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HELPING DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE Belgian contribution Grundtvig Learning Partnership – DISCOVER 23-27. March 2011 Belgium.

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Presentation on theme: "HELPING DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE Belgian contribution Grundtvig Learning Partnership – DISCOVER 23-27. March 2011 Belgium."— Presentation transcript:

1 HELPING DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE Belgian contribution Grundtvig Learning Partnership – DISCOVER 23-27. March 2011 Belgium

2 CPAS CPAS Public Centre of Social Help Action

3 CPAS of Charleroi Council of Social Action Permanent committee Sp e cial committees 1. Management - administration 2. Actors of CPAS 2. Actors of CPAS Pr e sident Secretary Treasurer Staff : 2.093 personnes

4 3. Missions of CPAS  information  psycho-social, moral and educational help, guidance  financial help via social integration income  management of services with social, curative or preventive characteristics  proposal of jobs

5 4. Who benefits from CPAS ? Unemployed Homeless Immigrants Elderly people Disabled Everyone is eligible to access CPAS

6 5. What is « CPAS »  Housing service  Youth service  Debts mediation  Service of psychosocial help  Home help and care  Neighbourhood actions  Local activities  Social insertion

7 6. Financial resources of Charleroi CPAS

8 The different types of actions of CPAS A. Social help B. Home help and care C. Welcome and housing for elderly people D. Mental health E. Neighbourhood action F. Social economy

9 A. Social help Social unit  « Passage 45 »  Social urgency unit  Housing unit  Youth unit  Energy unit  Debts mediation  Legal unit  First necessity goods unit

10 First Mission = Human dignity Integration income on 01/06/2009: CategoryMonthly amount « cohabitant »484 € Person living on her own 726 € Person with family968 €

11 a) « passage 45 » 4 Social shops Solidarity economy space « Carrefour-Project » - Service of social integration (SIS) Workshops

12 b) Social urgency unit c) Housing unit 15 places for kids aged 6 years old with family problems d) Youth unit (family house in Monceau) e) Energy unit f) Debts m é diation g) Legal unit h) Grants for goods of absolute necessity 2.727 heating grants in 2010 (+ 89%) 200 loan files + 47% files since 2006

13 « S é lection-Tutorat » (Art 60 - loi de 1976) Full time jobs (38h/week)  right to « unemployed » status (depends on worker’s age ) activity sectors: technical services, cleaning, cooking, help to people, paper work... Where? CPAS and city services (homes, citizen spaces, neighbourhood actions,…) Cooperatives Non profit organizations

14 B. Home Help and care 1. Medical care at home 2. Family help 3. Meals at home 4. Cleaning ladies (service)

15 C. Welcome for elderly people 917 beds (budget 2010:40.000.000 euros)38 to 50 euros a room 9 residences D. Mental health Specific services: children, teenagers and adults with psychological, psychiatric and relationship problems

16 E. Neighbourhood actions Three citoyen spaces (Porte Ouest, Dampremy, La Docherie)



19 Socio-professional integration guidance, trainings advice Goods and services offer help, support jobs Sustainable developement Autonomy of fragile persons Three main objectives F. Social economy unit Example: Trans'form target group : adults with little schooling and without working experience activities:collection, mending and selling of used electrical appliances

20 statistics statistics 1. Evolution of social help in Charleroi Source : CPAS DE CHARLEROI – Note de politique générale 2011

21 2. Evolution of the number of people set back to work (articles 60 et 61) year20062007200820092010 Number of people 604659667674696 Source : CPAS DE CHARLEROI – Note de politique générale 2011

22 4. SOCIAL ACTION socio-professional integration politics Services Number of people helped in 2010 Social economy 1.300 Social integration (workshops for mobilization) 2.500 Socio-professional integration (article 60) via CPAS 800 Professional integration in private factories (article 61 - Activa) 320 Source : CPAS DE CHARLEROI – Note de politique générale 2011

23 Thanks a lot !

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