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Planning Aid England Our Experience John Romanski BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI – Senior Neighbourhood Planning Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Aid England Our Experience John Romanski BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI – Senior Neighbourhood Planning Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Aid England Our Experience John Romanski BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI – Senior Neighbourhood Planning Advisor

2 What we do provide free, independent, professional planning advice to people who do not have the means to pay professional fees provide support and training to local communities so they can influence and contribute to planning strategy, policy and decision making Focus on Neighbourhood Planning Support 2

3 Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning 2013-2015 3 Programme launched on 15 April 2013 and applications opened on 1 May 2013 Two main aspects to support: grants and direct support Also a shared learning element There is one consortium delivering the programme, rather than four support organisations as before The programme is open to groups who have already had SCNP support and to new groups

4 We Provide a Valuable Service… 4

5 Examination 5 Arranged and funded by LPA So what does this have to do with the Qualifying Body? Integral to the process They have the power of veto Burdens money can only be claimed on successful examination

6 What are we advising groups? What is the examination process? What needs to be submitted for Examination? What Examiners are looking at? What is not relevant to the Examination? What Examiners will be recommending? What they require from the LPA? 6

7 Process 7 Arranged and funded by LPA Appointment must be agreed with the Qualifying Body Independent No interest in the land Appropriate qualifications and experience Default position of written reps Hearing may be required Production of report with recommendations… None binding… LPA makes decision

8 What Should be Submitted Map of the NA Draft plan, BCS and CS Evidence! SEA (if required… screening opinion if not) 8

9 What are Examiners Looking at? Compliance with the Basic Conditions! Land use planning policies Consultation responses Referendum area 9

10 Examiners will not look at… Non land use planning policies Compliance with emerging policy Representations that do not deal with the basic conditions 10

11 Examiner’s Recommendation Pass, pass with modifications or Fail! Appropriateness of the referendum area None binding! Group and LPA need to agree any modifications 11

12 What do Groups Need from You? Advice on what a land use planning policy is (and is not!) Evidence to support policy direction Confirmation on what strategic policies are and their implication for proposed policy Input form Development Management colleagues SEA screening 12

13 What is the QB’s view of Examination? Feel excluded from the process Not always clear on necessity for modifications Issues being raised at post submission consultation Examiner often seen as faceless entity Losing control of their destiny 13

14 Top Tips for Groups Give the Examiner a fighting chance! – Clear and concise layout – Evidence clearly cross referenced – Planning policies clearly identifiable Engage with the LPA earlier than the submission stage – DM and Policy officers – Evidence base – Strategic policy context 14

15 20 Contact Details Neighbourhood Planning Support: Advice Line: 0330 123 9244 E-mail:

16 PAS Neighbourhood Planning Workshop 29 April 2014 Leeds

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