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CCF Summer camp What's going to happen. Penhale 2007. THS CCF Penhale.

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1 CCF Summer camp What's going to happen

2 Penhale 2007. THS CCF Penhale

3 Administration CCF T-shirts are a necessity for camp in order to be part of a team- “Swift and Bold” Males will be split into two billets, one under the command of CSM Spriggs/ Sgt Harraway, the other under command of C/Sgt Daw and C/Sgt Kircher-Smith. The girls will be in separate billets which will be under the command of the female NCO’s- Cpl Fitz-Gerald. You will be split into three sections and get mingling! You will have a kit list given to you before camp, you must make sure you have all the kit stated. REMEMBER-Camp may be challenging at times, give your 101% and you will get a lot out of it. You will need to maintain a high standard of kit, this is important as there will be other cadets from other units, we need to show that we are the best, don’t worry the NCO’s will help you.

4 Camp Daily Routine. Reveille-0630 Breakfast- 0630-0800 First Parade/Block and Area inspection-0825-0830 Training begins- 0830-1230 Lunch-1230-1330 Training ends-1600 Evening Meal-1700-1830 Evening Activities-1830-2000 Own time-2000-2200 Bed check-2230 Light’s out-2300 (Daily routine subject to change)

5 Saturday 14 th July You will leave from school and take approx 4 hours to get to Penhale, on the bus the CSM and C/Sgt’s will provide in-flight entertainment including- “Wheels on the Bus”. Once you have arrived at camp you will need to listen to the NCO’s instructions and follow their orders, it will be a bit daunting but we will be there as a team. Once you have arrived into your billet you will sort out personal admin and the billet NCO’s will teach you how to make your beds. In the evening there will be time to go to the NAAFI. (Little tip though, get your head down early, as you need as much sleep as you can).

6 Sunday 15 th July Day on the ranges Chances to fire LSW’s Learn how to use the LSW’s An observation stand. A Survival stand. Cup of tea and a biscuit

7 Evening This is an orienteering competition in which everyone must participate in and you have half an hour to find as many stamps as you can. Be able to spend some time in the NAAFI as well as making sure the billets are clean. (This will be part of every evening routine)

8 Monday 16 th July This day is spent at the lake where there is the chance to go kayaking, raft building, racing and sailing.

9 Tuesday 17 th July Tests on all Cadet skills. AFV recognition 25 metre range First aid Command tasks Treasure hunt Obstacle course training Climbing and abseiling

10 Wednesday 18 th July Signals day. A day of learning about comms and radio equipment, this is taught by members of the Royal Signals and involves talking on a National Radio Net.

11 Evening In the evening cadets are given the opportunity to participate in a competitive March and Shoot. This involves a two mile run followed by a shoot on the 25 metre range.

12 Thursday 19 th July Military skills including Camouflage and Concealment Ambush stand Jungle lane Section attacks

13 Evening In the evening there is an obstacle course competition in which teams of 10 race against each other and the clock! Then you have your own time and the NCOs may buy you a drink if you have been good boys and girls!

14 Friday 20 th July Leave camp around 9 or 10 am after block inspection and hand over. You will arrive back at THS at around 1 pm. Time for the summer and flip-flops!


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