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Defining France Grilles resource allocation strategy Gilles Mathieu, IN2P3 Computing Centre France Grilles International Advisory Committee – March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining France Grilles resource allocation strategy Gilles Mathieu, IN2P3 Computing Centre France Grilles International Advisory Committee – March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining France Grilles resource allocation strategy Gilles Mathieu, IN2P3 Computing Centre France Grilles International Advisory Committee – March 2011

2 2 What do we want?  We want to assess: How resources and services are distributed How needs are expressed and answered to What we could do better  We want to have the means to: Apply a national scientific policy Better answer to user needs Improve service delivery to the French community 2

3 What can we do?  Define resource allocation principles That consider user needs and national policies That stay in line with Grid specificities  Apply these principles Through a clear strategy at national level Without interfering when not necessary 3

4 4 Where do we start?  Get inspiration from… What was done in EGEE What is done in WLCG How it works in other sectors (e.g. HPC) How other NGIs do it  Build up a strategy that… Makes the most of what already exists Takes our specificities into account 4

5 Proposed principles  Necessity to evaluate allocation demands A priori – How much can we allocate? Does it follow national policy? A posteriori – Have we allocated properly? Do we need to readjust?  Final decision… Is taken by whom the resources belong to Can result in formal agreements  Necessity to define the role of the NGI As a facilitator between users and providers As a possible point of contact and broker 5

6 Different use cases  Depending on who the user is A new user or new community An existing community for which we are the sole resource providers An existing international community  Depending on what the user wants Precise needs in terms of resources Just "use the grid" 6

7 RA to new users (1)  Proposed workflow User Broker Scientific committee Established VO NGI Operations NGI/VO Training Ask resources Matching community? Transfer request yes no Is user "grid aware"? Send user to Resources > threshold? no yes Transfer request Ask for validation Request agreed? Transfer request VO based resources allocation NGI based resources allocation Project redirection or rejection yes no 7

8 RA to new users (2)  NGI based agreement Support user in: NGI Operations Resource Providers Site based support agreements Resources proposals Scientific committee "Catch all" VO User Resources request New VO recommandations agreement Needs for Resources Needs for Services Service Providers Site based support agreements Services proposals negotiations User 8

9 RA to new users (3)  A posteriori analysis What has been used? Does this answer user’s needs? Have agreements been followed? Is there a need to renegotiate? 9

10 RA to established communities (1)  With an existing allocation process E.g. WLCG We should not interfere or conflict  Without a formalized process E.g. biomed We should be here to help 10

11 RA to established communities (2)  Place the NGI as a facilitator for resource negociations Strategic policies Facilitation Concrete agreements VRC VO EGI NGI Sites 11

12 Can we implement this?  “New user” use case Establishment of a national VO under study Modalities of establishing a NGI point of contact  “Established communities” use case Study usage of a resource negotiation tool Bring the discussion at EGI level 12

13 What’s next? (1)  “new user” use-case through national VO Validate initial hypotheses Study pertinence and feasibility o Can we technically do what we want? o How does that currently work (e.g. local VOs)? Reach an agreement with all involved parties Establish national VO specifications Define deployment plan Timeline: Now – Fall 2011 13

14 What’s next? (2)  RA to established communities Validate initial hypotheses Study pertinence and feasibility o Is something better than nothing? o Do we have the means to enforce our strategy? Initiate a wider discussion (e.g. within EGI) Reach an agreement with all involved parties Define and organize definition tasks 14

15 Open questions  How can we easily integrate our strategy to what exists?  Is there always a need for filtering?  How not to mix “allocation” and “reservation”?  Is it worth the effort? 15

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