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Subject: Package waste and their arraugement. The role and function of packages in the trade turnover.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject: Package waste and their arraugement. The role and function of packages in the trade turnover."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject: Package waste and their arraugement

2 The role and function of packages in the trade turnover

3 Packages after the sale packages in the goods turnover using in the household package waste

4 Types of containers

5 Types of the glass containers

6 Types of containers There are four types of waste containers: yellow – plastic white – white glass green – colorful glass blue – paper

7 Necessity of waste segregation and the ways of package waste arrangement  recycled processing (material recycling)  thermal recycling  composting

8 Material recycling This is the process of waste reuse, they are given back as recycling materials and the new products are made of them.

9 Thermal recycling It is the waste burning in special factories. After the burning process we get the energy.

10 Composting – biological process of decomposting the organic waste in the presence of air.

11 The possibilities of producing too much packaging waste

12 Minimalizing of packages in produkt condensation

13 The „2 in 1” and „3 in 1” produsts

14 Using of packages environmentaly friendly and their ranking That means usefulness of the package for multiple use Usefulness for recycling Recycling sign Packages environmentaly friendly

15 On account of the effect on evironment packages are devided into:  ecological (euvironmently friendly)  non-ecological

16 Ecological packagings They are easy to use as recycled materials or they are biodegenerated by natural factors

17 Non – ecological packages They cannot be reused, and they are biodegeration – proof so they are harmful to the environment

18 Summary Waste recycling and the protection of natural environment.

19 What can I do to reduce the amount of packagings in the council waste? buy „two in one” products buy smaller packets with condenset goods buy products in natural packets Segregate the waste buy products in environmentally friendly packets which can be recycled buy products in returnable containers

20 Homework Think about the subject: „Each package waste can be the recycling material”.

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