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Or is it?. Is “Necessity the Mother of Invention”? Discuss this with your group. Be able to explain why you believe this statement IS or IS NOT correct.

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Presentation on theme: "Or is it?. Is “Necessity the Mother of Invention”? Discuss this with your group. Be able to explain why you believe this statement IS or IS NOT correct."— Presentation transcript:

1 Or is it?

2 Is “Necessity the Mother of Invention”? Discuss this with your group. Be able to explain why you believe this statement IS or IS NOT correct. What do you think?

3 You will be given an invention to investigate. Find out as much as you can about the invention. Write 10 clues about the invention you investigated. The clues should get easier and easier as you get to clue number 10 Clue number one should really make your classmates think. By the time you get to clue 10, your classmates should KNOW what the invention is. An example follows: Keep track of the amount of clues you hear until you are able to write down the name of the invention. Do NOT yell the answer out. Simply write it down on your paper and wait until all clues are revealed to find out if you were correct. Invention Investigation

4 1.Grover Cleveland was President of the United States when I came to be. 2.I was invented in Atlanta, Georgia 3.The man who invented me also invented Indian Queen Magic Hair Dye and French Wine Coca – The Ideal Nerve Tonic, Health Restorer and Stimulant 4.My inventor used a boat oar to mix me in a brass kettle heated over an open fire 5.John Pemberton invented me 6.I was invented as a remedy for headaches. 7.In 1886 my average sales were 9 per day 8.The cocaine that was originally used to make me was removed in 1903 9.I was originally made with plain water but carbonated water made me even better. What Am I?

5 I0. I was originally packaged in a specially contoured bottle… AND….Number 10

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