corporations ?

28 We think, learn, debate and shape our future utilizing human interaction in physical, mental, virtual space, or any combination of them (the concept of ‘Ba’, I.Nonaka, N.Konno) Society and Technology Foresight.pdf

29 Towards a European foresight area achieving the Lisbon goals


31 Options for entrepreneurs and companies also in Latvia, Lithuania, in Europe

32 New Knowledge Creation and Transfer New knowledge creation in whatever area is the basis for innovation and good quality entrepreneurship. New knowledge creation requires research: - scientific and technological research; - non-scientific, non-technological research. In addition, the successful transfer of the knowledge into existing organizations or new organizations is required to capture the real benefits.

33 Foresight for Innovation – thinking and debating future: shaping and aligning policies EU foresight conference 14/15 June 2004 Dublin Workshop 3 Entrepreneurial and Innovative Economy A working paper

34 In the area of non-science and non-technology, research is also vital in developing new knowledge to fuel the innovative economy. This type of research is not sufficiently recognized in terms of importance and its impact. It is relevant to all organizations, whether public sector, private sector, manufacturing or services. The kind of research that are relevant include: how to develop innovative firms and understand the processes of innovation in all areas and at all levels; how to foster creativity and innovation among all employees and create culture of entrepreneurship and innovation; the development of methodologies for new product / service development; development of processes for business process engineering and world class business; the development of new approaches to customer relationship management and supplier relationship management; export market development strategies; and the processes of developing new firms and commercialising the outputs of research. This research can have far reaching effects on organizations and, in many cases can have a greater impact on competitiveness that S&T type research. New Knowledge Creation and Transfer

35 All organizations -People -Public -Civil Service -Voluntary

36 All organizations -People -Public -Civil Service -Voluntary Links to Suppliers Customers

37 All organizations -People -Public -Civil Service -Voluntary Links to Suppliers Customers Citizens Customers Consumers Culture Behavior Attitude

38 All organizations -People -Public -Civil Service -Voluntary Links to Suppliers Customers Citizens Customers Consumers Culture Behavior Attitude New knowledge creation and transfer which is the wellspring of innovation and quality entrepreneurship Enlighted Governance which creates the right environment and context Education, training and development and lifelong learning which creates the intellectual resources required Infrastructure which enables the economy to function effectively and efficiently Social capital and infrastructure which creates the quality of the social and living environment Organizations playing specific support roles

39 Entrepreneurial and Innovative Economy

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