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Parts of Speech Bingo! 6th grade. Teacher Directions Create bingo boards with the following parts of speech: Noun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Pronoun. Create.

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of Speech Bingo! 6th grade. Teacher Directions Create bingo boards with the following parts of speech: Noun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Pronoun. Create."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of Speech Bingo! 6th grade

2 Teacher Directions Create bingo boards with the following parts of speech: Noun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Pronoun. Create bingo pieces for students to cover the board. Create bingo boards with the following parts of speech: Noun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Pronoun. Create bingo pieces for students to cover the board.

3 Directions / Use the board and color strips. Don’t erase the board. / When I show you a sentence you need to place a color strip on the correct part of speech (see example) / If you are right you get to keep the space covered, if not you must take it off….cheating will get you kicked out of the game. / Use the board and color strips. Don’t erase the board. / When I show you a sentence you need to place a color strip on the correct part of speech (see example) / If you are right you get to keep the space covered, if not you must take it off….cheating will get you kicked out of the game.

4 READY? LET’S TRY ONE TOGETHER… The girl ran down the street. LET’S TRY ONE TOGETHER… The girl ran down the street.

5 The Answer / Girl is a noun, if you placed a color strip on a noun spot, fantastic! / If not you have to take it off, try again! / The first person to get a row of four wins!!!!! / Girl is a noun, if you placed a color strip on a noun spot, fantastic! / If not you have to take it off, try again! / The first person to get a row of four wins!!!!!

6 / She was wearing an old sweater. / What is the part of speech for old? / She was wearing an old sweater. / What is the part of speech for old?

7 ADJECTIVE! / Old describes what kind of sweater, so it’s an adjective

8 What part of speech? / Sally worked carefully on her test.

9 ADVERB! carefully describes in what manner she worked.

10 What part of speech? Justin was really surprised when he won bingo!

11 ADVERB Really describes to what extent Justin was surprised.

12 What part of speech? / Andrew decided to be quiet in class.

13 NOUN! / Andrew is a proper noun, he is a person (well, sort of!)

14 What part of speech? / Sarah and Cagney were scampering to social studies class.

15 VERB / Were is a linking verb, connecting Sarah and Cagney to what they were doing, which was scampering!

16 What part of speech? / The murder of crows flew toward Tyler.

17 COLLECTIVE NOUN Murder is a collective noun.

18 What part of speech? They must have been taken by taxi to the airport.

19 HELPING VERBS! Must have been taken work together to help connect the noun with the rest of the sentence.

20 What part of speech? Danielle ran quickly from science class…screaming as she went.

21 ADVERB Quickly describes in what manner Danielle ran.

22 What part of speech? Michael decided to play frisbee

23 What part of speech? Being silly is Dylan’s full-time job.

24 ADJECTIVE! Full-time is a compound adjective describing job!

25 What Part of Speech? Our friends should have arrived today.

26 Verb! Should have is a helping verb.

27 Pit Stop! Quickly list 5 helping verbs you know… Ex: would, could…. Raise your hand when you have 5! You win a sticker. Quickly list 5 helping verbs you know… Ex: would, could…. Raise your hand when you have 5! You win a sticker.

28 The Most Common Linking VERB: BE Looking at your cheat sheet will help you win bingo quicker, be sure you know the forms of be Amcan be have been Arehas been may have Ismight beshould be Was Am being and many more!! Looking at your cheat sheet will help you win bingo quicker, be sure you know the forms of be Amcan be have been Arehas been may have Ismight beshould be Was Am being and many more!!

29 What Part of Speech? Mahlynn is a super student.

30 Linking VERB!!!! Is is a common form of be!

31 What Part of Speech? This red car is so cute!

32 ADJECTIVES!!! This, that, those, these can be adjectives…they are called demonstrative adjectives.

33 What Part of Speech? Everyone now practices daily.

34 ADVERB! Now answers the question when?

35 What Part of Speech? In the confusion, she nearly injured herself.

36 Adverb! Nearly answers the question to what extent.

37 What part of speech? The picnic table was filled with food.

38 NOUN, of course!

39 What Part of Speech? The picnic table was almost filled with food.

40 ADJECTIVE! Describing the table…what kind of table.

41 What Part of Speech? The picnic table was almost filled with food.

42 VERBS!!! Was is a linking verb and filled is an action verb…. The linking verb is linking the subject to the action. Was is a linking verb and filled is an action verb…. The linking verb is linking the subject to the action.

43 What Part of Speech? The picnic table was almost filled with food.

44 What Part of Speech the railroad was running off it’s tracks.

45 NOUN!!!

46 What Part of Speech? They are happy and talkative.

47 ADJECTIVES They both describe the subject, but wait where is the subject? They is the subject…no, it’s not a noun, it’s a pronoun! They both describe the subject, but wait where is the subject? They is the subject…no, it’s not a noun, it’s a pronoun!

48 PRONOUN / A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or a group of words acting as a noun.

49 Pronoun Examples Personal Pronouns: Used more than any other pronoun, refers to the person speaking, the person being spoken to, or the person, place, or thing spoken about.

50 Personal Pronouns / I me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours / You, yours, your / He, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs / I me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours / You, yours, your / He, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs

51 Find the pronoun… We tried to call home. The judge said your dance was the best. The teacher asked him a difficult question. We tried to call home. The judge said your dance was the best. The teacher asked him a difficult question.

52 Answers We tried to call home. The judge said your dance was the best. The teacher asked him a difficult question. We tried to call home. The judge said your dance was the best. The teacher asked him a difficult question.

53 ADVERB! Almost answers the question to what extent the picnic table was filled.

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