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Phonics Theme 1 Dragon Gets By Miss Udell. Blending handbasketstaff How many vowel sounds are in each word? How many syllables are in each word.

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Presentation on theme: "Phonics Theme 1 Dragon Gets By Miss Udell. Blending handbasketstaff How many vowel sounds are in each word? How many syllables are in each word."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonics Theme 1 Dragon Gets By Miss Udell

2 Blending handbasketstaff How many vowel sounds are in each word? How many syllables are in each word.

3 How many vowels? How many syllables? h a n d

4 How many vowels? How many syllables? b a s k e t

5 How many vowels? How many syllables? s t a f f

6 Blending withlistbib How many vowel sounds are in each word? How many syllables are in each word? Are the vowels closed in?

7 How many vowels? How many syllables? w i t h

8 How many vowels? How many syllables? l i s t

9 b i b

10 Let’s Read a Sentence! Pack the picnic basket. Which words have one syllable? Which words have two syllables?

11 Pack the picnic basket.

12 A Closer Look Pack the picnic basket. How many vowel sounds are there in the following words? packpicnicbasket

13 A Closer Look packpicnicbasket Are the vowels closed in? Are the vowels making their short or long sounds?

14 It is your turn! Listen to Miss Udell read each word. Think about how many syllables are in each word. Blend one syllable at a time. Think about the consonants that close in the vowel.

15 Now let’s write a sentence. Listen as Miss Udell reads the sentence. Write one word at a time. Think about the consonants that close in the vowel sounds.

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